Chapter 86 Truths

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Hongse turned just then, and darted out of the way. She looked into the wild eyes of her Soul Mate and wondered what was going on.

Why had Raina suddenly changed? Was she so affected by this place, or was it really her one true desire that she longed to rule in her own right?

At this point, Hongse couldn't tell. But she had to defend herself pretty well because Raina was livid.

"We've come all this way just for you to turn your back? I DON'T THINK SO!" She shouted.

But even as Hongse watched her in bewilderment, she was horrified to see two long fangs appear in her mouth as she advanced.

"I wanted to make this easy for both of us, but you had to go and spoil it." She flew at her, with malintent.

Hongse had just enough wherewithal to bring together the air surrounding herself and then, taking a page out of Hui Gai's book, she managed to trap the suddenly dangerous woman in a clear bubble.

Hongse did not want to harm her...not at all, not even after this bizarre change.

But being trapped made Raina go absolutely feral. She began hurling herself against the confines of the clear barrier, trying to get out.

"Listen, Raina...I don't know what the heck is up with you and...and...that!" She waved a hand at her body. "But I don't want to hurt you. We have to find a way to get out of here. I can sort your problem out once we're free of this enchantment."

But just as she was saying that, everything began to melt.

As if an angry painter dissatisfied with his newest picture were to toss boiling water at his canvas, the scenery melted away and Hongse was surrounded by Xiangfa and her ladies.

When they saw that Raina was captured and incapacitated, they all of them bared  fangs that had previously been hidden.


Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were just finding their way across the fields when everything began melting away there as well. In a perfect defence move, Wei Ying fused his back with Lan Zhan's, protecting each other and ready for anything that could come at them.

"Is this because we defeated their purpose, my love?" Wei Ying mused, Chenqing out and ready to use.

"Perhaps." Lan Zhan was not convinced, and they waited for the enchantment to cease completely.

"If I asked you to, would you be able to play Chenqing?" Wei Ying wondered as errant thoughts pervaded his active mind. "Since Bichen likes me too...I just thought..."

"Mn. Would do anything for Wei Ying." Lan Zhan promised.

Wei Ying turned and quickly kissed his cheek.

"We make a good team, right, Lan Zhan?" He could see the faint smile playing on those beautiful pink lips.

"Mn. Wei Ying is the best."

He wanted to state his opinion too, that Lan Zhan was the best, at everything, but Wei Ying refrained from speaking. They only ever argued when Lan Zhan was being way too vocal about Wei Ying's ability...actually, anything about him.

Their attention was drawn to the stand off that became visible as soon as the room melted away.

Hongse was had palms ready to summon something, and for some strange reason, Raina was trapped in a clear bubble...but she looked so did the other white clad ladies.

They all had fangs...and were advancing.

There were seven of them including Xiangfa, and since Raina was suffering from the same affliction as them, it would be prudent to lump her in with them. In this, the travellers had an advantage against the vampires, plus, they had Dunshi.

Hongbaoshi, Chihong and Xinghong also appeared, palms ready to strike.

But before anyone could do anything about the definite show down about to take place, there was a thundering crash below and the massive doors were blown to smithereens.

A piercing cry, tongues screaming as a call to battle sounded, fast approaching their level, the sounds of fighting reaching them even here.

For a few moments, Xiangfa and her sisters remained unmoved, concentrating on the immediate threat, that being this group of travellers, and then the fight became three-sided.

"Don't kill needlessly." Wei Ying shouted, putting Chenqing to his lips.

Red silk streamed all around them as his Scarlet Temptress arrived, summoned by Chenqing's melody, an assassin far more proficient than any woman alive. She came close by him, her long red nail stroking Chenqing's body once before bowing to her Master.

"Master has not needed us...until now." She hissed, looking at the seven vampires surrounding Hongse.

"True...and actually, I missed you." Wei Ying replied, smiling kindly at her.

"This one is honoured." She bowed again. "Master knows to call whenever the need arises."

"It is us who should be honoured...and please, there is no need to call me Master." Wei Ying bowed to her too. "I just wondered if you knew who they were?"

She shook her head but looked excited.

"This one can find out!" She would have raced off to do who knew what...except Wei Ying must have had an idea...because he shouted, "don't hurt anyone."

She looked so disappointed it was almost comical. She slunk off to where the fighting was most loudest.

Wei Ying threw his golden silk thread trap over the vampires, imprisoning them against the wall.

"Watch over them...I have questions." He told an approving Xiao Zei.

"With pleasure." Xiao Zei had pulled out a sling and shot, aiming it at a single white gowned host.

"How did you find out they were up to no good?" He finally asked.

"I get restless at night. Saw them feeding." He explained, a look of disgust on his face.

It was mirrored by those who overheard him.

Wei Ying nodded, grimacing.

"Time to go downstairs. I wonder what we shall find, my love."


A/N be thirty again...I'm sure feeling my age tonight. Like I said before, something is better than nothing, and I hope you all will bear with me for a while. Things are still crazy but I'm not going to let it get me down.

I'm going to eat extra chocolate and go to sleep.

Good night, all.

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