Chapter 130 Dixia Cheng

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The look on Dunshi's face was controlled anger, and made his friends worry about what was to come.

"I was...I thought, now he is back, you do not need to trouble yourself with my son." Dunshi's mother replied, bowing slightly.

Wei Ying did not miss the way she stood slightly in front of her son, much like Lan Zhan did for him when he was in "protect Wei Ying" mode.

There was definitely tension in the air, as all of the giants in this huge room looked in between the mother and son on one side, and the speaker with the aggressive tone, who was now taking the stand in the centre of the room, to address everyone.

"And so what if he's back? Does that change anything? I don't think so." The speaker was a giant who was taller than Dunshi and his mother.

The discussion room erupted into loud shouting, both for and against his latest statement.

"You may have spoken too soon." Wei Ying whispered to Lan Zhan, who nodded.

They had clearly been debating this problem within their ranks for a while now.

"We should explore outside our home!"

"Chief Juda is right! If we wish to flourish and prosper, expansion is the only way!"

"But Dunshi is back. He can take over now!"

"Welcome back, rightful heir Dunshi!"

"Do we need to expand? Isn't what we have now, enough?"

The voices reached a loudness that was finally intolerable for Dunshi.

"People! I have guests I wish to introduce." He shouted out.

Again, there was a pindrop silence.

"Who? Which guests?" Juda shouted out, not liking the lack of attention on himself.

"These are my friends. They helped me find the way back to my home." Dunshi said, scooping them all up and presenting them to his mother.

All ten of them were subjected to a curious face staring down at them.

Wei Ying felt like a courtesan being paraded in front of her listeners.

"Oh...Dunshi...they're sooo cute!" She squealed, utterly delighted.

The other giants not able to get a good view, pushed and shoved and soon, many inquisitive faces surrounded them.

There was much awwing and aahing...until yelps of surprise got louder, and finally a few of them closest to Dunshi were pulled away, to be replaced an animated face.

This was Juda.

His face was twisted in a scowl, but at the same time, a greedy curiosity shone through his black eyes, as he stared at the newcomers. He had large eyes, overshadowed by big hairy eyebrows, and a hook nose. His hair was wild and scraggly, as if a lawnmower had had a fight with it and lost. His skin was weathered and wrinkly, but he didn't seem to be old.

"Welcome to Dixia Cheng*!" He said, loudly. (*underground city)

They all bowed in greeting.

"Have you eaten anything?" Dunshi's mother turned back to him.

"Rhouzhe, don't you know anything? That is not how you greet our guests!" Juda interrupted.

Dunshi looked upset, barely controlled fury on his face, but Wei Ying saw his mother put a hand on his arm. She bowed in deference.

"Are you hungry? Tired?" Juda asked them.

Wei Ying bit back a smile. He had essentially asked the same thing as Dunshi's mother, just in a more brash, conceited way, to sound like he was a leader.

Maybe it was time to have some fun...

"Yes, thank you for asking. We're tired and hungry." He called out, making the animated featured guy look proud and happy that he was successful.

"Then, come with us." He turned to the others. "We will resume this meeting later today or tomorrow. Depending on our esteemed guests." He added, his voice ricocheting off the walls.

Then he strode towards an opening barely concealed with a curtain, expecting them to follow.

"These are the royal quarters." Dunshi explained, still looking upset.

"Dunshi...don't worry about him. Evidently he's all mouth and no action." Wei Ying said, hoping he wouldn't be overheard by the wrong ears.

But it was worth it, this risk to express himself in order to make Dunshi feel better. Wei Ying noted that Dunshi's mother also eyed him under her lashes, but kept her face down as she followed Juda out of there.

This was a smaller passageway, no less grand. In fact, when Wei Ying saw the walls that had been blank and sort of smooth previously, he gasped at the sight of these.

Jewels like the ones the little insects had been carrying were encrusted into the walls, and not randomly, but in beautiful scenes interspersed with faces, portraits actually.

As the torchlight flickered upon the shiny gems, the whole passage was lit up with a rainbow of lights that shone in a kaleidoscope of colours.

It was simply exquisite.

"This must have taken ages." Wei Ying commented when he could speak.

"Mn." Lan Zhan was also looking at the art work in awe.

"My father made all of these." Dunshi said, in a loud enough voice to make Juda stomp off by himself.

"Your father?" Wei Ying asked.

"Yes. My father...he sort of became the leader here." Dunshi explained.

"He was a brave man." Dunshi's mother added, wiping her eyes.

"Mother, why don't you stand up to him? I hate the way he talks to you." Dunshi said in a low growl.

"My son...I cannot. I have to think about you. And Juda has many supporters...they fill his ears every day." She looked mightily uncomfortable suddenly. "And please don't be angry, but alot has changed since you've been gone."

"What?" Dunshi stopped walking and faced her.

Wei Ying had a feeling things were going to get very awkward, since all of them were perched on his shoulders. And what might be a conversation for just family was about to happen.

He blushed, catching Hui Gai's eyes, who snickered, thoroughly entertained.

"His supporters want an alliance...between the old established leader and the new one." She continued.

"An alliance?" Dunshi looked confused.

"Yes. He wants me to marry him."



Yay!!! I am fist pumping the air!!

Three updates this morning, go me!!

Definitely an occasion for more chocolate...hehe...


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