Chapter 43 Absconding

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Phoenix Mountain was surprisingly quiet when they appeared. Nie Huaisang was already well aware this was a sensitive mission, and he furtively looked around while trying to not look like he was.

Dashi had not stirred, so that was one less worry.

But Dunshi was nowhere to be seen, and this was worrying. There was less slime around, so maybe he was feeling better, and they could verify this once he was found.

"Do you think they've moved him anywhere?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan.

"We should check his cave."

Luckily, they did not need to; the familiar ground shaking happened and they prepared to meet him again. Those that were not acquainted with the giant, did panic, more because of the uncertainty with what they were about to face. But the calm expressions on those that did, went a long way towards reassuring them that it was safe.

Huaisang was hiding behind Wei Ying, when the latter whispered, "check out his feet!" And he winked.

Huaisang nodded.

Dunshi came out of his cave, yawning and stretching. Wei Ying thought he looked remarkably better already. His hazel eyes were livelier and shining with good health, he seemed in much better spirits and there was a lightness to his steps, for his size.

"Hey! Dunshi! We're back!" Wei Ying shouted, waving to catch his attention.

Dunshi looked around and then spotted them. He was so excited, he ran towards Wei Ying and everyone else cleared away, worried they'd be trodden on. Dunshi picked Wei Ying up and gave him a smacking kiss, full of joy.

"I'm much better! Thank you, Friend! Now I can go home!" He wasn't shouting...maybe, but he was still loud.

Their friends edged further away. Lan Zhan had mounted Bichen and was hovering close by.

"Er...hi!" Wei Ying waved at the big guy, after wiping his own face. " you mind not doing that? My husband doesn't like it." He smiled to soften his words.

Lan Zhan would probably make him have another bath and they didn't have time for that.

"But I like you!" Dunshi exclaimed, happily. "You saved me! How else do I show you?"

"Or...or you could say, Wei WuXian, I am very happy. That's it."

"Wei WuXian, I am very happy." Dunshi tested it out in a monotone voice. "I don't doesn't feel the same." He protested.

"Trust me, it's good." Wei Ying reassured him, feeling waves of animosity from behind him, directed at a very oblivious giant.

"Who are all these people?" Dunshi noticed all the others.

"Friends." Wei Ying told him. "And you can put me down now."

"Don't wanna." Dunshi said, gleefully. "Look! You can fly!" He turned around in a circle, still clutching Wei Ying like a toy butterfly, mimicking the flight of the insect.

Wei Ying closed his eyes to the dizziness, and then he was let go of, as Dunshi howled in pain. His wings shot out from under him and he flew to the ground.

Lan Zhan was wiping Bichen on some leaves, looking furious.

Wei Ying looked up to see Dunshi jumping around, holding his hand in pain. He continued to wail, and it was becoming deafening.

"Can you do something about his hand?" Wei Ying shouted to Hongse.

She looked at him baffled.

"What exactly do you expect me to do? Look at him! He's like a big baby!"

Wei Ying shrugged helplessly.

"I don't know! Think of something!" He turned to Lan Zhan. "Why did you hurt him? Who's going to stop him crying now?"

Lan Zhan looked unrepentant. "It's only a scratch."

Apparently, Wei Ying was dealing with more than one baby...

He soared up Dunshi.

"Show me where it hurts." He said, loudly but in a gentle way.

Dunshi looked quite pitiful, his golden curls bouncing as he went to and fro, his bottom lip trembling, and he slowly stretched out his hand so Wei Ying could see. It really was a scratch.

"Father!" Li XiWang called out to him. She was holding something in her hand towards him.

Wei Ying blew on the cut, surprising Dunshi, before flying to her.

"This is the vial that Chang'e gave us. Do you think a drop of this on his wound might heal him?"

"Maybe. Good thinking, let me try." He took the vial from her and flew back to Dunshi.

While the giant watched him, he poured the tiniest amount onto the cut. Almost immediately, the skin began to heal. Dunshi stared at it, and then at him. He was going to grab Wei Ying again, but Wei Ying flew just out of reach with his hands up.

"Remember what we said? No kissing!"

Dunshi stopped in his tracks.

"Wei WuXian, I am very happy." He repeated in a monotone.

"See? So much better!" Wei Ying cheered him on, relieved.

"Nah...I don't see it. But okay..." Dunshi replied doubtfully.

"We're going to take you away." Wei Ying told him. "We think we know where you came from, so we're all coming with you to take you there."

Dunshi jumped up and down excitedly, and by his feet, bystanders collapsed.

"Okay, calm down!" Wei Ying ordered, mindful of the mess on the ground. "You have to be a good boy, or we won't take you anywhere!"

"I'm a good boy!" Dunshi shouted, and the sound echoed all around them.

"So much for stealing." Wei Ying muttered under his breath. "At this rate, we should've just announced ourselves to the Jins."

He flew back down to Nie Huaisang.

"Did you see his feet? Do you have a measurement?"

"I don't need one. It was definitely him, I can tell. Unless there was more than one who escaped." Huaisang replied, fanning himself.

"That's a frightening thought." Wei Ying said, shuddering. "Let's hope he was the only one. And we should really be on our way. Dunshi doesn't like the daytime. What are you going to do? How will you get back ?"

"I shall go and inform the Jins. I have a good relationship with them, so it's okay. I'll borrow a carriage and have them take me home."

"Good plan." Wei Ying fist bumped him.

"Worst case scenario, I'll have to cry, but I'm good at that too." He grinned. "And not that this wasn't entertaining enough, but I should start making my way down. Any chance of a lift?"

"I don't think so. None of us are flying."

"Alright, then. I'll see you when I see you. Thanks for solving one mystery at least." Huaisang saluted with his fan and left them to it.

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