Chapter 38 Homewards

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That evening, Rumi fell asleep early so Li XiWang and her fathers, Jiang Cheng and XiChen accompanied the transfer of the first batch of medicine. Dunshi only came out a while later when he was positive that it was dark outside. The cauldron had been efficiently brought as Wei Ying had suggested, suspended between two bamboo poles and flown over by expert sword flyers.

Dunshi eyed the green concoction dubiously.

Wei Ying sighed.

What was it about medicine that always made the drinker wary? He slapped a talisman on Dunshi's forehead and promised him it would taste nice, before the giant even touched the medicine.

He beamed after it was drunk, so obviously the talisman worked.

"Dunshi, we are travelling back to our home, but we are promising to return soon. You need to rest, and drink that medicine three times a night. Once you do that, you'll feel much better, and then we will come with you to find your home." Wei Ying told him seriously. "In the meantime, if you need anything at all, the Jins will do their best to bring it for you. Alright?"

Dunshi held his hand out for Wei Ying to land on, and while Wei Ying was aware of Lan Zhan having kittens down below, he jumped onto that massive palm without hesitation. 

Dunshi brought him closer and closer, and Wei Ying could feel Bichen coming closer, but Dunshi closed his eyes and gave Wei Ying a slobbering kiss.

Wei Ying did not know whether to laugh or cry, because both were acceptable reactions and both felt true. He decided to go with laughing because otherwise Lan Zhan, who was hovering close by, and was probably already upset, would worry more.

"Er...sorry about that, Lan Zhan." He murmured, while still dripping.

"It is not Wei Ying's fault." Lan Zhan glared at the giant, who was too busy yawning to notice.

"Dunshi, make sure to take your next dose, okay?" Wei Ying called out, before accepting the towel Lan Zhan gave him.

They landed and Li XiWang was looking rather puzzled.

"What's up, Little rabbit?" Wei Ying asked her after handing the towel back to Lan Zhan.

"Well, I'm wondering why he's so sleepy. As far as I know, there's nothing in the original recipe to cause that."

"There can be two explanations possible for that." Wei Ying told her, pulling out Chenqing. "Either Dunshi's body works differently, and we cannot be sure what effect the medicine would have on him in particular, or something was added to the mixture." He was looking directly at the Jins when he said that, and they had the good grace to look down then. "There's your answer. Let me do this first, and then we'll ask them."

Wei Ying brought forth waves of resentment energy and dispelled the clumps of pink sludge that must have been released when Dunshi would have sneezed. Once everything had vanished, then Wei Ying turned to the medicine transporters.

"Tell us what you know." Wei Ying stood right next to Li XiWang, and both of them had their arms crossed over their chests, their expressions so similar, Lan Zhan would have smiled if not for his sour mood.

No one should be able to kiss Wei Ying like that, especially if they weren't married to him. Lan Zhan was considering putting a sign on Wei Ying's body somewhere, to deter any such future problems. Maybe Wei Ying would help him with that...

"We don't know anything!" One of the men cried out.

Li XiWang rolled her eyes.

"We're not stupid, you know. What did the healers add?"

"A sleeping tonic." The other one blurted out.

"Why?" Wei Ying asked, coldly.

"They said it would be easier to handle him if he was asleep."

Li XiWang tutted under her breath.

"And what are you going to do if he's still asleep for the second dose? Who made this decision?" Wei Ying asked them.

"What if he doesn't wake up all night? He's scared of the daylight and we don't know why..." Li XiWang told Wei Ying.

"That's another point. How will you be able to move him?" Wei Ying sighed. If only people did what they were told to and nothing extra...

"We're sorry." They both looked down.

"You better go back to the healers and explain the problem. This time, make sure in the second batch, there's nothing to make him feel like that. Do you understand?"

They nodded meekly and joined them on the flight back.

"I'm so tired, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying said after they had tucked Li XiWang in for the night.

"Wei Ying must bathe." Lan Zhan used his no nonsense voice.

He ordered hot water to be brought to their room and set up a screen; and then after the water arrived, he poured in fragrant oils. Wei Ying was delighted when he got in.

"I'm going to smell just like you, now." He crowed. "Won't you join me, my love?"

Lan Zhan shook his head. "I will wash Wei Ying's hair." He wrinkled his nose, and resembled one of his rabbits so much, Wei Ying was trying not to laugh.

The hot water was relaxing though, and Lan Zhan's warm fingers easing out any tangles, massaging his scalp was making him lose the battle to stay awake.

When Lan Zhan was done, he lifted the sleeping man gently onto their bed and wrapped him in a towel while he cleaned up after them.

Then he curled around Wei Ying's body and brought the blanket up to cover them both. Naturally, Wei Ying molded himself to his husband, still fast asleep.


The next morning began in a busy way. Breakfast was served and eaten as soon as possible, and everyone was excited to return home. Jin Ling was busy with Clan duties, so SiZhui was alone, hanging around while they packed and got ready to leave.

"Are you alright?" Wei Ying asked him.

He nodded a little too fast, and Wei Ying put his arms around him.

"You're still my little boy, you know. And you can tell me anything." He kissed the side of SiZhui's head fondly.

"It's nothing serious, father. It's just that I'm going to miss you. Having you both here, and my brother and sister, it felt like...home, sort of." He explained.

"It's okay to feel that way, my boy. You know you can come to Gusu whenever you like, right?"

"Yes, but isn't the same."

"That's the trouble with growing fall in love and then you make tough choices..." Wei Ying smiled at him.

There was no point saying anything else...SiZhui was happily married and he didn't want it any other way...but the sweet nostalgia of childhood was something deep and yearned for, an ache that would never go away.

SiZhui sniffed, nodded and went to hug his other father.

"I will come to visit. We will come to visit, soon." He rectified his thoughts out loud.

"Both of you are always welcome."

They left the rooms together and met up with XiChen and Jiang Cheng. The eagerness to leave was openly on their faces.

"Come on. Let's go home." Wei Ying said, smiling.

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