Chapter 116 Progress

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They managed to pick up a wide variety of presents in the end: they did manage to find a fan for Huaisang that Wei Ying was happy about, similar to the one he remembered from way back when he first met the brother of the then Sect Leader. There were pendants made from glazed sand, ornaments, paperweights, and letter openers.

It was on their way back and purely by accident that they stumbled upon a little alley with tiny shops that specialised in takeaway sweets. Rice cakes, mochi in different flavours, and then the best thing ever, pineapple cake.

Wei Ying applied talismans to all the perishable goods they bought and Lan Zhan stored everything away in his pouch.

All throughout, both Lan Zhan and Li XiWang had taken to standing in front of him and not letting Wei Ying speak, so after the first few times, he just stood back with a sigh, holding Rumi's hand, and pinching the bridge of his nose.

Team we're-so-good-at-shopping were smugly satisfied that they were doing such a great job, and so Wei Ying left them to it.

Hui Gai seemed to know exactly what he was thinking though, and after he had caught his eye, Wei Ying had a hard time not laughing out loud.

They had dinner at the same place they had eaten lunch, and left with packed food for the others still probably sleeping at the warehouse.

They made their way back to the Flowers of Venus and the others, just as the sun was beginning to set.

This brief excursion into the city with no other reason than wanting to do a bit of shopping and wander around without an actual goal, was by itself a kind of therapy.

All of them looked happier than when they had first arrived.

Even the Flowers of Venus looked well rested. They gratefully accepted the food and ate quickly. Xiao Zei and Master Dashi were huddled together eating and communicating through a bizarre sign language, and it seemed that they were both content like this.

Wei Ying wondered at that too. Xiao Zei had seamlessly blended in with their group and ended up having an affinity with both Dunshi, who was just waking up, and Master Dashi who from the beginning, wasn't all there.

It made Wei Ying supremely grateful to the Universe for allowing this connection to take place.

So far on their travels, they had let things happen naturally, including letting Xiao Zei join them...and somehow or other, he became a good fit. Wei Ying hadn't been joking when he had told the little man that he was one of them now.

Night time was existing in a pregnant silence as they exited the warehouse.

There was the usual muted conversations happening in the background but Wei Ying missed the call of the wild birds when they were out of the city. In the natural open spaces of the world, the night had its own language of love, a salute to nocturnal lives going about their business, and so vastly different to the sounds of the day time.

All the buildings were washed in a dark blue light, here and there illuminated by the odd yellow lanterns that people lit in the hopes of keeping the evil spirits away. Even if they weren't superstitious, there was no harm in making sure that peace reigned in their homes.

They walked on streets paved with stone and passed by now familiar shops and landmarks until Lan Zhan thought they were travelling on a new path.

Wei Ying always had admired this ability of his, to know exactly where he was, despite having only visited once any strange new place. Even here, Lan Zhan was displaying his spectacular navigational skills, keeping them on the correct path. He seemed to have an internal compass, showing him the way.

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