Chapter 55 Information

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This main road was quite shady, with the forest encroaching in parts. Owls hooted and cicadas sang, as night creatures went about their business. Wei Ying's sharp ears caught the sound of another noise....and for a while, he didn't mention anything. But when both Hongse and Lan Zhan paused, he knew they heard it too.

"Dunshi should wait in the trees. That way he won't scare anyone...and we won't have to deal with curious eyes."


Hongse sent her sisters to stay with him while Dunshi was hiding. They walked slowly, not knowing what was coming towards them, although it was the sound of a cart or maybe more than one. There was also the low hum of conversation, of people trying not to make too much noise.

As they turned the corner, they saw who was making the sounds.

A large group of maybe twenty adults and five children were making their way towards them. They were driving five carts, loaded with what looked like their possessions, piled high and tied down with hessian rope to the carts, being pulled by mules.

Wei Ying was reminded of Lil' Apple, left back home in Cloud Recesses.

The travellers stopped when they came closer, bowing because Lan Zhan looked like a Prince. Wei Ying snickered at his red ears.

"Where are you coming from, madam, and where are you going?" Wei Ying asked the little old lady at the front.

She reminded him of Wen Po Po.

"We are leaving our home." She told him. "These are our belongings, everything we can carry."

Wei Ying really looked at them then, and noticed their tired faces, the exhaustion on  not only the adults but the children as well.

"Which town or city do you come from? And why are you leaving?" He asked.

Li XiWang came to stand next to him then, and slipped her tiny hand in his. He squeezed it to reassure her that everything was okay...but inside, he was worried. The night fairies had warned them of unrest, and now this?

It would be good to investigate while they could and choose an alternative route should the situation become dangerous.

"We come from a large city further south. It goes by the name of Zhengui De Chengshi* (Precious City). And we are not the only ones to leave. War is coming, and we fear for our children." She wiped a tear. "It was the hardest thing to do, to leave those who would not be swayed. And please forgive us for not stopping. We have already been travelling for days, and wish to put as much distance as we can between us and those troubles."

"Of course, madam. We do not wish to hinder you in any way." They bowed to each other and watched them leave.

Dunshi came out then and they continued to walk.

This was a main road, and used by many, even at night. Several times they had to hide Dunshi when they were going to run into strangers, but it wasn't just the odd travellers they saw; three more groups of carts and people taking their belongings passed them by.

Soon it was coming to daylight, and they were still travelling. Wei Ying was worried about Dunshi, and where he could rest if they didn't find shelter soon. Hongse was also thinking about this and she came to walk beside him.

"We have maybe an hour to go before daybreak." She told him in a low voice. "And, we're being followed."

Wei Ying grinned at her. "I thought no one else had noticed. They might just be using the road."

Lan Zhan coughed loudly behind them.

Wei Ying only grinned brighter.

"I was thinking we should take Dunshi into the forest at least, try and find him somewhere to stay for the day. If we veer off the path, and we're still being followed, then you'll know for sure."

"Good plan." Wei Ying replied. "Let's do it at the next bend in the road. Just adds to their confusion."

Hongse nodded and resumed her position at the back, whispering to her sisters about what they had just shared.

The next bend in the road was actually quite sharp, which suited their purposes beautifully. They entered the forest and began making their way deeper into the greenery.

Wei Ying stopped and kissed both his children.

"Go with Hongse and your other aunties. Both Lan Zhan and I are enough to deal with whoever is following us."

Li XiWang tried to be brave, she even gave him a small smile.

"Honestly, it's going to be alright." Wei Ying assured her. "As far as I can tell, it's only one person. We'll catch up as soon as we can, and in the meantime, try and find a place for Dunshi."

Li XiWang nodded and held her hand out for Rumi.

"WingAnLaZhan?" He asked her as they walked away. He looked back, and Wei Ying blew him a kiss.

"They'll come soon." Li XiWang told him.

Behind them, they could hear the light footsteps of someone in a hurry, running over dry leaves and stones, the muffled crunching. All around them was the softest scent of greenery mixed with wildflowers. Wei Ying took in a deep breath and stuck his hand out suddenly.


Whoever had been running towards them, clearly hadn't been expecting that and slammed straight into his arm, falling onto the floor, dazed.

He was a short man with orange hair and an orange beard, a tiny hat on his head and short socks on his feet. He wore a mask around his neck.

When he saw them, after his eyes focused, he began trembling and shaking.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have been following you! I'm really sorry." He wheedled.

Wei Ying picked him up by scrunching his neck robes.

He yelped in fright.

"Who are you?"

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