Chapter 114 Shopping

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Wei Ying looked around the empty establishment and tugged on Lan Zhan’s sleeve.

"Um...I don't know if you know this, but there's a saying about empty restaurants..."

Lan Zhan was also regretting coming in this dingy place. The tables were dirty and there was a musty smell in the air as though they hadn't had customers in a while.


"I'll tell you outside." Wei Ying took his arm and they quickly made an exit.

Outside, people were milling about and it was an ordinary day. Wei Ying stopped a random stranger.

"Where's the best place to eat around here?" He asked politely.

After the stranger gave them directions, and they were on their way, Wei Ying beamed up at Lan Zhan.

"My love, there is a golden rule about eating out, and please don't ever forget it? It's, never eat at an empty restaurant. I swear, there are reasons and ALL of them are valid."

Lan Zhan pouted.

"But Wei Ying was hungry." He mumbled, as if that justified everything.

Wei Ying couldn’t resist and kissed his stubborn lips, smiling at how adorable his husband could be.

"I can wait, especially if....oh. My. God....Will you look at this place?" Wei Ying stopped walking, just too amazed to carry on.

This restaurant was teeming with people, many going in and many coming out. It was huge too, with three levels. And the smell of whatever they were cooking was magnificent...

"Now, this is what you call a restaurant!" Wei Ying entered with his family. "Tables for seven please." He grabbed a waiter to ask.

They were led past a huge fire in the centre of the room where all the cooking took place. Raw meet hung from the rafters and on a table in the centre, whilst skewers of meat chunks were roasting merrily on one side, dripping with fat and spices. Massive fires were lit under two cauldrons of bubbling water and the chef was stirring noodles. Others were rapidly chopping vegetables ready to cook.

Wei Ying loved it immediately.

They were taken to the second floor and seated. The waiter offered suggestions and went away with their order, while Lan Zhan examined the bottles of spice and condiments on the centre of the table. He pushed one of them towards Wei Ying. Their children were sandwiched on either side of them, with Klem sitting in between Oge and Hui Gai.

Wei Ying picked it up and opened the lid, taking a whiff of the strong smelling sauce. His eyes lit up.

Lan Zhan's eyes were already watering.

Their food arrived and Wei Ying slathered his with this new type of sauce excitedly. Rumi was not usually bothered with how his food was spiced or not, food was food, but Li XiWang was more like Lan Zhan in what she liked to eat. So while hers and her father's bowl was almost a tepid pale colour, the others all were eating a dark red version.

"I love this!" Wei Ying gushed and Lan Zhan ordered a second helping immediately.

"Lan Zhaaan ...I'm going to get fat!" He said with a wink, enthusiastically digging in.

Lan Zhan whispered something in his ear and Wei Ying's face became the same shade as his food.

Hui Gai did not need to eat or drink either, but he chewed on a piece of meat, watching his family. In such a short time, he had gone from bring a cursed prisoner to the Onyx knife, to King of the Nether world, and it was all due to this one man.

And to see him happily enjoying was like a balm to his soul. He gazed around the table at all the people he loved, happily eating and drinking and sharing their love, and he felt content. He felt a warm soft hand on his knee and covered it with his own, smiling at Oge.

She raised a brow as if to ask if he was alright, and he nodded, putting more food on her plate. Oge was hungry. She was just starting to show now, and her hand rested upon her rounded stomach as she ate, feeling happy at this new family.

"Does Wei Ying like the food?" Lan Zhan asked him, making sure everyone was eating well.

"This!" Wei Ying tapped the sauce bottle with the back of his chopsticks. "Is just yes, I love the food!"

Lan Zhan wiped Wei Ying's face with his clean white handkerchief, smiling indulgently.

No one had room for dessert, and Wei Ying suggested they walk off their lunch. When they asked for the bill, Lan Zhan added a dozen of the new sauce bottles and stored them carefully away, with Wei Ying giving him heart eyes.

Then it was time to really explore.

As with any town and city, NanLing was sectioned off into quarters. There were scattered restaurants everywhere, but in between, were the most amazing stalls full of new kinds of items, and the family flitted about like butterflies, hopping from one to the next.

Wei Ying was utterly delighted with everything to see. Their stalls were filled with works of art, and the speciality seemed to be coloured sand. It made sense because of the city's close proximity to the desert, and they had exploited the natural element to show real talent.

Pictures made from layering coloured sand in bottles and different containers were novelty gifts and Wei Ying had a sudden thought.

"My love, I just realised something. Whenever we go anywhere, we always forget to buy gifts for our family back home." His big silver eyes looked troubled.

"Have not forgotten. Wei Ying is the best gift." If Lan Zhan sounded a little smug, he didn't care, not about this.

Wei Ying blushed and hit his arm gently. "Oh...stop..."

"We can buy this for grandfather." Li XiWang pointed to a picture frame of mountains made by layering coloured sands.

"That's a splendid idea." Wei Ying beamed at her.

They were just going to pay for it when they heard loud voices.

"You never listen to me!" A woman was sternly telling off her husband, who looked just as angry.

"It's my money, and I should be able to spend it how I wish!"

"AND WHAT ABOUT OUR CHILDREN?" She shoved him furiously.

Lan Zhan paid for what Li XiWang had chosen, carefully storing it away before walking past the couple still arguing.

They were a ways away from the conflict when Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan. They were walking with arms linked and the children in front, swinging their arms.

"Do you think we would ever fight like that?" He asked, solemnly.

"No!" Li XiWang turned around to answer him, a broad smile on her face.

"Hm? Why ever not?" He was smiling back, curiously.

"Because father loves father too much." She replied, and continued forward.

Lan Zhan kissed the side of Wei Ying's head softly.

"Mn, it's true."

"But my love, which one's which?" Wei Ying blinked back the extra moisture in his eyes and resorted to mischief.

"Does it matter?" Lan Zhan asked, a soft look in his eyes.

Wei Ying reached up and kissed him gently, shaking his head.

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