Chapter 59: More Fights

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Narrator's P.O.V.

The atmosphere was thick and tense. "Now tell me..." Fred hissed. "Why did you kiss my little sister not once, but twice" Fred's guns were got and at the moment he, Jack, and Kendra looked like Jeff wad going to die- and that wasn't far from the truth.

"I haven't even kissed her once yet" now Dark was pissed. "He wants to kiss her and you're not about to kill him" Jeff protested. "I'd rather have him date my master, than you. I can't stand you" Kendra hissed.

"I can't stand you either." Jeff snarled which quickly turned into a scream of pain as a sais was embedded into each of Jeff's leg. Flame grinned- she liked seeing people in pain. And causing people pain.

Jeff was now continuously being stabbed. Jack grabbed an ice spear and slowly cut the boy's arms, while Kendra was fuming. The demon maid's sais were glinting dangerously and Fred had bullets indented all throughout Jeff's arms and legs.

The trio finished quickly after that, as was the popcorn and the video. Jeff lay on the ground, battered, bruised, bloody, and unconscious. The room was empty, except for the guy who may or may not be dead and Flame.

"I have serious mixed emotions about this" the raven haired girl chuckled softly. "WHO WANTS TO GO DROP PAINT BOMBS OFF A ROOM WITH ME" Flame yelled. "I DO" BEN and Dark yelled in unison. "THEN COME ON" she yelled.

"OKAY" both yelled in unison. "I'M BORROWING YOUR BLACK SWEATER" Dark yelled. "YOU CAN'T BORROW MY BLACK SWEATER THAT'S MY FAVORITE SWEATER" she yelled. "... FINE" Dark yelled.

"HURRY UP" she yelled/whined. They were taking forever... "And people wonder why I don't like people" she muttered. "You don't like people huh" Dark's voice was now above her. "Good you're here now" she grinned and handed the duo paint bombs.

"To the roof of Target" she stated. "Why Target" BEN asked. "Because people are always going into Target" she rolled her eyes. "I mean goddamn you Target" she was laughing now.

These were the rare moments, the good moments, the best of Flame's mischief moments.

~ Time Skip brought to you by... My Chemical Romance ~

"FIRE" Flame laughed as a blast of green paint dropped onto a bald guy's head. "Now you have hair" she chuckled and turned back to the 2/3's of the Link trio. "I-I-It looks l-l-like it's g-g-going to r-r-r-r-rain." BEN's face was pale. "Water." and with that the green clad boy was gone.

"Can I see your Dark Master sword" Flame turned to Dark. "Fine?" the boy handed over the sword. "Nice" she chuckled. "Phoenix?" Dark asked. "What" the raven haired girl stuck a knife in her mouth. "Don't do that you'll cut your tongue" he glanced at her.

"I've already got a tongue piercing" she rolled her eyes. "And besides I've done this tons of times." "Question." he ruffled her hair. "Why did you let Jeff kiss you?" "Why do we care?" she smirked. "Jealous?" "N-No!" he glared at her.

"You stuttered" she laughed. "I was just- d-don't want you h-h-hurt" he glanced up. "And it's raining..." "So?" Flame grinned at him. "Learn to dance in the rain." she chuckled. "You'll get sick" he followed the raven towards a tree.

"I have yet to get sick playing in the rain" she jumped to another tree. "If you get sick I'm gonna say I told you so" "I figured."

~ Time Skip brought to you by... WARPED TOUR... that I never got to go too... MOVING ON ~

It was 12:00 am. Everyone was asleep, well almost everyone. Yeah, Flame was up. She had insomnia and sleep was foreign to her. "Why can't I sleep?" she sighed. It's not like she didn't want to, she just couldn't.

Meanwhile in Dark's room...

"Ugh. I gotta piss" Dark headed towards the bathroom. Well, he was gonna piss but then he just had to see what Flame was up to. He peeked into the room. "Flame..." he said softly. "Yeah Dark" she turned towards the door.

"How'd you know it was me?" he asked. "Cuz you and Jeff are the only people who'd visit me in the middle of the night" she chuckled as he walked in. "What are you still doing up" he sat on the bed. "What are you still doing up" she shot back.

"I had to go pee, what's your excuse" he asked her. "Insomnia. Sleep is foreign to me" she chuckled. "How much sleep do you get a night?" he asked her. "2 hours, 3 if I get lucky" she shrugged.

"Well then I'm gonna sleep in here and help you get more sleep" Dark crawled in next to her. "Don't you have to pee?" Flame questioned. "Fine, I'll go pee and then I'll stay here and help you" Dark disappeared into the bathroom.

The stream was heard. Flame laughed. The toliet was flushed, hands were washed, and Dark walked back in. "Scoot over" he climbed into the bed next to her. She scooted over. He pulled the blanket over the duo and slowly lulled them to sleep.

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