Chapter 29 Searches

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Lan Zhan stared at Wei Ying. It was a chilling thought, that the person or whatever was causing the pink sludge was still around.

"Where does Wei Ying think they are?" He lowered his voice in case they could be overheard.

"To be absolutely honest, I have no idea. Look all around us, Lan Zhan. There are so many places to hide." He waved Chenqing around them.

Lan Zhan followed his gaze. Sun dried grasses whispered in the breeze, but it was the only sound they could hear.

"No birds?"

"Exactly. That means it's close by, whatever it is. Let's look for more clues." Wei Ying crept forward, Lan Zhan close by his side.

Gaping cave mouths yawned with darkness, too numerous to count. All around them, the unnatural silence felt heavier with each careful step they took, not wanting to alert a possible threat.

"If I wanted to hide, I'd pick a cave." Wei Ying said. "Maybe we've been doing this all wrong, maybe if we try to think like it, we will have more success."

"Mn." Lan Zhan's voice was full of approval.

"And since the pink slime was concentrated here, it stands to reason that they must be near here. The question is, do you feel ready to take anything on, or would you prefer to search with a back up?"

"Wei Ying is talking about many hands making lighter work...but, then we would be putting more lives at risk." Lan Zhan thought about it for a few seconds. "I am confident we two are enough. It is a calculated decision not based upon arrogance." He finished.

Wei Ying pulled him over for a long kiss after which Lan Zhan looked cutely puzzled.

"I love when you answer my questions as if you're being tested. That's all." He grinned. "For a second there, I thought we were back in class and Shifu was interrogating us."

Lan Zhan smiled faintly.

"Questions." He corrected. "Are conducive to a healthy learning environment."

Wei Ying shivered in his arms. "You're so hot when you speak like that! However shall I be able to resist you? Have some pity, Hanguang-Jun!" He mock swayed and Lan Zhan gave him a bruising kiss to teach him a lesson.

The sun had well and truly set now, as twilight painted her canvas of dancing stars in a cobalt sky. A soft breeze blew their way...with a strange and foreign scent.

Wei Ying sniffed the air and suddenly had a thought.

"Lan Zhan...what if the thing...what if it only comes out at night? For whatever reason? What if it's scared?"

"Good point."

"And if that's true, we may not need to search anywhere, it will come out by itself, right?" Wei Ying grinned.


"So let's just wait here. We are hidden from view, yet we have a great vantage point." He waggled his eyebrows. "And, we're alone." He bit his lips so his smile wouldn't break out. "No brothers, no children...oh my! Whatever shall we do? All alone and mhf!"

Hot lips silenced his useless words, and Lan Zhan gave free rein to the rampant desire that had been building all the along the trek up the mountain. Most of the time he never gave Wei Ying the chance to fight, his protective instincts always kicking in. But now Wei Ying had a core, a brilliant white core the same as his own, and to watch him fight, to see him wield once upon a time, on a rooftop when he hadn't even needed to unsheathe his sword.

Their first ever sword fight had been ingrained so deep within his memory, he wondered if it had been carved into the inside of his heart, never to be forgotten. All through those lonely years, he had watched their fight on replay, remembering the way Wei Ying's skill and talent matched his own. That first hadn't been a fight as much as a mating ritual.

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