Chapter 63 Queen

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About an hour later, there was definitely a change in the air. A hush fell upon everything that lasted maybe minutes, and that was all it took for Wei Ying to look around, sitting straighter than his customary slouch.


"I dunno...something's about to happen." He muttered.

Then they heard music, soft and gentle at first, growing louder like the sound of waves easing their way to the shore and suddenly crashing against the sands. Twenty four beautiful women danced their way to the golden gate, twelve on each side, harmoniously singing a melody that none of these people recognised.

But beauty and things that make sense can be appreciated by anyone, and that was how these young cultivators looked upon this scene. Equally spaced out, the singers  vibrant blue dresses were made from the finest gossamer silk, flowing behind them as they danced, their voices perfectly matched in the different pitches. They sang of grace and beauty, times gone by, times to come and their gratefulness at the presence of the oasis itself.

They were so busy watching this, that none of them saw the other spectacle that approached. Guards in red and gold had marched to stand in between the lovely dancers, who were quiet now. These guards raised curved horns to their lips and blew out one inspiring note, long and loud.

Wei Ying felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and he reached for Lan Zhan whose hand was already extended towards him. They smiled at each other before turning their attention back towards the show.

Then six men carrying a gold and red palanquin marched forward and waited in front of the golden gates. These six wore red trousers with a gold line decorating the outside seam, but their torsos were unadorned and bare. On their backs, they had blue keys tattooed, stretching from in between their shoulders all the way to where their trousers started. Their golden muscles bunched with the weight of what they carried.

A single man dressed in dark, cobalt robes marched swiftly and full of purpose, past the palanquin which was still curtained, though Wei Ying was certain that the fabric in the window had moved, straight to the front. He produced a golden key and with much pomp and ceremony, unlocked the gate and removed the padlock.

Two gracious ladies from the dancers stepped forward and pushed the curtains aside from both sides of the palanquin and lifted their hands for the Queen to take as they unrolled the hidden steps.

And what a sight she was!

Her beauty was unsurpassed, her lovely dark hair was braided close to her scalp with blue pins, on the end of which shone a blue pearl. Her pale skin was luminescent, and her eyes shone with excitement...but Wei Ying could not stop the feeling that something was wrong. He pushed it down and plastered a smile upon his face, hoping Lan Zhan wouldn't notice.

His hand was squeezed.



Wei Ying steadfastly kept his gaze trained towards the front.

"Wei Ying?"

Damn...he sighed and smiled genuinely this time, turning to Lan Zhan.

"I don't know what's wrong, maybe it's nothing, but I just feel on edge. I can't explain it." He whispered, not wishing to disturb what was happening right there.

Lan Zhan gave him a curt nod, squeezing his hand once more.

They watched as the Queen descended, her robes made from the softest, palest blue silk, fluttering in the soft breeze. She was escorted to the gates while the singers threw petals from reed baskets to honour what she was about to do.

The moment she pushed open the golden gate, cheers erupted from the crowds that had amassed to watch this very thing. The singers broke into song, their wonderful voices echoing all around them as the crowd surged to follow behind the Queen as she entered.

"Shall we go there too?" Wei Ying asked, the uncomfortable feeling in his gut churning whatever he had eaten only moments ago.

"Mn." They each picked up a child not wishing to lose anyone in this crowd. Rumi was stretching his neck up to see what he could, but it wasn't much, so Lan Zhan made him sit on his shoulders.

"WingAnLaZhan?" He asked, pointing in the same direction as where the Queen has gone.

"Mn. To see." Lan Zhan explained.

They walked with the crowd through the golden gates and saw a wondrous vision. A huge expanse of water stretched out before them, the banks of which were covered in reeds. Palm trees lined the edges, and delicate ripples decorated the surface of the deep blue shimmering water. A bald man dressed in the simplest of blue robes thrown about his body began chanting while the Queen lit a candle and placed it in a little boat, setting it free to float by itself.

The small waves took it further into the main body of water.

Here, the blue of the sky matched the blue of the waters, and they realised why this city held that colour in such regard.

The Queen closed her eyes and joined her palms to pray, bending at the waist. She looked both serene and divine, one truly of royal descent.

Wei Ying was watching them both, but his gaze lingered upon the Priest, who was doing what he supposed were normal priestly things...but then, the man's expression changed and he pulled out a dagger from his robe, was just about to stab the unaware Queen but Wei Ying had put Li XiWang down and shot forth, his wings propelling his body to stand between the dagger and its victim.

There was a cry of outrage among the crowd, but Lan Zhan had grabbed their daughter and rushed forward, too.

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