Chapter 22 Challenges

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Just after lunch, there was a knock on their door. When Wei Ying went to open it, Jiang Cheng and his XiChen-Ge were there, looking a little worried. Lan Zhan poured them all some tea as they came to sit around the table.

"Do you want to get this over with?" Jiang Cheng asked Wei Ying.

Zidian crackled, whispers of purple power as he struggled to control himself.

Wei Ying sipped on his tea, feeling utterly calm.

Just moments ago, he had eaten lunch with his children and Lan Zhan, and whilst watching his family do something so ordinary and mundane, he had come to the realisation that, what he perceived as ordinary and mundane was in fact the complete opposite. To be able to sit with peace, to enjoy a meal with one's family and was a blessing, one he had taken for granted once upon a time.

Ever since his return to this life, albeit in another body, his outlook had totally changed, and nothing was taken for granted.

"I suppose we should. It's why we came here, after all." But he made no move to get up.

"What's up with you? You're being weird, and not the fun kind." Jiang Cheng scowled.

"Am I?" Wei Ying looked down to find Lan Zhan covering his hand, and he turned to the man who had a worried look in his eyes.


"I don't mean to be. And to tell you guys the truth, I don't even know why I'm like's almost as if I feel disconnected from everything happening around me. But in a way that...Well, I feel as if I could crush the most volatile beast and it would be feels...boring." Wei Ying stopped talking, and rubbed his forehead. "Maybe it's this place...I have always hated coming here."

"I don't blame you at all, Brother Wei." XiChen said, softly.

He didn't need to add anything after that; they all knew in some way or another all the trauma associated with JinLinTai.

"I don't mean to drag you all down with me..." He sighed. "You're right, we should go." He stood up.

They all got up to join him.

Wei Ying looked back at Jiang Cheng and his XiChen-Ge.

"I thought you were staying." He looked pointedly at his children playing on the bed.

"I'm not leaving you." Jiang Cheng bit out.

The monsters of his past weren't letting him rest either, by the looks of it. Wei Ying pulled him into a hug, feeling a surge of love for his brother.

"There's no use hanging on to the past, Brother. It just causes us pain...and unimaginable suffering. Let it go." He looked deeply into amethyst eyes, brimming with moisture. Ever so gently, he wiped away the tears and kissed his forehead.

"I want to come with you." Jiang Cheng insisted.

"But who will look after my children then?" Wei Ying asked, seriously.

This place was reminding him of another time, and that bitter nostalgia was eating away at his self control. Now all he wanted was to do whatever was needed and leave at the earliest opportunity...but he needed to also make sure that everyone was alright, more specifically, his children were.

"XiChen has to come too, he's Sect Leader." Jiang Cheng declared.

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan.

"Do not make me choose." He was told, in a way that left no argument.

There was another knock on the door, and Jin Ling entered with SiZhui, both were out of breath.

"The Elders are waiting for you in the clan office." Jin Ling said, trying to return his breathing to normal.

"We can stay with my brother and sister." SiZhui said, coming forward.

Wei Ying hugged him, choosing to ignore whatever was making him more emotional right now.

"Thank you, my sweet boy."

"I'll show you where they are and come straight back here." Jin Ling added, earning a smile from Jiang Cheng. He smiled back at his fierce uncle who rarely showed him open affection like this, but their relationship had much improved lately. In his mind, each rebuke was really a declaration of love, prickly though it may be.

Together they left, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan in front with Jin Ling and the other two following behind them.

Lan Zhan had reached for Wei Ying, holding his hand under their sleeves. He understood what Wei Ying was talking about; there was something in the air here, more a feeling than anything tangible, the outlining of a fear he could not name yet.

The very air around them sizzled with this energy, not maleficent in any way...and felt strange. He knew Wei Ying was putting it down to his past, and not ignoring it, likewise Lan Zhan too, did not dare to put his guard down. Whatever it was, they would face it together.

They marched past the Great Hall, usually where such meetings took place, but it was empty. XiChen didn't want to say anything, what with Jin Ling being right there, but he raised a brow at a frowning Jiang Cheng who was apparently feeling the same thing.

Still they walked on until they came to a large square building, isolated from all the others. Jin Ling went up to the door, knocked three times and opened the door.

The room had shelves from the floor to the ceiling, almost like a library...and a huge table situated in the middle of the room. All sixteen of the Elders were sitting on the other side, watching them as they took their boots off.

Bows were exchanged and then they sat while fresh tea was poured.

"Welcome to Koi Tower." Jin Fengkuang said.

Jin Bendan sat next to him, glowering.

The thought that someone might have requested he not speak, was amusing to Wei Ying, but he said nothing.

"This is why we've called you." He continued, pointing at a strange looking box in the middle of the table.

"It's a Pintu He* (*puzzle box)." Wei Ying said, glancing at it before resuming his cold stare at the designated speaker.

"It was the only way to keep it safe." Jin Fengkuang replied, shaking slightly.

It wasn't very big either, measuring maybe eight inches all around, and looked to be made out of cherry wood. The dark colour gave no clue as to what it might hold, but the characters engraved on the side alerted Wei Ying to the possibility that it was highly dangerous. Someone had tried to mark the box with a containment talisman, but it was a frivolous attempt at best.

His attention returned to Jin Fengkuang.

Wei Ying noted how his hands were trembling as he fidgeted; the beads of sweat decorating his forehead culminating in a rivulet that dripped on one side. Why were they so nervous? Just what did this box contain?

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