Chapter 20 Deals

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Wei Ying had woken up early.

Some part of his brain was alert, and consequently rose him from the deepest of slumber because danger was on the horizon.

This time, something was different. He liked to think that Lan Zhan and himself were so used to danger and all its relatives that it was of no concern to them; but that was a foolish thought and he knew it.

Even in his past life, his recklessness was a living thing inside him, and he was fully aware of its presence. The need to do what was right in the face of all opposition, even at the cost of his own life, was a step he never took lightly. From experience, he could say now.

Back then, his sacrifices had hurt a few people, and now if anything happened, there were more people who would be affected, even more, their children. So Wei Ying made a promise to himself, and to his silently sleeping partner next to him, the other half of his soul, that he would try his utmost best to stop anything untoward happening to either himself, or his family.

He wondered what it could be, for possibly the hundredth time, why the Jin Sect had demanded he be there. Was there some beast only he could slay? Or some type of resentment energy only he could dissipate? Why him?

A warm arm came searching for his body, and Wei Ying let himself be pulled into a warm embrace.

"Why awake?" Lan Zhan asked him after tucking his nose into the creases of his neck and taking in a long breath.

Wei Ying had never thought about his own smell, the one that Lan Zhan said reminded him of Lotus flowers and wine, something apparently only he smelled of, being something that could give him so much comfort. Much in the way Lan Zhan's sandalwood scent did for him too.

Lan Zhan could sense the tension coming off him in waves, even though he tried to suppress it, and he hated the Jins for doing this. He promised himself that they would only spend the required amount of time there and return as fast as they could. Cloud Recesses healed like no other, even someone normally as restless as Wei Ying.

"I'm not stressed..." Wei Ying laughed at the disbelieving snort from Lan Zhan. "Wait, let me finish. I'm not stressed but my body seems to be. I cannot relax, somehow."

"I can fix that." Lan Zhan began to plant small kisses on the soft, warm skin, delighting in the tremors he was causing.

Wei Ying lifted his chin to give him better access, sighing as his skin hummed.

More kisses spread from his neck, venturing lower and gentle at first, but then Lan Zhan got excited.

Afterwards, holding Wei Ying closer, he kissed the top of his head.

Wei Ying was still trying to catch his breath, utterly blissed out.

"I think you're... on to.... something, there." He whispered.


"A distraction...that's what I need." Wei Ying opened an eye to look at him.

"What kind of distraction?" Lan Zhan couldn't believe his luck, if what he thought Wei Ying meant was right.

"Let's have a gentleman's wager." Wei Ying grinned despite his exhaustion.

"Gambling is prohibited in Cloud Recesses." Came back the automatic response.

"But my love, we won't be in Cloud Recesses, there."

"What does Wei Ying have in mind?" Lan Zhan was already thinking about the possibilities, half scared what his outrageous Wei Ying was planning, and half excited because if he was honest, he didn't see himself saying no to his husband, not in this lifetime.

Wei Ying rolled over so he was lying on top of his husband, whose golden eyes were filled with bright curiosity.

"If they're hosting a hunt, let's have a bit of friendly competition, just between the two of us. What do you say?"


Wei Ying beamed happily at him, because Lan Zhan was genuinely interested.

"It's about hunting prey, and to make it more fair, I won't use Chenqing, not between us. Whoever scores the highest count, wins." He was too tired to hold his head up now, and it was still dark, so he closed his eyes and rested, snuggling closer when those muscled arms came to hold him tightly.


"Well, let's be honest, neither of us needs anything other than each other. So...if you win, I shall grant you "gifts" in our bedroom. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but trust me, you'll like them."

"What if Wei Ying wins?" Lan Zhan knew himself, and he wasn't above throwing the contest in Wei Ying's favour.

"Then..." Wei Ying blushed. This part was harder, because neither one of them had discussed this before. "Then I get to be on top."

There....the words were out.

There was silence.

For so long, that Wei Ying was afraid he had said something wrong. He raised his head to see what Lan Zhan was thinking.

And he had no warning as Lan Zhan flipped them over so fast, his head was spinning, and proceeded to kiss the life out of him. Long, bruising kisses, designed to steal his thoughts and claim his breath, his heart beating out of control, and his mind chanting over and over again, more, more, more...

When they broke apart, Wei Ying searched his face, concerned for what he thought Lan Zhan was thinking. But Lan Zhan gave him a rare, delighted smile.



Sunlight streamed into the Jingshi, and Lan Zhan watched his sleeping husband with an affection that came from the deepest parts of his soul. He didn't want to wake Wei Ying, because today would present more challenges, and he wished for Wei Ying to be able to face them at full capacity.

This beautiful man, with his beguiling silver eyes, turning almost black when he was aroused, or in the depths of passion, loving him with an equal intensity. And these quiet moments were what made it all the more real.

This was his second chance, and their second chance. There was no way Lan Zhan was going to take half measures in anything.

They ate breakfast and for a time, everything was normal. Li XiWang had requested to attend, and Rumi was silent but his amber eyes spoke volumes; neither child wanted to be away from their parents, so how could they say no?

Lan Zhan wanted to be able hold his Wei Ying when they got there, and through the awful journey, but Wei Ying was carrying their daughter, and he was responsible for Rumi, so he waited until they got to that deplorable long staircase, the many flights of steps, each one a bad memory for them, to finally hold Wei Ying's hand in his, and be strong for him at last.



It's short, but I have to run to work now. I didn't want to leave anyone sad, so a sort of fun chapter...

What do you think the Jins want with our Wei Ying? I shall read your theories with glee...

Happy Sunday everyone, and I hope you have a great day and at least one piece of chocolate, if not more.

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