Chapter 8 Answers

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Daden De Long stared at Wei Ying thoughtfully.

"That's a strange question. I assume you are speaking about curing Dashi?"

Wei Ying nodded.

"It seems only fitting. Right now, he's a danger to himself and those around him. That's why we were not allowed to bring here with us, and even in Cloud Recesses, he's running circles around the healers, simply because he doesn't understand safety. Someone has to be around him all the time...and I...I think that's terribly sad, that's all." Wei Ying blinked back tears.

Lan Zhan reached across and found his hand, squeezing it lightly.

"I can't help thinking, he was a master in his own right, a caring man who created his own family, calling it the Flowers of Venus, you know, he had a life...and he's dancing to some music playing in his head. Even that's okay, if he wasn't trying to pick up snakes and whatnot. The thing is...his could happen to any one of us." Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan then, squeezing his hand back. "I can't imagine forgetting think that's even possible..."

Lan Zhan pushed a glass of water towards him, and Wei Ying chugged it down, trying to push away the thickness in his throat.

"I just want to give him his life back. If there's a way, I'd like to know." He finished quietly.

Daden De Long appeared to be thinking hard for a while.

"Thank you, Young Master Wei." Zai Shu Xia spoke up. "I realise that in everything that followed, I have not acknowledged your significant help, not only in defeating Yao Wang, but overall in getting us out of there. And you've given our daughter a wonderful home, so much so that she wishes to stay with you, rather than come and live with us."

Wei Ying already had his free arm around Li XiWang; now he pulled her closer to his side.

"Thanks are not necessary. Anyone would have done the same." He replied softly.

"No...they wouldn't have. Still, for what it's worth, we are both grateful to you and your family. Your clan housed us for many months, making sure we were fit to travel. Your hospitality should not go unmentioned." She stood up and bowed.

Tiaopi De Long also stood up and bowed to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan.

"My brothers and sisters, truly what my wife has said, is true. We would not be here today without their help nor that of their friend, the new King of the Nether world, Hui Gai. "

One by one, all the dragons stood up, with their wives and they all bowed deeply.

Wei Ying was the shade of a tomato by this point, strongly resisting the urge to hide his face among the white robes next to him.

Questions and answers flew by as they sat down again, the brothers eager to know the story of how Tiaopi De Long and Zai Shu Xia were rescued. Any awkward feeling disappeared in the low hum of conversation.

Wei Ying watched as the other Dragon wives accepted Zai Shu Xia fully into their circle. Perhaps everything would finally be alright for these people.

"Ah, I've remembered." Daden De Long suddenly said.

His human form resembled his dragon form so much that it was comical to see, those big, thick eyebrows scrunched up in thought, his prominent nose, very much like a snout, and those deep set huge eyes.

"Really? There's something that can help?" Wei Ying sat forward in his excitement.

"Yes, although I'm not sure how it will help." He smiled kindly. "There's a plant called Jiyi does as its name implies, restores memories."

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