Chapter 31 Dunshi

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Wei Ying had to do something because if the giant kept crying, people were going to drown by his feet.

"Wait...please don't cry." Wei Ying flew closer, hoping Lan Zhan would forgive him for the palpitations he was probably having right now. He tried to wipe the tears away, and the giant, once he understood what Wei Ying was trying to do, wiped his own eyes with his sleeve.

There was an audible sigh from below.

"Okay, first tell us your name." He suggested.

"My name is Dunshi."

"Alright, then I am pleased to meet you. My name is Wei WuXian. And this is my husband, Lan WangJi." Wei Ying grinned at the disapproving glare he received from Lan Zhan, who really had had enough of waiting.

"Okay." Dunshi looked at them properly now.

"We want to help you." Wei Ying told him. "How old are you?"

"I am thirty years old." Hmm, Wei Ying thought...not a baby.

"Alright, now please don't cry, Okay? I'm going to ask you a few questions, and then maybe we can help you find your way home."

Dunshi tried to calm himself down, and he bit his lip so it would stop trembling.

"Where did you used to live? Perhaps if you tell us a bit about that, we can see if it rings bell with anyone." Wei Ying suggested.

"There's mountains...lots of them. And I live there, in the valley at the bottom with other people like me."

More giants...that was maybe a good thing.

"So...why did you leave?"

"Because I got ill...and then it got...worse." His voice changed into a whisper. "I have a bad cold and it won't go away...and I can't go back until it's gone but now I've forgotten where I live."

Wei Ying was getting tired of hovering and then he had an idea.

"How about I sit on your shoulder? That way I don't have to stay flying, and you can hear me better too."

Dunshi nodded.

He seemed like a simpleton to Wei Ying...but they needed more information.

Lan Zhan hated that idea more than the impromptu flying up here to talk to Dunshi; Wei Ying could feel his glare from where he was also hovering. Wei Ying made himself comfortable on Dunshi's shoulder and then patted the space next to him. Lan Zhan alighted and sat down but the sour look didn't go away until Wei Ying threaded their fingers together.

Wei Ying pulled out some parchment and a brush from his sleeve and began to draw.

"You said there are mountains, and in this valley, are there any rivers or any kind of water?"

"Yes, we have a river and it flows straight through, and we have five waterfalls."

Wei Ying sketched a bit more.

"Like this?"

"More mountains." But Dunshi was getting excited.

Wei Ying added what he thought it would look like.

"This? Is it a ring of mountains?"

Dunshi nodded.

"That shouldn't be too hard to find." He was tucking the parchment away, when Dunshi's shoulders began to shake.

Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan and soared away, while the poor giant sneezed again and again.

"I think the first step would be to cure him, what do you say, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying looked at him in his arms to find Lan Zhan not really listening. Instead, he was staring enraptured at Wei Ying, admiring his flight. He tried not to blush, but really, this was too much!

"Lan Zhan?"

"Mn. I think whatever Wei Ying thinks." He replied politely and carried on staring.

"Fine." Wei Ying huffed but didn't really mind. There were times when Lan Zhan was so cute, like now, that he didn't have the heart to say anything.

"Dunshi?" Wei Ying flew closer to his head. "We're going to try and find you a cure. You can sleep out here if you like. Okay?"

Dunshi looked frightened. He pointed towards the sky.

"Fireball no good. My kind no come out in the day."

"Lan Zhan! I was right!!" Wei Ying was squealing internally. What a good guess that had been. "Giants are nocturnal. I wonder what happens if they did venture out during the day?"

"Not sure." Lan Zhan told him.

"Yeah, you're right as usual. Let's stick to the plan." Wei Ying replied. "Dunshi, if we don't come back tonight, then stay in that cave and we'll come to find you tomorrow night. Is that alright?"

Dunshi nodded and waved.

Wei Ying flew back to the ground where towels were being handed out in abundance.

"I guess you guys heard everything." Wei Ying grinned at his family, and put Lan Zhan down, who looked mightily disappointed.

"We did." Jiang Cheng looked at Jin Ling. "When we return to Koi Tower, you should explain the situation to your healers and make a cure times twenty. We have to account for his height."

They were just about to fly off, when some of the Jin people came forward.

"Wait." They said.

Wei Ying was surprised and turned back.

"We wish to take this matter back to our Elders and discuss in depth before any action is taken. And might we ask, when Jin Ling is here as a representative of the JinLinTai Jin Sect, why do others from other Sects presume to take control?"

XiChen stepped forward with a warning glance towards Lan Zhan who was already unsheathing Bichen.

"It might seem like others are taking control, when in fact they are only doing what needs to be done." He replied diplomatically.

"But did they ask? Nobody asked us for our opinion, and I believe as the giant was found on Jin property, he belongs to the Jin Sect."

Wei Ying openly scoffed at that one.

"The giant is his own person, and does not "belong" to any one Sect. And helping him is only a common courtesy. Are you saying you do not wish to help?" XiChen batted the ball back to them.

"'s not at all what we are saying." They back tracked.

"Then the matter is resolved." XiChen turned away and quickly gestured with his hands so everyone could leave.

But they all knew, this was just the start of the problem. The Jin Sect had a history of not letting anything go, and now they just had to wait for them.

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