Chapter 120 Cavern

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The incline was quite steep now and and every few hours they had to rest, until Dunshi came up with a new idea.

Xiao Zei came running towards Wei Ying and stopped them, panting with the effort.

"Dunshi says he wants to carry everyone." He said in between lungfuls of air. "It's easier for him. To climb."

Wei Ying tugged on Lan Zhan’s hand.

"What do you think, my love? Personally, I would prefer flying, but only if you're okay with that. Plus how many people can he carry?"

Lan Zhan pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around him.

"Mn. Can fly...if Wei Ying carries me?"

Wei Ying smiled at the hot ear next to his cheek. Lan Zhan hardly ever asked anything of him, and this was such a small thing, yet so important to both of them.

The gesture itself was more meaningful, because for so long, Wei Ying had been the weaker of the two, and now they were evenly matched, and perhaps the scales were slightly more in Wei Ying's favour.

"I would love to, my dearest Lan Zhan." Wei Ying smiled warmly at him.

Then he turned to Xiao Zei.

"Whoever wants to be carried, should go to Dunshi. Whoever wants to fly should do that."

Xiao Zei nodded and ran back.

Wei Ying let his wings unfurl, and wrap around them so they weren't visible. Then he captured those hot lips, soft and eagerly, always waiting to be kissed. Lan Zhan was his and he belonged to Lan Zhan, would do anything for his beloved. And this kiss was something they hoth needed, like breathing air.

Sweetly they parted, Lan Zhan's golden eyes never once leaving silver ones, as Wei Ying picked him up and held him close.

Strong, transparent wings gleaming with all the colours of the rainbow in the midnight sky, they flew up into the air.

"Sweetheart...we need to be looking out for a place to shelter." Wei Ying reminded him, when it became obvious that Lan Zhan wasn't going to look anywhere else except straight at him.

"Wei Ying can look." Lan Zhan replied, obstinately, making the other laugh softly.

The higher they flew, and closer to the mountains, the mist from the falling waters fell upon their faces like a soft dew.

And that's when Wei Ying saw with his now sharper eyesight, a dark chasm behind one of the waterfalls.

"My love, please look over there and tell me I'm right, that that's a cave behind the wall of water?"

Wei Ying jerked his head in that direction.

Lan Zhan made a disgruntled noise but obediently tore his gaze away from Wei Ying's face to look over where he meant.

The waterfall itself was many feet long, taller than three Dunshis standing on top of each other and behind the curtain of water, there a dark black hole was clearly visible.

Content that his Wei Ying was right, Lan Zhan turned back to face him, happy that he did not have to look away again.

"Mn. Wei Ying is correct."

"Alright, let's tell the others." Wei Ying flew back towards Dunshi and Hongse.

"There's a cave, behind the waterfall." He shouted above the roaring tons of water falling down.

Hongse brightened immediately. She had created an array that was lifting her body up into the air, and she gestured towards the ground, where huge boulders had crashed down from the mountains above.

When they all gathered upon one massive rock that was fairly flat, she spoke.

"I don't think there's a direct way past the waters without getting wet...but I would like to try something with your consent, if I may?"

Wei Ying nodded and put Lan Zhan down, trying to ignore his noises of protest. He held onto Lan Zhan’s hand though, keeping him close.

"I've never attempted multiple arrays before, but I have a feeling that it will work, if we can try?" She looked hopeful.

"Multiple arrays? That's new...what do you have in mind?" Wei Ying asked, rocking back on his heels.

"Yes Sister, please explain." Hongbaoshi asked, coming closer.

"Well, we would need to accomplish two things, right? We need to pass the water and we would need to fly to do it, since the path that led us here is non-existent." Hongse replied.

"Waterproof array?" Chihong said, standing next to her.

"We may not need that, but thinking ahead, we may need to build a fire for warmth and for our next meal, so gather something we can burn while I think on the logistics of how to do this." Hongse said, a light of excitement glittering in her blue eyes.

The three other Flowers of Venus ran off, their feet flying off lightly in separate directions, looking for dry wood to burn.

Hongse was staring intently at the waterfall, the tons of water falling in a thick sheet of liquid with great force, and not actually seeing it. Her mind was creating and abandoning different combinations of arrays, trying to find the correct ones, the two that fit each other completely.

As far as she knew, no one had ever attempted to use two together, so it wasn't known if it was possible or not.

By the time the other three returned, she looked ready.

"Alright, gather together." She called out.

They all stood as close to her as possible and watched.

Hongse spread her palms out and over each other as if holding an invisible balloon, and she began to chant. A red array appeared in the air in front of her and she propelled it towards the waterfall. The characters first appearing in the outer circle of the array floated out and began attaching themselves to the waters, and like little birds, began pulling the water apart, as if opening a pair of curtains. Soon, the opening was wide and tall enough to accommodate Dunshi.

Then, whilst maintaining that red array with a single hand, she drew on the ground  another array, this one a vivid blue to match the colour of their eyes.

This array began to draw on the same energy expelled from the waterfall to lift them all up, and this same array carried them through the curtain of water into the cavern behind it, completely bone dry, and safe.

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