Chapter 35 Curator

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The seven of them made their way over to the library. It was ostentatious as was to be expected given that it was built by the Jins. The doors were gold, blinding when the sunshine hit them, and huge marble pillars supported the structure.

Inside was no less beautiful; golden drapes adorned the high windows and tables gleamed made from a light coloured wood that matched the decorations. The whole library was bright and airy and very pleasant to be in. Rows and rows of books, scrolls, texts and pictures were meticulously arranged in an organised fashion and Wei Ying was impressed.

"It's nice!" He said out loud, and then to Lan Zhan, in a lower voice, "not I-want-to-hang-around-my-husband-all-day kind of nice, but nice just the same. I only hope its beauty matches its contents, otherwise we'll have wasted a whole day."

"Mn." Lan Zhan was concerned that Wei Ying liked this library better than their one in Gusu, but when Wei Ying added that, he felt much better. And he knew exactly what Wei Ying meant.

The Jin Library was too beautiful, too nice, and one was actually terrified of disturbing anything for fear of sharp retribution. Not a page out of place, it shone like a sparkling diamond.

Their library in Gusu was beautiful too, but in a hidden kind of way. Its riches lay not in the furniture but the priceless words preserved for hundreds of years, in the peaceful serenity one felt upon entering, and the calmness that grew within one's heart. The deep mahogany tables contrasted with the pale blue drapes and furnishings to create tranquility, and encourage the mood for learning.

"Uncles, this is our Curator, Guan Zhang." Jin Ling introduced them all and bows were exchanged.

"It is my pleasure to be able to assist Young Master Jin and his Uncles." Guan Zhang bowed again. "Young Master Jin often helps me around the library, and if I didn't know any better, I would think my job at risk." He joked with a twinkle in his eye.

Wei Ying liked him immediately. He was slim but his face was chubby with rosy cheeks sitting upon a silver moustache and a wispy beard. His countenance was that of a man who didn't take himself too seriously, and anyway, a sense of humour was always appreciated.

Jiang Cheng was looking at a blushing nephew in wonder.

"Really? You like books?" He was asking.

" what?" Jin Ling was trying not to be rude, but his old insecurities were playing up. This was his maternal Uncle after all, and substitute mother and father. To have him here in his home turf and comment, was a little nerve wracking.

"And that's great. I didn't know that about you, that's all." Jiang Cheng smiled at the way SiZhui appeared next to Jin Ling and took his hand, quietly supporting him.

"Oh." Jin Ling watched his uncle go to the nearest shelf to look at something which had caught his interest.

Sometimes words were just a conversation, nothing more, nothing less. Even if it took time, Jin Ling was sure he could learn.

Wei Ying watched his family adjust to each other and turned to find Guan Zhang looking at him.

"Is there anything I can help you find, Young Master?" He asked in a friendly voice.

"Actually, there is." Wei Ying beamed at him. This man was perhaps the only Jin Elder who wasn't full of himself, and was ready to help in a genuine manner.

"I shall certainly try then. Our humble library may not reach the standards of the famous one in Gusu, but we do try." He smiled kindly.

"This is what we were are looking for." Wei Ying retrieved the drawing that Dunshi had helped him with. "No doubt you have heard about your new guest. We are trying to cure his illness right now, and after he is better, we want to help him find his way home. This is what he described his home as."

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