Chapter 140 Master Dashi

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Wei Ying saw both the Flowers Of Venus in tears, and he had to blink back the wetness in his own eyes.

"My you have any water?" He whispered, not wishing to disturb the reunion in front of them.

He handed cupfuls to all three people, still quite emotional.

Master Dashi was sitting on a boulder, and Hongse sat by his feet. Hongbaoshi sat next to her, and as Wei Ying would have joined them, he was pulled away to sit on the adjacent large rock, only big enough for himself and Lan Zhan. Wei Ying had to hide his smile at Lan Zhan’s possessiveness sometimes.

Lan Zhan looked straight ahead as if he had done nothing out of the ordinary, so Wei Ying entwined their fingers together and listened to the other three.

"Master Dashi, how much do you remember? I hope everything, and now you can fill in the gaps of what we know." Hongse smiled through her tears, which wouldn't stop, no matter how much she tried to control her feelings. She couldn't stop touching him and even now, her hand held his tightly.

"The last time we saw you, you were heading south. And we were on our way to the East." Hongbaoshi said, wiping her eyes.

"How are you both? The others? And what about Chihong and Xinghong?" He asked first, after clearing his throat. The water had helped, but he hadn’t actually spoken very much, choosing to sing instead.

"We are well, father. Both Chihong and Xinghong are close by, and we can go and meet them very soon." Hongse replied, happily. She couldn't believe he was coherent and understood everything she was saying up till now. The hand in hers was warm and softer after years of not taking up arms. But she held onto it as her connection to the past and now, to the future.

"I would like that. But..." his brow furrowed in worry. "What about Zai Shu Xia? And Tiaopi De Long? What happened to them?"

"They are safe now, thanks to Master Wei WuXian and Hanguang-Jun." She motioned behind her to where they sat, listening.

Master Dashi rose then, and bowed low.

"Thank you so much. You have my everlasting gratitude. And if there's anything I can ever do to repay you, please, just say the words." He bowed again.

Both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan stood up to bow to the senior.

"It is not necessary to thank us. We have known Hongse for a long time now, and consider her and the Flowers Of Venus as our dear friends and allies. It is enough that you live your best life and continue to do so." Lan Zhan said.

Wei Ying looked at him in surprise, because usually Lan Zhan left such vocal duties to him and, he must have thought highly of Hongse and her sisters to actually speak up. Wei Ying was flooded with feelings of deep affection and love for this exceptional man, normally silently performing his duties.

Forgetting where they were and what was happening, Wei Ying reached over and kissed his cheek, smiling at his reddened ears.

"I love you." He reminded himself of what Lan Zhan had told him to say, instead of thanking him, whenever he felt like the latter, and it was true; it made them both feel so much better.

Since they were still sort of in the middle of talking to Master Dashi, Lan Zhan brought their hands up to his lips and silently kissed the back of Wei Ying's hand.

"Then, is it possible to go and meet with them too?" Master Dashi was saying.

"Yes, we can certainly do that, after we have taken care of what needs to be done here, father. There is still much to inform you, but while we have privacy and the luxury of no foreign ears listening to our business, please tell us about yourself. There are many years to account for." Hongse told him, with the utmost of respect.

"Yes, daughter, you are right. I haven't gazed upon your faces for so long, at least with these eyes. The memories of you and your sisters sit well within my heart. I am satisfied and most content to see how you have taken on the mantle of leadership in our family." Master Dashi patted her hand, which she had slipped inside his when he had sat down again.

Hongse smiled, her eyes wet again.

"Parental approval is what we strive for, no matter where we are, or whatever circumstances we have lived through. But for our family, where we have come together solely through your efforts and your desire to provide a meaningful, and safe life, it is doubly so. Our own parents abandoned us from birth, seeing our eyes as some form of ill-omen, and only through your love for us, teaching us that hatred is not the way, have we come so far. Thank you, father and our Master." Hongse kissed his hand in gratitude.

"You are most welcome, daughter. This Universe has a special place for every single living being. That is its truth, one that should be embraced by all of us. I am glad I was able to find you and your sisters, and long may we continue to build a sanctuary for all lost souls.



My dear Beautiful Readers,

Short one today, but I sincerely hope I'll be able to write another one tonight. Have to go to work now, and busy morning meant less time to write, but as always, we must trust in the Universe.

Thank you so much for reading, and I love you all!


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