Chapter 25 Beasts

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Wei Ying twirled his sword like a Master, aiming for the origin of the roar, tense with anticipation, storming ahead...when a blur of white flashed in front of him.

He grinned, because Hanguang-Jun was taking this challenge seriously, but he knew it came from a need to protect him, and Wei Ying was swamped with the affectionate love he felt for his husband. So often, Lan Zhan would readily stand in between Wei Ying and the threat, no matter what it was.

However, this was a three fold challenge, the one between himself and his mate, the overpowering of any prey or beast that had the misfortune of crossing either of their paths, and then determining what the mysterious pink sludge was, nearer the top of the mountain, all the while making sure no novice cultivators were harmed. The older ones, more experienced, should know better, but if they were at risk, Wei Ying knew neither he nor Lan Zhan would hesitate to protect them.

And since Lan Zhan was going this way, he would have to find another he changed direction and climbed into the trees to get a better idea of what they were facing.

He didn't have long to go; the roaring creature only got louder until he was so close, his ears hurt.

It was a DangKang, a vicious, wild terrible boar, a celestial plague for harvest and a bane for the cultivation world.

It roared again, the sound amplified in the clearing surrounded by the trees that were a natural barrier.

Lan Zhan had sent Bichen to fight while he strummed WangJi, the blue energy pulses attacking the boar but it's hide was just too tough, and the beams of power were just aggravating the beast.

Wei Ying leaped down from the tree, narrowly avoiding the blue rays, and with a single stroke of Suibian, he beheaded the creature. It's secondary roar was cut off mid gurgle, as the blood rushed out, and Wei Ying jumped clear of the splatter.

While it slumped to the floor, Wei Ying bounced back to Lan Zhan and gave him an exuberant kiss, delighted with the outcome.

"One, nil to me!" He grinned, even as Lan Zhan pulled him back for another kiss.

He was honestly in two minds of whether to let Wei Ying win or not, given what their terms of the bet were...but Wei Ying would be upset if he let him win, and he wanted to at least make this fair.

"Unfair advantage of height." He replied, but he was smiling, though only Wei Ying could tell.

"I did not use Chenqing." He smiled back.

"Wei Ying is welcome to." Lan Zhan conceded. "I have Bichen and WangJi, Wei Ying should use spiritual weapon as well."

"We'll see. Do you want to travel together or shall we split up as well...I guess not." He changed his words after the pained look on Lan Zhan's face. "Come on, let's go." He cleaned his blade on some wide leaves and linked his arm with his husband.

Late afternoon sunshine filtered through the leaves, but it seemed unnaturally calm and quiet. Perhaps it was some form of sixth sense, that had Wei Ying ducking, and pulling Lan Zhan down with him as sharp darts flew through the air aiming straight for them.

"Gu!" Wei Ying whispered, as they hid behind a bush.

He was referring to the over sized poisonous insects that came into view seconds later, shooting more darts their way, which Lan Zhan destroyed with WangJi, while Wei Ying swooped in with Suibian.

This time, the blue energy pulses immobilised the vicious predators, six in all as three were dispatched with Bichen and three with Suibian.

"This one is definitely yours!" Wei Ying declared with a flourish.

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