Chapter 110 Predictions

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Wei Ying was looking at the empty space where just seconds ago, Wu Zhubo had been sitting before making her eerie predictions.

"Maybe we can go back and discuss with the others?" He suggested, a warning note in his voice not to talk about anything here. "But I do have one last question for you." Wei Ying looked at Boney. "Is she ever wrong?"

Boney shook his head.

"We have always abided by what she has told us. Her guidance has allowed our Tribe to flourish and we would never disrespect her by not following her counsel."

"Well, then..." Wei Ying stood up with the others, and bowed to him. "Thank you for your hospitality today. It was...interesting to come here and see how you live. We wish you much success for the future."

Boney guy bowed back.

"I have a parting gift for you." He said. "Please wait here?"

Wei Ying nodded and they watched him dart into the nearby hut. But his words had reminded Wei Ying of something.

"My you think we can give him something too?"

Lan Zhan wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed the top of his head. Wei Ying never failed to surprise him, at how wonderful a person he was. This man's Tribe had hurt his Wei Ying and the last thing Lan Zhan would have thought of would be to gift him something...but Wei Ying was a generous soul.

He was abundant and unstinting with both his love and anything he possessed, be it a golden core, or anything of material value...and Lan Zhan fell in love with him more and more each day.

He pulled out the little green box and the bag with moon seeds inside, and handed it to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying reached up to kiss his cheek.

"You know me so well, my love." His gaze was adoring.

Just then, Boney guy returned with his gift.

He bowed and presented Wei Ying with an embellished horn, slightly curved.

"Its notes will ring out loud and clear, and will gather aid from far."

Wei Ying examined it after bowing to show his appreciation. The mouthpiece was covered in a strange metal that showed more than one colour, rather like some of the plumage on the exotic birds they had seen in the green forest before coming here. The place where the hand would hold the horn was also made from carved metal, this one like a burnished bronze.

"This appears to be very heirloom?" Wei Ying guessed as he gave it to Lan Zhan to see.

Lan Zhan carefully turned it over in his large hands.

"Yes. It has been in our family for hundreds of years." Boney guy smiled.

"Then are you sure you want to part with it?" Wei Ying was saying.

Lan Zhan handed it back to him.

"Yes, I am sure. Gifts once given should never be is inauspicious. And like all things, material attachment is a falsehood. Gifts should go to where they are most needed...and I have a please..." He gestured the way they had come. "May I escort you back to your friends?"

"No need, we can make our own way back." Wei Ying smiled and handed the horn back to Lan Zhan who stored it away inside his pouch. "But we have a parting gift for you too. Where does the sunlight reach the most on the ground?"

Boney guy led them to the place, a bit far away from both the fires.

"Here." He spread his arms out wide. "Why?"

Lan Zhan poured some water on the ground and when it was soft enough, Wei Ying dug a shallow hole with his finger and placed a pinch of the magical earth soil inside and added the moon seed. Then he stood up and moved away.

Boney guy was wondering what was going on by the confusion on his face, but when the first green shoot tore through the ground and began to grow big and tall, his face transformed into the biggest smile.

They watched the moon tree grow, its leaves rising up towards the sky, green and wholesome, its soothing fragrance resting in the surrounding air.

"That never gets old." Wei Ying sighed softly, leaning back into Lan Zhan’s embrace.

"It is a happy tree. Thank you my friend...and friends." Boney guy bowed once last time.

"You're welcome. And now we should definitely make a move." Wei Ying turned to Hui Gai. "Lan Zhan and I can teleport but could you please bring Hongse and Hongbaoshi?"

Hui Gai grinned and grabbed them, vanishing in the blink of an eye. Wei Ying bowed and then they too vanished.

Xinghong was dishing out congee to Master Dashi and Xiao Zei when they all suddenly appeared, startling her. They sat around the fire and talked as they ate, filling in the ones who hadn't come with them on what had transpired.

"So, I guess the big question is, what is the evil we are carrying?" Wei Ying finished.

"Not Rumi." Hui Gai growled.

"Of course not, silly." Wei Ying smiled indulgently at him. "It can't be the children because she said carrying, and that's present tense, even if she knew about them, they weren't with us then. So that rules out the kids. And anyway, I was thinking it might be an object..."

"The prophecy book?" Lan Zhan guessed.

"It could well be," Wei Ying mused. "If it has the potential to update daily, then in the wrong hands, it could destroy lives...I suppose it could be used for evil. But I dunno..." He tapped his nose thoughtfully.

"And what are the challenges she mentioned?" Hongse asked.

"That's something hard to specify without it being obvious." Wei Ying admitted. "The thing is, when do we not have challenges? My whole life has been a challenge..." He laughed softly, but Lan Zhan curled an arm around his waist and pulled him closer.

"I take it Pengyou isn't worried, then?" Hui Gai sat back, leaning on his arms.

"No...not really. We've had our fair share of prophecies thrown our way...since forever. Sometimes I just wish the ones telling us stuff would be more specific. I would have liked to chat some more with Wu Zhubo if she had stayed."

"Maybe that's why she disappeared then." Hongbaoshi rolled her eyes.

"I thought the names she called you were cool." Hui Gai said, grinning af his friends. "Lightbearer of the North and Dark Angel..."

Wei Ying blushed and smiled.

As the sun set, and the last rays disappeared leaving them with just the light of the crackling fire, faint noises were heard in the darkness of the temple, and then Dunshi came out yawning.

He pointed behind him, and said, "who broke the ground?"

Wei Ying went up to him then, and smiled when Dunshi lifted him up.

"We have good news for you, my friend. We know how to get you back home now."

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