Chapter 15 Recovery

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Lan Zhan was worried about both Wei Ying and Rumi. He had picked them both up from the long grasses and brought them nearer to the fire that was still burning.

Wei Ying already felt colder than normal and both he and Rumi were clutching each other in such a tight hold, he was loathe to separate them. Rumi looked terrified at letting go, mumbling their names like a litany, and for someone who rarely spoke, this was monumental.

Lan Zhan used to carry blankets around in his Qiankun pouch from the days before when Wei Ying had suffered from being too cold as a result of his core not being able to provide enough warmth.

So he spread one out that they could lay upon and used another to cover both of them.

Oge and Klem were watching them, stoking the fire and adding driftwood dried on the beach. Li Xiwang sat next to them, wondering how she could help. Her desperate eyes sought out Lan Zhan, who immediately opened his arms for her. Her little body was shaking, and she really needed to be consoled.

Lan Zhan didn't have to say anything, just him wrapping his arms around her made her feel protected and she began to calm down.

"Father, do you remember that vial, the one that Goddess Chang'e gave me? Do you think it would work if we gave some to father Wei?"

Lan Zhan brightened immediately.

"Let's try."

Li Xiwang delved into her sleeve and brought out the vial filled with a smoky white liquid. She had already used some of this on Tiaopi De Long and Zai Shu Xia, but there was still some left.

Lan Zhan supported Wei Ying's neck as she opened the top and poured a single drop down his throat.

Almost immediately, his cheeks regained colour, and as Lan Zhan felt his temperature, saw that it was returning to normal. A few minutes later, those beautiful silver eyes opened, and Wei Ying smiled at Lan Zhan. Then he saw Rumi holding on to him.

Wei Ying sat up with assistance from his husband.

"My have nothing to worry about." He lifted the still frightened Rumi into his arms, holding him close. "I'm alright, look!" Wei Ying showed him his arms and his legs, trying to show rather than tell him that he was okay.

"WingAnLaZhan?" Rumi asked him again and again, until Wei Ying thought of something else. His fingers crept to Rumi's sides and he pounced, instinctively knowing where to tickle the little demon.

Rumi shrieked with laughter bubbling out of his small body as he tried to escape to Lan Zhan.

Suddenly, they were all laughing, even Oge and Klem.

That's how Jin Ling and SiZhui found them, the relief that both Wei Ying and Rumi were fine now, apparent in their eyes.

"Who's that?" Wei Ying whispered, seeing the mop of curly hair in the crook of his son's arms.

"It's a little girl. We found her in the alley we were walking through, looking for someone." Jin Ling said, staring at Rumi who didn't trust Wei Ying to keep his fingers to himself.

As it was, whenever Rumi caught Wei Ying's eyes, he giggled in that delighted laughter care-free children have.

"Rumi was just scared. He's fine now." Wei Ying looked at the little girl they were holding. "What are you going to call my grandchild? And can I hold her?"

SiZhui handed her over.

"We haven't thought of a name yet, but we were making plans to change some things here in this town, once we get back home." Jin Ling told him.

"What do you have in mind?" Jiang Cheng asked, coming to stand next to them.

Li Li was in his arms and she squealed when she saw the other baby, making grabby hands, and suddenly Wei Ying had to balance two chortling babies in his lap.

Jin Ling explained to them what he had in mind.

"The Elders don't like spending money on necessary things, but if we add things that suggest more than what they are in real life, rumours alone can fund this town into becoming better for its inhabitants."

Jiang Cheng hugged him.

Everyone else stared.

Jiang Cheng almost never did anything like that in public...

When he let go of his nephew and saw everyone looking at him, mouths open and in shock, he scowled.


Wei Ying turned his attention to Rumi again, his own heart only feeling better now that smiles had returned to his boy's face.

Rumi was tugging on Li Xiwang's sleeve to get her attention. When she looked over to him, he climbed into her lap and kissed her cheek.

"WingAnLaZhan." He nodded solemnly.

"It's okay, Rumi." She kissed his nose. "I would have done it sooner but I forgot we had that."

At Wei Ying's puzzled look, they explained to him what they had used to bring him back.

"At least we know now why he's so scared of the water." Wei Ying stroked his bald head affectionately. "No wonder he was so scared."


All the children were handed bowls of congee and before too long, they started yawning.

SiZhui had looked on delightedly as their new child ate so fast, because she must have been starving.

They arranged all the kids on the blanket and covered them with the extra one.

Suanni must have missed Wei Ying because he landed with a thud right next to him and Lan Zhan, who had wrapped an arm around his waist and wasn't going to be letting go any time soon.

"I think we should be returning to Cloud Recesses tomorrow, what do you think?" He yawned too.

"We can do whatever Wei Ying wants to do." Lan Zhan kissed the top of his head.

"I know you're still worried." Wei Ying whispered so no one could hear him; the last thing he needed was a shouty brother bearing down on them. "But I'm honestly alright now." He turned so that he was sitting in Lan Zhan's lap now, and he pulled his face towards his own so he could comfortably kiss him.

Lan Zhan raised his arm so his long and wide sleeves hid them from view, and then he bit Wei Ying's lip, smoothing it over with his hot tongue. For a moment, he leaned his forehead against Wei Ying's, closing his eyes and drinking in the comforting scent of lotus flowers.

Wei Ying patiently waited, because Lan Zhan was working his way through a multitude of emotions, relief overshadowing everything else right now.

"When Wei Ying hit that wall..." He breathed out.

"It was no one's fault, my love. And my wings protected me from most of the blast. I think I was worst off because I was closest to Rumi when it happened." Wei Ying wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan's neck.

Their heartbeats synchronized, calming them both.

"What matters is that everyone is doing well, and we have a new addition to our family. Isn't that great?" Wei Ying carried on talking, his voice purposefully soft and slow, soothing ragged hearts. They fell asleep like that, leaning against the biggest cat-dragon, who pur-growled all night long.

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