Chapter 99 Airborne

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They dressed properly, relaxed and happier. Little touches...smoothing creases away from white robes, tying the beautiful red ribbon firmly, and securing errant strands of hair.

Wei Ying waited patiently, his smile growing wider and wider, as Lan Zhan finished what he was doing, finally satisfied.


"Nothing specific...and at the same time, it's everything to me." Wei Ying replied, a seriousness in his voice.

"What is?"

Wei Ying shrugged...trying to find the correct words for what he was feeling.

"At the risk of sounding mushy..." He blushed, but plowed on. "I suddenly realised that there is no rush...with us. We're married...we can be together all the's not like we have to separate, like, at all, and it made me really happy. I can look at you whenever I want to, and I do...all the time...I can hug you whenever I want to, I can tell you how much I love you as much as I want. I can do your hair, I can play music for you whenever you want. Nothing can take me away from you...we are and always will be, a single unit." He dashed away the tears of joy that had suddenly welled up, a little annoyed at his not being able to see Lan Zhan clearly.

He was gathered into a warm embrace, held so close he could hear Lan Zhan's heart beating, calming him like nothing else.

"Can hug Wei Ying...can kiss Wei Ying...any time." Lan Zhan told him, not allowing him to move.

" can."

Wei Ying didn't know why he felt so emotional all of a sudden. Those thoughts had entered his mind like an epiphany, and the resulting joy was incomparable.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, just relishing this time together. Then Lan Zhan kissed his forehead, letting his lips linger.

"We should return." He said reluctantly.

Wei Ying leaned back, looking where Lan Zhan's gaze had settled.

Evening with the quiet peacefulness of the oncoming night was settling all around them, the orange sky clearing the way for the first scattering of twinkling stars.

"Alright...then, let's go." He unfurled his beautiful wings, and Lan Zhan took a moment to truly appreciate their beauty.

He walked around to Wei Ying's back, letting his fingers caress the firm edge, the bones within the frame. Wei Ying was trying not to shake; he wondered if Lan Zhan knew just how sensitive his wings were?

But when he felt the press of warm lips on the nape of his neck, Wei Ying simply gave up and shivered.

"Mn. I am ready now." Lan Zhan said, close to his ear. His warm breath teased Wei Ying's ears, tingling on his skin and colouring them pinker.

"Lan Zhaaan! That's so mean!" He whined, throwing his arms around Lan Zhan's neck. "You know we have to go back now!"

"Mn. We do." Lan Zhan smiled so proudly, that Wei Ying had no choice but to forgive him.

Without warning, he scooped Lan Zhan into his arms and soared into the air. A little bit of payback would do no harm, and he grinned.

High up in the sky, he thought back to the past.

"My you remember that challenge we had?"

"Mn? Which one?"

"The one where we both tried to outdo each know...To rile each other up..."


From the intensity burning in his eyes, Wei Ying was pretty sure he was doing more than remembering.

"Well, I can't remember who won..." He batted his eyelashes, marvelling at changing thoughts scattering in his husband's eyes.

Honestly...why did that affect him so much?


"Mn?" Lan Zhan looked dazed.

Wei Ying wanted to laugh at his reactions.

"Who won? And did you seriously forget the question?"

"One needs to concentrate when Wei Ying is around." Lan Zhan was utterly serious.

Wei Ying blushed, his silver eyes twinkling with amusement. He couldn't hide his face, since they were in mid air...but he wanted to.

"You're so sweet, my love." He whispered instead, giving up now.

"Wei Ying was the winner." Lan Zhan told him proudly. "Cannot resist. Wei Ying is temptation. Pure."

Oh, this was getting worse. Wei Ying was pretty sure that had there been obstacles in his way, he would have without fail, hit every one of them.

Maybe he should just stick to safe topics instead...

He would have replied but just then, something whizzed past them at great speed. They both looked around but then more followed, zinging past them randomly.

"Are these arrows?" Wei Ying asked incredulously. "Is someone actually shooting at us?" He demanded.

"You will have to let me go." Lan Zhan summoned Bichen as he spoke, so Wei Ying did not misunderstand.

The arrows were whistling past them at a greater speed now, and Wei Ying thought it was a miracle that neither had been hit already. But just as he thought that, he let out a gasp of pain.

"WEI YING!" Lan Zhan shouted out, knowing without seeing, that Wei Ying had been hurt.

Blue fire sparked and then burst from his ring, signalling that Wei Ying was in danger.

"Do it now!" He urged desperately.

"But I'm afraid of dropping you! We've never attempted anything like this before." Wei Ying breathed out slowly, adjusting to the pain. "And don't worry, I think it just grazed me."

"I will be fine. You can hover and I'll step onto my sword." Lan Zhan told him, the worry still in his eyes.

"Alright, good plan." Wei Ying replied. "I hadn't thought of that, but let me get higher first? Out of range."


Lan Zhan waited, ready but anxious.

Wei Ying didn't want to say anything but he had a horrible feeling that the arrows were dipped in poison.

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