Chapter 58 Well

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As they travelled further along that wide road, it became clear that the vegetation was becoming sparse, and the ground was cracked in places. It was coming to the end of summer, and Wei Ying knew from his time in Lotus Pier that the monsoon would soon be upon them.

"I think we'll be coming to the desert soon." He commented while they walked. "So we have a few decisions to make. It's going to be harder as we go." He looked at his children. Rumi would be fine, probably happier in a place that had no water, but Li XiWang was still little and then the rest of them as adults would surely need to drink water.

Would they be able to make it to the oasis city before they ran out of supplies? And what would they find once they got there? The last thing they wanted was to land smack bang in the middle of a war.

Also, what would they do in a place as barren as a desert to hide Dunshi? And the daylight? Were there caves or any place they could shelter? He doubted it.

"Father, what is the desert like?" Li XiWang asked him.

"I've never seen it for myself, but I read about it." He told her. "All the books say the same thing, that it's really hot during the day, and freezing at night. Plus all your normal animals are there, like scorpions and snakes and spiders. At least there's no dogs." He smiled, to take the seriousness out of his words.

"But what if we run out of water?" She asked, in a quiet voice, her big eyes wide with worry. "And what if Dunshi needs water?" They both saw the giant striding alongside them.

"I don't know." Wei Ying admitted. "But we'll find a way. I can't believe that the Universe would lead us this way without a reason, or for us to perish without reaching our goal. We have our brains to help us out of any difficulties, wouldn't you say?" Wei Ying picked her up, and kissed her temple. "Let's tackle each problem as it comes, because if we try and think about everything, the problems become insurmountable. Alright?"

She gave him a small smile and nodded.

"WingAnLaZhan?" Rumi asked as they walked.

Lan Zhan picked him up, wondering if he felt left out, but he seemed happier then. He clung on with his thin arms wrapped around Lan Zhan's neck and fell asleep.

It was the deep of night, and luckily no one was around, because suddenly the forest stopped. Dry grass brittle and broken grew as best as it could, leading up to a wide well. 

The structure was so huge, it reminded Wei Ying of the way to Suanni's temple. And that gave him another idea.

"After we've drunk our fill and packed enough water, do you think we should call on Suanni? He can help us cross the desert." He suggested, already feeling so much better.

"You might not need to." Hongse replied.

"Why? Have you got any better ideas?" Wei Ying asked her.

"Maybe." She replied. "Let's drink up first."

"Alright." Wei Ying put Li XiWang down and turned to Lan Zhan. "Do you want to give him to me, while you get the water? I'm glad he's asleep, at least there's no unnecessary distress."

Lan Zhan handed him over carefully.

Then he followed the sisters to the edge of the well. Someone had built a brick wall surrounding it so no one would fall in by accident. There was even a bucket and a rope to wind down to fill it. Dunshi didn't need to drink too much which was great, and the rest of them all drank their fill.

They had waterskins and gourds to fill with water, and once everyone was fully satisfied, Wei Ying turned to Hongse.

"Would you like to explain now?"

"I've been thinking about how we are to cross, ever since those scouts mentioned the desert, and especially after they said it was too wide and long to avoid. You know our skills are mostly to do with nature, and I thought, wouldn't it be cool if we can manipulate the grains of sands to transport our bodies across it? After all, we specialise in the elements and coordination of their different wouldn't hurt to test out some theories while we're at it." She said, still thinking.

"And it might mean we will be able to cross it faster." Hongbaoshi added. "I've been thinking too."

"Besides, I'd rather not get involved in someone else's war. Though to be honest, proclaiming oneself a king, does not a king make. Just saying..."

"Agreed." Wei Ying replied. "And from what those scouts were saying, he doesn't sound like a good king, plus if he could provide adequate protection, then why are so many people leaving? I understand, no one wants to get caught up in a war and fighting. But sometimes, it's unavoidable."

"Have you been in any wars, father?" Li XiWang asked, innocently.

"Even one is too many, little rabbit." He said sadly, not wanting to elaborate. If she really wanted to know, he would tell her everything when she was older. Better to preserve the innocence of youth while they still could.

They looked out across the Great expanse of land stretching out far and wide before them. Some tiny tufts of persistent green grasses grew in clumps, looking grey in the pale moonlight. Here, the stars were clearer, and given the open ground, a breeze blew their hair around their faces.

Hongse was consulting with her sisters before coming to the edge of the sands.

"Are you ready? Then come and stand by me."

They made Dunshi stand in the middle, with Dashi and Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and their children. Xiao Zei was perched on Dunshi's shoulder, looking quite happy. Then the sisters took up positions on a compass, North, East, South, and West.

Together, they stretched out their arms and blue electricity crackled from their fingertips, connecting to each other.

Hongse began to chant and the sand underneath their feet rose, swirling around them, packed tightly like a solid thing.

Wei Ying was terribly curious but he didn't want to disturb their concentration. And then, to his surprise, the sand lifted them all up.

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