Chapter 40 Fun

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The next morning after breakfast and Wei Ying insisting the children go to classes for however many days they were there, he kissed them goodbye and watched them leave.

Warm arms came around his body and Lan Zhan rested his chin on Wei Ying's shoulder.

Wei Ying turned his face and kissed his cheek.

"You know, we should go and visit Uncle."

Lan Zhan made a face.

Wei Ying turned his cheek so he could steal another kiss, a proper one this time.

"I will give you five more of these if you look happy when we go." He whispered, smiling against pouting lips.


"Payment is always after delivery." Wei Ying clarified, still smiling.

Lan Zhan could be such a child sometimes.

"This one doesn't count." Was all the warning he got as Lan Zhan suddenly became predatory and pushed him up against the door, kicking it closed, and then Wei Ying was in heaven as those hot, wet lips kissed a trail down his body, ripping his robes aside.

Afterwards, when they had cleaned up and made themselves presentable, they opened the door to find angry grape pacing with his fingers stuck in his ears. The moment he saw them, Jiang Cheng blushed and shoved a stack of talisman paper towards Wei Ying.

"Huan said you must have run out." And then face blazing, he not-ran away.

"Ah...I thought you did the silence ones?" Wei Ying looked at a smug Lan Zhan, who shrugged.

"You know, you're getting better and better at avoiding to answer." Wei Ying put the paper down on the table and took his hand. "Let's go."

He skipped beside Lan Zhan swinging their hands happily up and down.

"What a lovely day!" He said, watching a few golden leaves swirl around them, a reminder that autumn was just around the corner.

"Mn. It is."

They paused outside the Moon tree. This tree was an evergreen, always bright and welcoming. Wei Ying breathed deeply, inhaling her beautiful scent and feeling nourished. There were no white flowers to make him a crown this time, but a single branch came down around Wei Ying's face, as if she was caressing him. Wei Ying pressed his lips against a leaf, utterly enchanted, and the tree shuddered with delight.

Lan Zhan pulled him towards Uncle Qiren's home immediately with a laughing Wei Ying behind him.

"You can't be jealous of a tree, my love!" He was saying.

"Wei Ying is too free with his kisses." Pouty Lan Zhan was back, none too happy with the sudden show of affection.

"I'm sorry." Wei Ying reached up to kiss his cheek. "I won't do it again."

Lan Zhan nodded, already trying to arrange his lips into a passable smile, one that was good enough for five kisses.

"Stop it, you're being weird." Wei Ying tugged on his hand. "Just act natural." He grinned at the sheer effort Lan Zhan was putting in.

Uncle Qiren opened the door, frowned at Lan Zhan and smiled kindly at Wei Ying.

"Come in," He said after they had bowed in greeting.

He poured tea for the three of them.

"So, I hear you're leaving again?" He said in his deep voice.

There was no tone, no inflection to suggest how he may be feeling about that, but Wei Ying sensed a sadness about him.

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