Chapter 32: Cookies and Kidnapping

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Narrator's P.O.V.
The friends go to bed after a pretty eventful two days. Everyone fell asleep,all except for BEN,who couldn't sleep. "Time for a walk". He stood up and climbed down the ladder. He landed on the ground. He started humming My Chemical Romance's Blood.

It was a dark night. Too dark. The perfect scene for a horror movie as Flame would say. But of course BEN was oblivious and pranced around like a unicorn. "La de da de da de da de da!" he sang and skipped like a white girl in a horror movie going through to the darkest part of the forest. Meanwhile...

Unknown's P.O.V.
I watch him prance around like baby. This is too easy I think as I wait for the perfect moment to strike. Master wants him alive I remind myself. Don't kill him I add. He sits on a slightly elevated tree stump and swings his legs back and forth like a 5 year old. "A disgrace to 5 year old kind..." I mutter as I grab my sword and head towards a closer bush. He doesn't notice.... Wow.

BEN's P.O.V.
Something's been off this entire night? Time? I don't know but it doesn't feel right. I hear a slight rustling in a bush close to me but I ignore it. I decide to catch up on my thoughts. I'm knocked out of my thoughts when someone tackles me. I hit the ground hard and having another body land on top of me doesn't help at all.

They pin me down and I get a glimpse of black. "What the-" I manage before a hand clamps over my mouth. "Shut up!" a voice hisses in my ear. I'm about to reply when my nose is covered with a rag. A sickly sweet smell emerges from it and everything goes black.

Time Skip to the morning.

Flame's P.O.V.
It's morning...yay. I sound like Matt... but in my defense it's Monday. And NOBODY likes Mondays. I wanna cookie. Kendra brought cookies. "Can I have a cookie" I ask. "Where's BEN?" she asks,completely ignoring me. "I wanna cookie," I say and poke her. "I haven't seen him since last night..." Maria remarks.

"So that's a no on that cookie or," I mutter. "I'M NEVER GETTING THAT FUCKING COOKIE AM I!" I yell causing everyone's head to snap into my direction. "Here damn," Kendra says and tosses it to me. I catch it and start eating it. "So about BEN..." Jeff asks cautiously.

"Kidnapped" I say simply. "How" Fred asks sounding a bit intrigued. "We haven't seen him since last night and if he went out he'd be back by now" I say. "Kidnapped" I add. "Well let's go" Joe says and tips me out of my chair. I let myself fall and smirk a bit for no reason.

"Can we look for him tomorrow it's Monday..." Jack whines. "All in favor say I." I say. A chorus of I's. "It's unanimous we look tomorrow" I say and fall onto the beanbag hoping to get some more sleep. Seems perfect right? Wrong. Demigod dreams. I look around me and notice everyone drifting off. "YODO," I mutter and fall asleep.

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