Chapter 132 Knowledge

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Juda looked all too pleased with himself, and Wei Ying was glad because he had played right into his hands.

"We don't have much use for that plant." He said, scratching his chin. "It's a weed, really. Do you know what it looks like?"

"Much like any other weed?" Wei Ying pretended not to know, just to see what his response was, and also to check if he knew what he was talking about.

Juda laughed some more, loud and boisterous.

"That's want to find something but you don't know what it looks like!"

"All the more reason why we should take advantage of your great wisdom." Wei Ying continued to pump up his ego and he preened like a cockatoo.

"True, true. It's lucky you came here first, otherwise you would have wasted much time searching for answers. You are looking for a plant which has orange leaves and pink flowers. It grows in places of high altitude, so the higher up the mountains you climb, the more chances to find it. However..." He leaned forward as if to divulge a secret. "It is the second highest peak you want to climb. That's where it grows in abundance."

" have been very kind." Wei Ying bowed as his words were relayed back to the leader.

He could tell Dunshi did not like talking to Juda more than he had to, but this was essential to his plan, which he wasn't quite done with forming yet. But he had an idea how to help Dunshi too...they just had to help Master Dashi first.

"I have something more to tell you." Juda said, enthusiastically.

"Oh, really?" Wei Ying replied, politely.

"Yes, it only grows in the summer months so you better hurry. As soon as October hits, and the wind blows cold, the plants die out."

"So would you say we should leave as soon as possible?" Wei Ying asked.

"Yes, that would be advisable. And since you have so graciously visited us, I would like to extend our hospitality towards you and your friends. You may stay here as long as you wish, even until our wedding." Juda huffed out his chest.

"Do you think our guests would like a tour?" Rhouzhe asked, quickly noticing the frown on Dunshi's face.

"You read my mind...I was going to suggest the same thing." Juda said. "Perhaps after the tour, our guests would like to rest, and then they can leave at first light."

Wei Ying saw Rhouzhe just barely stop herself from rolling her eyes. The action reminded him of his brother so severely that for a second, he felt the sharpest twinge in his heart. Jiang Cheng would most likely be playing with Li Li...or going through reports with his XiChen-Ge...

Dunshi standing up, brought him back to his thoughts immediately.

"Let's go." The baby giant said, scooping them all up.

Hongse barely had time to pack everything away as quickly as she could before she was perched upon Dunshi's shoulder.

Juda also stood up.

"If you are leaving early tomorrow morning, I may not be able to see you off...however know that I wish safe travels for you all. Anything you need, you may ask Dunshi to help you." He bowed courteously.

Wei Ying waved as Dunshi strode away with his mother.

He walked down the passage that they had used to get to the council room, and once again they were treated to the wonderful jewel mosaic pictures. Now that they were alone, Rhouzhe decided to unburden her heart.

"I am making a likeness of your father in jewels to be mounted upon the wall, just here." She pointed to a bare spot nestled between a waterfall picture and one of the forests.

"How long to go now?" Dunshi asked her.

"Three weeks but I can stretch it to four." She hugged her son. "I don't want to marry him...but if anything I can do will keep you safe...then I'll do it."

"There's no guarantee that even after you marry him, he won't do anything to Dunshi." Wei Ying spoke up then, unable to keep quiet. "All he has to do is arrange for an accident to happen, and that's one threat to his position I think we have to be cleverer than him in this."

"That's not difficult." Hui Gai whispered so that only Wei Ying could hear.

Li XiWang giggled, and even Rumi was smiling.

Wei Ying was trying not to smile...and at least it lessened his tension.

"Then...what do you think we should do?" Rhouzhe asked, wringing her hands.

"Play along with him and continue with your time schedule. We should be back before your three weeks are up. Wait for our return...I mean, he's already invited us to the wedding, so that's a good excuse." Wei Ying suggested. "And now Dunshi can show us your beautiful home."

Rhouzhe bowed to them.

"Thank you so much. Your coming here as given us hope and that is a great gift. If there is anything we can give you in return, please, you only have to say. Please consider this as your home too." Her eyes were too wet.

Dunshi patted her shoulder affectionately.

Wei Ying smiled at their connection; it was obvious to anyone that mother and son were close...but they had a problem looming on the horizon, one that wouldn't just go away like they hoped.

"Can we let you know? I can't think of anything we need...and I don't want to be rude." Wei Ying said, after looking at Lan Zhan.

It was sweet of them to offer.

"I wish you to know, I am grateful to you also for bringing my son back to me. I hated seeing him having to was the hardest thing for me to do. But he's back now..." Rhouzhe smiled through her tears. "Thank you."

"It's okay." Wei Ying told her warmly. "Now, us around."

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