Chapter 56: Coming Home Pt. 1

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Narrator's P.O.V.

"I'm bored" Flame whined. "Then quit whining and walk faster" Fred rolled his eyes at his younger sister. "Really Fred? I will punch you so hard in the face, you'll see next Thursday!" his sister muttered under her breath.

"I heard that" Fred shook his head. "Tell me what's gonna happen next Thursday, yeah" Flame glared at him. "No punching Fred!" Kendra broke in.
"But he deserves it!" Flame pouted. Jack ruffled his twin's hair. "Quit it" she slid his fingers out of her hair.

~ Time Skip brought to you by Me! Because I am thee Batman! ~

"Aim carefully." Flame arched her bow at the ogre. She was in a tree and her eyes were already pitch black. "Fire!" she let the arrow fly. Perfect hit. The ogre disintegrated. "You're welcome" Flame smirked at her twin. "But hey, I'm awesome" she hopped down.

"Whatever cocky" Jack ruffled his sister's hair, her eyes back to their normal crimson now. She scoffed, "I don't care." "So are we good now or do we have to fight more stuff" Fred said as an army appeared. "I don't know Fred. What do you think" Flame's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "We have to fight more stuff?" Fred's voice was careful. "No" Flame rolled her eyes and disappeared, bow at the ready.

The others had already left, leaving Kendra and Kaname alone. "U-um K-k-k-Kendra" Kaname was stuttering and blushing. "Y-yeah" Kendra slightly stuttered. It was then Kaname leaned in and kissed her. The duo stood there kissing, well until Flame interrupted them.

"Oi lovebirds!" Flame smirked. "You can eat each other's faces off later, right now you can help everybody else!" "I as usual don't need any help!" she said and shot an arrow directly above their heads. The duo broke apart, both cursing Flame under their breath.

"Oh wait, you can't because we're already done" Flame growled and walked ahead, muttering to herself. Dark jogged up next to her, if she noticed she didn't acknowledge him. At all. Fred chuckled. "And now you see why I don't like bored Flame."

~ Le Time Skip brought to you by I can't believe it's Butter ~

The Slender mansion was finally looming ahead. Whooping and cheering was heard from the killers. "FINALLY!!!!" Jeff yelled out which caused Kendra to (suprise, suprise) roll her eyes. Flame had a slight grin on her face as she waltzed up to the door.

It was then she kicked the door in and smirked, katanas in hand. She and Dark were met by... complete silence. "This is bad..." Dark muttered. "Hopefully we'll get to fight something" Flame grinned at Dark.

"Y-yeah" Dark blushed and swiftly held her hand. Flame blushed. They then started exploring when they ended up in front of Sally's door. And heard noises. "You go first" Flame shoved Dark in front of her.

"What- no!, you go first" Dark shot back.

"No you!"


"You!" the two were too busy bickering to notice the others arrival. "I'll go" Fred ended the argument. "Okay" Flame and Jack grinned. "Don't die again" Fred gave them a two-fingered salute and slowly opened the door. 

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