Chapter 137 Leaving

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Hongse, Hongbaoshi and Master Dashi, Lan Zhan, Wei Ying and their children plus Hui Gai said their farewells to the four of their companions left behind. Dunshi wanted to stay behind and look after his mother, Xiao Zei wanted to stay too, and the other two red-clad Flowers Of Venus were staying to look after the others.

Master Dashi was in good spirits today, and while Hongse had tried to explain to him where they were going and what for, it was a futile task because while he nodded along as if he actually understood, he would begin clapping and dancing randomly in between.

Wei Ying smiled sympathetically at her.

"Not long to go now." He encouraged.

"That's if it works." She smiled back, but it was tinged with sadness.

"Do not lose hope now. We are so close." He said, patting her arm.

"Better stop that." She warned him, grinning now. "I am already in your husband's bad books, I do not wish to further rile him."

Wei Ying looked up to find Lan Zhan glaring at both of them.

"Aha're right." But he snatched his hand away quickly. "My Lan Zhan has gone through a have to forgive him if he's overprotective." Wei Ying sobered up.

"I already have. I feel lucky to see how much he loves you, and how much you love him back."

"We are very lucky. We have been given a second chance, and we intend to put it to good use." Wei Ying gave her one more smile before bouncing back to his husband.

"Have I told you how much I love you, today, my love?" He questioned, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Lan Zhan was ready for him and grabbed his waist before he could escape after teasing him. Wei Ying yelped.

"No. My husband has not." He pouted. The disappointment was real.

Wei Ying kissed his beautiful lips delightedly, smiling throughout.

He flung his arms around Lan Zhan’s waist and hugged him tightly.

Lan Zhan nodded to Hui Gai who vanished, before returning the hug. Their hearts beats together, as they relished this feeling of closeness.

"Here you go." Hui Gai appeared with a cup of tonic for Wei Ying.

Wei Ying made a bad face.

"I swear I'm feeling fine!" He protested, looking between the both of them and feeling utterly betrayed.

"This is just to make sure, PengYou." Hui Gai stepped closer.

Lan Zhan held him in place, and Wei Ying realised that he had been duped.

"You-!" He jabbed a finger into Lan Zhan’s chest, his eyes full of accusations.

"Wei Ying should show a good example of how to take medicine." Lan Zhan replied calmly. "The children are watching."

Wei Ying glanced to his right, and sure enough, a pair of purple eyes and burgundy eyes were watching him. One was curious and one was sympathetic.

"Fine!" He snatched the cup from Hui Gai's fingers. "But I won't forget this!"

They silently watched him gulp the whole thing down.

Wei Ying would have wiped his mouth with the back of his hand but Lan Zhan was ready with his white handkerchief and a piece of candy, which both the children were interested in. Wei Ying nabbed two more pieces and slipped them to two little hands open at his back.

He winked at Lan Zhan, who stumbled.

Wei Ying snickered.

"We will need to pass by the dense jungle before we can use other means of travel." Hongse said, as they set off walking.

"Dense..." Wei Ying snickered again.

"Thick..." Li XiWang offered, her big burgundy eyes shiny with excitement.

"Opaque." Lan Zhan supplied, smiling at his family.

Rumi smiled back, all pointy teeth.

"Sometimes I think he understands more than he lets on." Wei Ying mumbled to Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan was holding his hand with his left one whilst slashing away at errant leaves and undergrowth in their path.

"Mn." He replied, without missing a beat.

After they had walked on in this fashion for a while, Hui Gai scooped up both children as they began to lag. When the leaves and trees began to thin out, they could see the peak they were to make for.

"I can take the children there." He said. "And actually, everyone."

"Really?" Wei Ying asked him curiously. "How many people can you carry at a time?"

"Not sure now, because at the time I was testing it out...but you remember when we had to rescue those kids, around a hundred and twenty or so?"

Wei Ying nodded.

"I took around fifteen to twenty at a time. But I'm stronger now. So probably a lot more." He beamed back, white pointy teeth against reddest of lips, and even redder eyes gleaming with interest.

"So how does it work?"

"Well, normally I have to have been to a place to picture it in my mind...but you know when I came to get you? At the doors of the Netherworld?"

Wei Ying shuddered involuntarily, trying not to remember.

"I think that was my connection to you that brought me straight to wherever you were. Plus, you should see it now...we've been...decorating..." He laughed.

"Decorating?" Wei Ying inquired. "How so?"

"Do you remember all those kids? I was running out of ideas on how to keep them busy and then one day, they accidentally covered a wall in flowers and the was so good, I told them that all the bare places were their canvas. All they needed was paints. You'd be surprised at what a little encouragement can do..." Hui Gai had a fond smile on his face.

"Then, we will definitely come to see you soon." Wei Ying replied, just as they broke out of the jungle.

"I look forward to it." Hui Gai smiled dangerously at this new challenge. "Shall I aim for there?" He pointed to somewhere on the mountain side of the peak they had to climb.

The moment Wei Ying nodded, Hui Gai grabbed hold of everyone and teleported them onto the mountain.



Hello Lovely Readers,

Two updates today because it's a Saturday and the weather is nice and warm and so I'm not sure if I'll be able to write later when I get home from work.

And also to make up for my absence of yesterday.

Have a beautiful day and look upon Flowers and smile because they are smiling back! The Universe is happy...


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