Chapter 135 Examination

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In the morning,  or whatever time it was, Wei Ying woke up and stretched. He opened his eyes and stared into deep golden eyes, still full of worry.

Wordlessly, Lan Zhan lifted his hand and clasped Wei Ying's hand with his, looking intently at the ring Wei Ying had gifted him almost three years ago.

The ring remained silent and shining with a natural light, not the blue one that shone out of it whenever Wei Ying was in danger...and that was a partial relief.

It meant that Wei Ying wasn't in any danger, so Lan Zhan felt better, but his unknown condition was an uncertainty that he hated, because it could change at any time.

So far, and very slowly, Wei Ying was getting worse, not better, and Lan Zhan was worried for lots of reasons. The main and most important fear was not knowing what was happening to him, or why, and how long it was going to last. Plus, his biggest fear was, what if it didn't stop?

He cut that thought off immediately and hugged the beautiful man in his arms, unwilling to let him go.

Wei Ying had seen the flash of fear in his eyes and hugged him back, hoping to convey...something, anything to make him feel better.

He knew that for Lan Zhan, losing him was a repeat trauma that would never go away, always in the back of his mind.

But even Wei Ying was stumped at this new problem they had to face, the not knowing what it was, or why it was happening, it was unnerving.

"My love." He whispered, wanting his words to be only heard by Lan Zhan, and they needed to be said out loud, in order to cement their meaning inside their hearts.

To make it real.


Lan Zhan only held him tighter, as if worried about what he was going to say.

"Let's think about this, what is happening to me."


Wei Ying sat back, still in Lan Zhan’s lap but so that he could see his face. He held up his fingers, putting one down for everything he listed.

"So far, it's only exhaustion. If I had to describe it, it is a loss of energy...and then it stands to reason that my energy is being used elsewhere."

"What does Wei Ying mean?"

"Well, you know when you get an illness, like the flu, or a cold, a really bad one, and you just want to sleep all day?"


"Like that, you know all your energy is going off to fight the virus and its effects, so that's why you feel tired, right?"


Wei Ying smiled st his responses. Lan Zhan was concentrating on what he was saying, from his intense gaze, to the furrowed brow. He glanced at their joined hands and brought them to his lips.

"See, in my case, I'm not ill. There's no virus so to speak."

"So where is your energy going?" Hui Gai spoke up, and they saw two red eyes glowing in the dark as he came closer to join in this discussion.

"That is the question. It's definitely going somewhere, I'm not simply losing it." Wei Ying smiled at both of them.

"I know that Oge is feeling more and more tired these days, but that is because she is growing a new life inside her." Hui Gai went on.

"What?" Wei Ying scrambled up out of Lan Zhan’s lap and threw himself at his friend. "Congratulations, my friend! That's such good news!"


Even Lan Zhan looked momentarily pleased, but he reached for Wei Ying anyway, bringing him back into the circle of his arms.

"Hang on a aren't suggesting that I might be pregnant, are you?" He lightly smacked Lan Zhan’s arm when he looked pleased by that suggestion.

Hui Gai vanished with an apologetic look, also smiling.

"I know you can hear me! You better come back right away!" Wei Ying called out.

He was hugged from his back by two pairs of contrasting arms, both slim and belonging to his children. Wei Ying lifted them both into their laps so that Li XiWang was sitting on Lan Zhan’s knee, and since he was sitting on his other knee, Rumi had to sit in his lap.

It was a nice family circle.

Hui Gai came back and hugged all of them, completing the circle.

"For the record, I am not pregnant. I trust all of you are familiar with the anatomy of a male body. It is impossible for me to be pregnant. That is the end of that school of thought." He kissed Lan Zhan’s cheek, smiling when he pouted in disappointment. "Maybe it's something to think about, but definitely not now." He finished.

"So if you're not expecting...." Li XiWang giggled at the look on his face. "Then, what? And how do you feel right now?"

"I'm alright, really." He pinched her chubby cheek lightly. "I think the best course of action is continue as normal for now. We keep an eye on me, and I'll say if anything changes. If you guys notice anything, anything at all, you'll say too, right?"

They all nodded, though the look of anxiousness did not go away.

Wei Ying sighed.

"Look, I know you can't help it, and I understand why you're all worried." He said, softly. "But really, the only thing we can do is watch. And by doing that, we might be able to learn what is happening to this body. It has undergone so many changes already...I cannot help but think that is only getting ready for something else. That's the only theory that makes sense."

Lan Zhan kissed his forehead, his lips lingering. When he moved back, his golden eyes were full of words that he could not say.

"It will be okay, my love. I promise you. Whatever happens, we will always be together."

Lan Zhan nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"Breakfast time!" Hongse said, cheerfully, handing out bowls of cold congee.

This time, Wei Ying did make a face.

"How much of this do you have left?

Hongse merely beamed at him and handed him a spoon.

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