Chapter 77 Books

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Hot air wafted around them but Rumi was definitely much happier here in the library. He and Li Xiwang had found a children's story book with pictures, and Li Xiwang was currently reading it to him. He was seated in her lap in a comfortable armchair.

Lan Zhan was reading about music and keeping an eye on Wei Ying who was fluttering around like the butterflies in their room. He was trying to be quiet but there was so much to be excited about.

Lan Zhan was sitting down at a table in the shade when Wei Ying plonked himself down in his lap.

"Look, Lan Zhan!" He whispered showing him some pictures.

Lan Zhan put his book down and looked at his instead.

Some ladies had brought them chopped fruit, and he put some apple pieces in Wei Ying's mouth while he read.

Wei Ying was going to speak but a single warm finger was placed against his lips.

"Finish first." He was told.

Wei Ying did finish, and smacked a big kiss on his cheek.

"Did you see what I found?" He asked excitedly.


"I've never seen talismans like would change the way we usually write them! This is a certain breakthrough!" Wei Ying had to physically stop himself from bouncing up and down in his excitement.


"But Lan Zhan, aren't you going to read anything else? There's so much to see? Maybe we can ask those nice ladies if they can demonstrate what some of those artifacts do?" Wei Ying encouraged, beaming at him.

"I do not need to. Wei Ying is looking for me." He gave Wei Ying a small smile.

"Very well, then I shall look more to show you." Wei Ying went to stand up, but Lan Zhan pulled him down for a quick kiss before stuffing his mouth with more fruit. This time it was grapes.

"Why are you feeding me so much?" He wondered.

"It is healthy. Wei Ying should eat better." Lan Zhan told him with a no nonsense tone.

"Right now, I would kill for a bowl of spicy noodles from our guy in Caiyi Town." He mused.

There was a noise and suddenly, there was a bowl of noodles on the tiny table.

Wei Ying had already moved away but he came back in a heartbeat, silver eyes wide in amazement.

"It's not can't be!!!" He grabbed the chopsticks that were next to it and tasted it, moaning in delight.

Lan Zhan gave him a hard look and muttered something along the lines of "worse than a child" and "I shall try harder."

They saw Xiangfa coming towards them and she smiled happily to see Wei Ying eating with gusto.

"I just came to say, perhaps it is better not to use words of violence here. We are peaceful people and we don't want to confuse anyone. " She whispered.

"Who are we talking about, Xiangfa?" Wei Ying asked, suddenly interested.

She lifted a finger to her lips and shook her head imperceptibly. "Once night falls, and your friends are ready, we have more to show you on the third floor."

"More? More?" Wei Ying gaped at her.

"This is more than just a library, or a sanctuary in the desert. We are called the Temple of Wisdom for other reasons too." She replied, enigmatically.

"But Xiangfa...we have something we wish to ask you." Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan, who nodded.

"We have something we wish to show you." He said.

Lan Zhan pulled out a warded Qiankun pouch and Wei Ying unsealed it.

He reached inside and pulled out a book, the book. The one that was prophetic and kept updating by itself.

"I can tell from your face, you have an idea on the implications of this." Wei Ying told her in a low voice. "We would like your advice, if you can spare it."

Xiangfa had become all serious, and she had involuntarily stepped back.

"What do you wish to know?" She asked, hesitantly.

"We don't know what to do with it." Wei Ying explained to her truthfully. "By keeping it close to us, we endanger our family members, and our clan. We were hoping you could advise us on what to do with it. Could you... would you keep it here?"

"This place is hard to find, and those wishing harm or of nefarious purposes would be unable to perpetuate your outer defences." Lan Zhan said. "The book would be safe here."

"Would it?" She asked sharply.

They were both taken aback.

Up till now, Xiangfa hadn't shown anything like this, always being friendly. Were they asking too much?

She sighed, visibly tired suddenly.

"I can't promise anything." She said. "Let me ask. I will let you know tomorrow evening."

Not for the first time, Xiangfa had implied that higher powers were at work, that she did not make all of the decisions regarding this keep.

Then of course, came the more interesting question: who was responsible for looking after this place? Did it really have connections to the Heavens? And if so, what were they?

Li XiWang came to stand next to Wei Ying, then.

She looked at the item in his hand and then at him.

"Is that my book?" She asked.

When Wei Ying looked at her, her eyes were the silvery white of Bai Hua.

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