Chapter 85 Struggle

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Raina smiled at her soul mate and they held hands as they entered.

A mist cleared and they saw thousands of people chanting their names; red and gold colours were everywhere they looked, from the decorations on buildings to shop fronts and windows. Marigolds and red roses were tied into garlands that draped along streets and rested upon the carts of the street vendors. All around them were cheers and joyous celebrations, apparently, all in their honour.

Men bowed graciously while women gasped and gaped, children shouted in excitement as they walked towards a huge golden Palace. Hand in hand, Raina and Hongse smiled and waved at each person, eliciting swooning and many a blush, continuing right up until the golden stairs that led straight up. A deep red carpet was laid upon them, softer for their bare feet.

There was a hush as they stepped on the first stair. Silence descended as they were watched, two lone women making their their way up.

Raina thought how nice it was to not be alone, to travel side by side with a companion, someone who understood her, for a change.

She kept stealing glances at the other as they ascended, trying to guess what her partner was thinking. All around them, the sun shone down on them, in the bright blue sky, and the golden Palace loomed ever closer.

Hongse had an uneasy feeling about all this.

Ever since Master Wei had warned her that something wasn't quite right about this place, she had been on her guard, her only priority was the lady next to her. Something was about to go down, and there was no way she was letting anything happen to Raina.

There was something suspicious about the too happy people, the happy crowds, the happy men and women and the even happier children. It seemed fake...somehow.

Hongse had come across many an enchantment, various spells and curses all designed to confuse the mind and lead astray, but none so realistic as this...and they were in a powerful one right now. Her own mind was struggling against imaginary bonds, wanting to experience all she saw, for real. That was the magical part of show the person who entered into this labyrinthine place their heart's desires...

But were these thoughts and wishes truly hers?

She still had an awareness of Raina and so there was a slim chance that everything she was seeing was Raina's desires, what Raina wanted.

Hongse had to check inside herself; did she really want this?

She didn't think so. She stopped her mind from exploring that possibility, on the off chance that this room would be attuned to her thoughts and she did not want to lend any kind of advantage to this place. For now, it was enough for her that she recognised its foreign nature.

They were so close to the top now. Just a few more steps and then the sun shone down even more brilliantly.

There was a massive courtyard right in front of them.

Two golden thrones were waiting for them, empty and inviting.

Raina surged forward, happy and unrestrained.

But Hongse stopped, digging in her heels.

Raina turned around, her eyes shining brightly, a lovely smile playing on her lips.

"Come on, sweetheart, only a little further. This is what we want, it's right here." She enthused, turning away once more.

Hongse did not budge.

"Is it?"

"Huh?" Raina turned around again. Her smile faltered.

"Is this what we want?" Hongse turned around to see the fading smiles on all the people behind them.

"Yes! We can be so happy together! Follow me..." She tugged on their joined hands.

"Wait a moment." Hongse insisted, something inside her feeling that it was right, to question first.

"What is it?" Raina didn't want to cry...but she was so close...her eyes filled with tears.

Hongse nearly gave in at that.

How could she stand to see such obvious pain in the eyes of her beloved?

And yet, that persistent, niggling doubt just would not go away.

"Why do you want to sit here?" She asked instead.

"This is our seat. Once we sit here, we will be unstoppable. Imagine how we shall reign, how much glory we shall attain? This...this is what we were born to do." She placed a warm hand over Hongse's heart and came even closer. "You and I, we were made to rule. We shall marry, and then the world will be our oyster. Nothing will get in our way."

Hongse saw the first flickers of greed hiding in her eyes.

Was her soul mate so shallow? Could she be swayed by something as cheap as this? A strong enchantment spell, woven by a master? And it was enough to tempt a former queen.

Hongse reluctantly untangled their joint fingers.

She stepped away from Raina, whose eyes had momentarily flashed with anger, but now they looked as peaceful as a reflection on the surface of a deep lake. Ripple free and tranquil.

"I don't think this is my dream." Hongse whispered, feeling the first pangs of hurt.

Soul mates were rare.

That was the truth.

A person could go their entire life and never meet the one person who would be their match, perfect in every way. They could miss each other by seconds, if they were not fated to meet in this lifetime...but Hongse had recognised hers.

In this strange desert, already married and unavailable, her soul mate had suddenly appeared and thrown her world into chaos. And now that Raina was free, she was veering off in another direction, one Hongse felt was where she could not follow.

This pain was unlike any other. It seared into her soul, a sharpness fiercer than any blade, piercing her heart with a clean thrust.

Her legs nearly buckled with the weight of her decision.

But she turned away from Raina, away from those golden thrones of power and was about to set foot on the steps to go down again, when a hand clamped onto her shoulder.

"Don't go."

"I have to. This isn't what I want." Hongse bit her lip so she wouldn't cry.

"But...what about me?" Raina's voice went hard.

"Then why don't you come with me?" Hongse asked her honestly.

"I can't. You have to understand....we need to do this." Raina tried again, one more time. "Please?" Tears fell from her cheeks.

Hongse blinked back her own tears. She shook her head softly.

"Is that your final decision?" Raina asked her.


"Then, you leave me no choice!"



Sorry for not updating this book sooner, I was desperately trying to finish the Fluffy WangXian oneshots story in my other book, but hey, it totally spiralled away from me.

I know it's short, but something is better than nothing, right?

Good night everyone, and sweet dreams!

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