Chapter 68 Rescue

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They were escorted to their rooms by the same servants that brought them to the dining room. And once again, the door was locked behind them.

Wei Ying put Rumi on the bed and immediately started pacing. Then, he thought better of it and flung silencing talismans on the walls and the ceiling once more.

When he started to pace again, Lan Zhan stood in his way and held his hands.

"What does Wei Ying wish to do?" He asked, this time his deep voice was reassuring Wei Ying.

"I want to leave, like right now." Wei Ying told him, the desperation shining in his silver eyes.

"We can. Remember, we can teleport." Lan Zhan reminded him.

"I know, but there's a reason why I'm not doing that...Lan Zhan, what if the only reason we needed to come here was to save the Queen?"

"What does Wei Ying mean?" Lan Zhan pulled the jittery man into his arms, holding him still.

Wei Ying closed his eyes, reaching for some kind of calm, and finding it in the steady, solid heartbeat of his beloved. He began to breathe in and out, timing it to the thump-thump under his ear, and gradually he felt settled.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." He looked up into golden eyes filled with love.

"No need for sorry." Lan Zhan told him solemnly.

He reached forward and kissed Wei Ying's temple. Wei Ying smiled at him and turned to their children who were sitting huddled on the bed, their arms wrapped around each other.

They looked scared too.

"I'm sorry for worrying you too, my loves." Wei Ying leaned on the bed with one knee and brought both of them into his arms. "While we are here, you need never feel fear, for any reason. Alright? Your father and I will always protect you. That is an oath."

"It's okay, father." Li XiWang told him earnestly. "We weren't scared because of the bad man, we were scared because you looked scared."

"I know. My lovely little rabbit, I love you." He kissed her cheeks. "And you, Rumi, my boy." Wei Ying kissed his cheeks too.

"WingAnLaZhan?" Rumi lifted his little hand to rest on Wei Ying's cheek.

Wei Ying kissed the inside of his tiny palm. "Yes, I'm alright too. As long as all of you are with me, everything is fine. Now, let's make a plan, and feel free to voice your thoughts, okay, children?"

They nodded, excited.

"We don't need to stay here, not for any reason. I believe the Queen brought us back because she was scared to return on her own...did you see the King's face when he saw her? We can say he was surprised because she returned early, but from what she was telling you, Lan Zhan, I think she's worried she's going to die." Wei Ying declared. "Did she happen to mention where she sleeps, my love?"

"Mn. East Wing. With him." Lan Zhan replied.

"With him?" Wei Ying began pacing again. "Alright, not the end of the world...we can work with that...but I think we should have some help."

"Hui Gai!" Li XiWang shouted, excited for seeing her friend again.

He appeared straight away.

"Little rabbit!" He held open his arms and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. He greeted little Rumi in the same way, before holding his arms open for Wei Ying who hugged him back fiercely.

"Pengyou...not that this is weird or anything...but where are we?" Hui Gai effortlessly moved onto Lan Zhan and hugged his suddenly stiff body well, before looking around as if he hadn't done anything monumental just seconds ago.

"Er...Hui Gai..." Wei Ying grinned and jerked a brow towards his husband, mouthing, "What was that?"

"I'm easing him into it..." Hui Gai winked at a now glaring Lan Zhan.

"We're in the middle of a desert, locked in our bedroom, in a Palace where the King has designs on our children...and he also tried to kill his wife this evening." Wei Ying explained.

"Nice....and what are we gonna do about it?" Hui Gai rubbed his hands gleefully. "Want me to teach him a lesson? Because, based on what you've just told me, I already don't like him."

"Rumi hasn't stopped growling whenever he's nearby." Wei Ying cuddled his boy proudly.

"So, as you can teleport...I'm guessing there's another reason why you called me?"

"Yes, actually." Wei Ying beamed at him. "The Queen asked us to help her escape and now that we've met him, I really can't blame her. I believe our sole purpose in ending up here is for her sake. So we should definitely take her with us, but she's currently sleeping in the same room as that guy."

"That's fine, no problem at all. Shall we go together?" He licked his red lips in anticipation, his pointy teeth gleaming in the candlelight.

"Yes." Wei Ying told him.

"No." Lan Zhan replied, coming to stand in front of him again.

"My love, we will be back in seconds, I promise. Hui Gai is going to do his thing so the King doesn't wake up, that is it!" Wei Ying leaned up and kissed his beautiful lips chastely. "I swear. In and out."

Lan Zhan folded him into his arms for a few moments, unwilling to let him go.

"You won't even know I'm gone." Wei Ying promised.

Lan Zhan snorted in disbelief.



Dear lovely readers, thank you for your comments. I didn't mean to make you guys go into panic mode so although this is a short chapter, I hope it eases your minds so you may rest peacefully.

It's also my time to sleep, so good night and sweetest dreams!

See you tomorrow....


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