Chapter 81 Secrets

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Openly, Wei Ying stared at Hongse, hoping his message would get through.

"I'm pretty sure that since we are all renowned cultivators, if anybody decided not to go through with this, that would be perfectly acceptable." He smiled at Xiangfa now. "We each of us have faced our own challenges and won. A few strange or mysterious rooms present no hardship. Though we would do well to take care." His eyes flashed to Hongse, who gave him a discreet nod.

In his mind, Wei Ying contacted Hui Gai.

Hui Gai, we need you to be invisible. Don't let your presence be detected, and meet us on the threshold of the room we are about to enter.

"Of course, Pengyou. I am here." Said a voice, no more than a whisper, right next to his ear.

Wei Ying could have cried with relief. If anybody  thought he was willing to put his children at risk, in a place where anything could happen, they had another thing coming.

I really don't know what I would do without you, my dearest friend. I'll explain later, but could you take the children away from here? I do not want them in any danger. We do not know what lies behind these doors, but something feels off.

"Agreed, Pengyou. Why don't I just take you all out of here? There is something strange about this place, in the way that poisons are sweet."

Wei Ying felt an arm around his shoulders and he leaned in towards the half embrace.

We can't go just like that, because Bai Hua made an appearance. She basically told us to let this play out...but I need the children to be safe.

"It would be my honour. However, I think you may need reinforcements."

Not a bad idea...but perhaps it would be wise to hold back. Let them be near but hidden.

"No problem. I know just the person."

Xiangfa was leading them towards their door now. On the pretext of kissing his children, Wei Ying told both of them to go with Hui Gai as soon as they saw him. This was particularly hard for Li XiWang and Wei Ying, she had so many questions in her eyes, but knew enough not to voice them.

"It will be fine." Wei Ying promised her.

"WingAnLaZhan?" Rumi whispered, his purple eyes big and full of worry.

The last thing Wei Ying wanted was to scare them further, so he kissed the top of Rumi's head and stroked his cheek with one finger.

"We will be just fine."

Apparently it wasn't enough because the baby threw his tiny arms around his neck, trembling.

"Rumi, my darling, my dear baby...I promise. We are immortals, nothing is going to happen to us." He vowed.

If Xiangfa happened to give him a hard stare at that, Wei Ying didn't comment.

"WingAnLaZhan..." Rumi whispered again.

"Yes, we are safe, and so are you." Wei Ying kissed his little round cheeks.

Xiangfa opened the door for them; it was something that needn't be voiced, that Wei Ying and Lan Zhan would enter together with their children.

Once that door closed, Hui Gai appeared and held his arms out for both children.

"It is them." He reported. "Those ladies smell funny, just be careful."

"It's alright, Hui Gai. As long as the children are safe, we can handle anything." Wei Ying reached for Lan Zhan's hand, always amazed at how comforting it was.

To know that he was understood, appreciated and loved unconditionally meant so much to him, more because it was reciprocated. He loved Lan Zhan just as much if not more than himself.

The two children and the Demon vanished with a wave, and now the two of them could concentrate on what was before them.


Hongse immediately got what Wei Ying was not saying, hence her slight acknowledgement. She couldn't warn her sisters though, because the other six ladies were hovering too close.

But now that she was looking for anything that might not be alright, she noticed a tightness in their smiles that wasn't there before. Almost an impatient quality, but for what, it wasn't apparent, at least, not yet.

So she was immensely glad that her Master Dashi was not her; he was resting in his room. Whatever was going to happen, it would be better if they did not have to worry about him as well.

"The Flowers of Venus grow stronger with every challenge." She said to her sisters, whose eyes widened at the familiar warning, not used for so long.

"We will make our Master proud." They answered back, the age old test of whether a person was who they said they were.

Xiangfa was back, to lead them towards another door. Hongse wasn't sure what lay on the other side, but she sure wasn't going to let Raina deal with it alone. She grabbed her hand and went through the door with her soul mate.

Chihong, Xinghong and Hongbaoshi held hands and entered the third room together.

But when Xiangfa approached the giant and Xiao Zei, the latter shook his head.

"We're not comfortable going in there." He told her.

"Are you sure?" Xiangfa was taken aback, and his answer displeased her, but she wore a polite smile still. "There are many rich wonders to be experienced there, or not, as the case may be. And of course, we will respect your decision. However, know this: these rooms do not exist anywhere in the world, and by not going, you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity."

But Xiao Zei had seen enough.

He bowed politely.

"We have partaken of your hospitality enough, I think. Anything more and we would be in your debt far more than we are already. If you don't mind, we will wait here for our friends."

Xiangfa did mind!

It was apparent in the scowl that flashed in her eyes but her mouth remained smiling.

"As you wish." She replied smoothly.

To anyone else, it would look like the way she spoke and her smiling face were genuine, but Xiao Zei knew better. He had seen enough fake smiles and lying words to realise that these were very dangerous women indeed.

He only hoped that their friends would be safe. He watched the too beautiful women walk away, their white gowns fluttering by their bare feet as they went, and once again, thanked his lucky stars for last night.


Hui Gai returned to Oge and Klem with his two wards, who seemed incredibly subdued.

When he went to put them down, they both clung to him, needing him more.

"Children...what is it?" He asked, hugging them both close to his chest.

He saw Oge raise a brow, and he smiled back, shaking his head. So she distracted an ever lively Klem, who was wearing a pretty dress now instead of just a diaper. But the dummy remained in her mouth, and Oge saw no reason why it should be taken away. She planted a raspberry against her round cheeks, delighting the child who chortled back with a giggle.

"What's going to happen to our fathers?" Li XiWang asked. Her one arm was wrapped around his neck, and the other around Rumi's waist, similarly, Rumi was holding onto Hui Gai but his tail was secure around her body.

"Nothing." Hui Gai told her honestly. "You keep worrying about them, and I keep telling you that they're going to be fine." He booped her nose, making her giggle. "But just to make sure, do you both want to come with me?"

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Down to the Nether world. I know some people who wouldn't mind going to see them again, and they're always ready to help. So what say you guys?" He winked at the two of them, definitely much happier now.

"Yes! We can see how Manu and her girls are too!" Li XiWang replied, her eyes shining with excitement. "Let's go!"

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