Chapter 28 Pink

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Screams from someone desperate caught their attention and Wei Ying flew ahead, Lan Zhan hot on his heels.

Phoenix Mountain had a rounded path that swept across the summit to lead to a tableau, but there were many caves and dark places where something could hide. Wei Ying stretched out his consciousness even while they ran, hoping not to be caught unawares.

And then as they reached the flat expanse of the peak, they were met with a truly awful sight. The pink sludge that no one had yet been able to identify was here, and in great abundance. Clumps of oozing slime seemed to double in quantity as they watched in trepidation.

Just what was this mysterious substance? Why was it increasing? And before they could study it properly, a weak cry called upon them; they looked to see a cultivator trapped in the middle of the pink slime, and the more he struggled, the greater the sludge held him down - if they did nothing, the man in purple robes would be suffocated within seconds.

"Don't move!" Wei Ying shouted, about to head directly into the mess to save the man, but Lan Zhan held him back with a hold of his arm.

"Do not go there!" He warned, utterly serious.

Wei Ying, wide-eyed, gulped at the look in his golden eyes. He nodded once, and only then, Lan Zhan let go of him. By now, Jiang Cheng and XiChen had caught up, but the moment the Jiang Sect Leader saw it was one of his disciples in trouble, both Wei Ying and XiChen had to hold him back.

"Let me go!" Jiang Cheng struggled with all his might, but he was no match for the exceedingly strong Lan arm strength, or Wei Ying's new found dragon-related power.

"Wait! Jiang Cheng, he's fine as long as he doesn't move! We told him to stop and since then, the slime hasn't tried anything either. We have some time to work out how to help him. Now, let's think!" Wei Ying told him urgently.

With pain in his eyes, Jiang Cheng nodded and they let go of him.

"The Jin Sect is right to be concerned, this is so much more than the little piece they showed us in Koi Tower." XiChen remarked, prodding a little of the slime with the tip of Shouyue.

It wobbled aggressively but did not cling to the metal.

And that gave Wei Ying an idea.

"I think it's safe to say, the sludge is an organic matter, and responds differently to different things. For example, a person is most definitely organic and the sludge is trying to overpower it any way it can, but just now, it could tell the difference between something alive and cold metal..." He tapped his nose thoughtfully.

"So what? Do we just attack it with our swords?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"What if we try our spiritual weapons too? Just to see if that's more effective?" Wei Ying suggested, pulling out Chenqing.

Lan Zhan summoned WangJi at the same time as XiChen brought out LieBing.

Together they played while Jiang Cheng was vibrating with a mix of urgently wanting to go and help his follower, and impatience at not being able to do so.

Collectively, the sludge shuddered and tried to retreat into itself; a little more of the man's face was revealed and Jiang Cheng recognised him immediately.

"Feng WenRou! Do not panic. We are trying to free you. Keep as still as you can." He shouted to the man in distress.

"To be honest, the music isn't helping that much." Wei Ying told him in a low voice.

"Then what are we going to do?" Out of frustration, Jiang Cheng unleashed Zidian on an errant piece of slime and the pink sludge vibrated before tripling in size, just before SniZidian made an appearance. She bowed in greeting to Wei Ying before slithering to XiChen and wrapping herself around his arm and planting soft kisses against his face.

"It's lovely to see you too," He cooed back in delight as Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and went to stand away from them in a huff.

"I want to try something..." Wei Ying had been twirling Chenqing all the while, but he went to Lan Zhan first. "My love...I want to see how it reacts to resentment energy. We have to try all the resources at our fingertips before we call on outside help." He didn't bother clarifying who, and Lan Zhan didn't ask. He simply nodded, putting away WangJi and standing next to Wei Ying.

"Be careful." He murmured in his deep voice, inducing a shiver in the other.

Wei Ying smiled reassuringly before placing Chenqing at his lips. First he played a haunting melody, channelling a small amount of the dark energy, little whispers of power that began swirling around his body as he gathered forces to himself, and then as the music changed into something pulsating with a command, it became frenzied like the notes drawn out from the black flute. The black wisps of resentment energy charged at the pink sludge and the ghastly organic matter shrank back even before Wei Ying's power reached it, but his energy was relentless, picking away at the pink slime until it obliterated every scrap.

Wei Ying stopped playing and opened his red eyes only when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder telling him he could stop.

Jiang Cheng pulled him into a shocked hug, before letting him go just as quickly and striding to haul the other disciple up.

Feng WenRou was still shaking like a leaf, but he had the good manners to bend at the waist and thank his rescuer; although Wei Ying waved him up.

"I'll take him down to the healers." Jiang Cheng hauled him onto his back and mounted Sandu.

"We'll come with you." XiChen nodded at both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan before riding aboard Shouyue, SniZidian purring into his neck as they rode off.

Wei Ying watched them go before crouching to examine the ground where the pink slime had been. The sun was close to setting now and he watched as everything was bathed in fiery golden light; reminding him of Lan Zhan's eyes. The latter crouched next to him.

"What is Wei Ying thinking?"

"Well, we didn't have time to think about this before, but Lan Zhan, we must ask the question, where did the pink sludge come from?" He stood up and held a hand out for Lan Zhan to take. "See the thing is, it's definitely an organic matter, and it must have come from somewhere...or someone."

"Someone?" Lan Zhan asked sharply, coming to stand right next to him, as if expecting them to be attacked immediately.

"Yes, I think whether by accident or by will, it was definitely generated by someone. And," He crossed his arms against his chest. "I think that someone is still here."



Happy Happy Christmas everyone. I hope you all celebrate in style and eat good food with pleasant company.

Let's all trust in the Universe and eat lots of chocolate and be happy and peaceful in our lives.

See you tomorrow!


By the way, do you all celebrate Boxing day? (Big holiday in the UK)

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