Chapter 148 Gifts

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"I want to give you something, Master Wei WuXian." Dunshi said, suddenly.

He turned to his mother and whispered something in her ear.

"Why not? We have plenty and they will remember you by them." Rhouzhe said beaming at the thoughtfulness of her son.

He had changed so much, and she was only now beginning to see that it had a lot to do with these strangers, small though they might be, who had become his friends.

Travel brought people together, and united them through shared toils and experiences on their journey. It was a magical, unspoken feeling, and she had no doubts at all, that were his friends to visit again, they would remain close because of it.

"I will go and get them myself." She said, leaving quickly.

"Are you really sure you want to stay?" Wei Ying whispered to Xiao Zei so that Dunshi wouldn't hear or be upset by this conversation.

"Yes, I'm sure. Like I said, I have no one out there...but these past few months...I've really enjoyed being with Dunshi. As you know, we've become great friends. If I left him now...well, let's just say, there's a lot to be said for platonic friendships." He smiled broadly.

Wei Ying patted his back fondly.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Just know, you have us "out there" too. If ever you need us, our doors will always be open for you."

"Mn." Lan Zhan added.

Wei Ying beamed at him, bouncing back to his side.

"Tha-....I love you." He said simply, linking their arms. "I know you wouldn't say anything unless you really meant it."

Lan Zhan silently kissed the top of his head, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Actually, we have some news as well." Hongse said.

"Are you staying too?" Wei Ying asked, grinning at her.

She reminded him of his sisters...Wen Qing and his Shijie...all different but they had the same, nurturing quality about them. So he was invested in what she had to say.

"Not quite. Master Dashi would like to go and meet our sister, Zai Shu Xia and her husband, the Seventh Dragon Sea Lord, Tiaopi De Long."

"When do you want to leave?" Wei Ying asked her, his smile vanishing. But he tried valiantly to bring it back.

"As a younger brother." She told Lan Zhan before wrapping her arms around Wei Ying. "I'm going to miss you so much. Both of you." She wiped her eyes first, before Wei Ying's, as he choked back a sob.

"Same...same..." He said, barely getting the words out.

"We'll come and visit you again, don't worry." She reassured them. "But our other sisters, they will want to meet their Master too. We have young Flowers who have yet to know the great visionary who is their father too. There is much to do...but none of it could have been possible without both of you." She said, bowing to Lan Zhan because she knew he abhorred touch from anyone other than immediate family.

Lan Zhan bowed back deeply.

"Thank you so much for looking after us all this time. Your congee will be much missed."

Wei Ying snorted next to him.

Hongse beamed at both of them.

"It has been my honour to feed you and to be able to look after you. Parting is a bittersweet pill...but I feel sure we will meet again in the near future."

Hongbaoshi and the two other Flowers Of Venus came to bow with their master.

"I'm going to miss you too." Hongbaoshi said, grinning, though none of the others dared come to hug either of them.

"Thank you so much for all you have done for us, myself and my children." Master Dashi bowed deeply.

Wei Ying raised his arms and returned Master Dashi to an upright position.

"Really, there's no need to thank us. It is enough that you are coherent and in charge of your faculties. That is enough for all of us." He smiled at the old man. "When are you going?"

"As soon as we, if possible." Hongse looked at Master Dashi.

"As an immortal, I can also teleport. And I wish to see my daughter as soon as possible...I'm sure you understand." Master Dashi said to them.

"Then, I guess there's nothing else to say...except farewell, and see you soon." Wei Ying smiled, as Li XiWang and Rumi went to hug Hongse.

Hongse crouched down to their height and kissed their cheeks.

"Look after your parents and be good children, okay?" She said, hugging them separately.

Li XiWang tried not to cry, nodding through her tears. Rumi nodded too, stepping closer to his sister and slipping his hand inside hers and squeezing.

"Bye." He said.

Hongse laughed and cried at the same time.

"I'm lucky I got a word as a gift from you." Hongse remembered Dunshi and waved at him too.

They all waved one last time and held hands.

Master Dashi winked at Wei Ying before all five of them disappeared in a flash.

Rhouzhe came back then, carrying a small wooden chest, which she planted next to them on the table. It was the size of a small house.

Wei Ying wanted to laugh at how big it was, imagining his XiChen-Ge's face and what Uncle would say.

"Please accept this small token of our gratitude. Dunshi wanted to give you something to remember him by." She said, standing next to her son.

"Really, it's too much!" Wei Ying giggled, meaning every word.

Lan Zhan squeezed his hand and gestured towards Dunshi, who looked as if he was going to cry again.

"But we'll accept!" Wei Ying quickly amended, smiling at the giant. "Dunshi, it's been so lovely to have met you and your mother, and thank you for showing us around your home. You've been a wonderful travelling companion too. We'll definitely come back to visit with you." Wei Ying told him. "How are we going to take that back with us?" He whispered to Lan Zhan.

Before Lan Zhan could say anything, Hui Gai stepped forward.

"I bet I can help."

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