Chapter 136 Plans

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Wei Ying drank the water that Lan Zhan poured out for him.

"So we should probably be making plans...right?" He said, afterwards. "If we're going to be leaving soon."

"Yes. What do you think about not everyone going?" Hongse said.

"What do you mean?" Wei Ying asked. "Is it me? Do you think I'm a liability?" He tried not to feel hurt by that, but his eyes filled anyway.

Lan Zhan glared at her while simultaneously pulling Wei Ying closer.

"Wei Ying is not a problem." He said firmly, more for her than Wei Ying but he felt as if Wei Ying needed to hear it too.

"That wasn't what I meant at all!" She said, hastily. "I'm so sorry if it came across like that!"

"Perhaps some thought should go into which words are used." Lan Zhan was still frowning at her.

"My love...she didn't actually say anything's just me. Maybe I'm being more sensitive than usual." Wei Ying hurried to make things better.

Lan Zhan wiped his face for him, but his expression was unforgiving.

"Wei Ying should not ever feel as if he is a burden. Am I clear?" He frowned at Wei Ying now, wanting to dispell his worries too, and then glared at Hongse, who was already nodding.

"Maybe I should clarify what I meant." She continued, wanting to make peace. "I thought, since Dunshi's mother is at risk here, should some of us stay to protect her? And what about the children? We should take measures to protect them too, right? My reasoning is only the wellbeing of everyone concerned, that is all." She reassured them.

"Can't we come with you?" Li XiWang asked, holding Rumi's hand.

Rumi growled at Hongse.

"Hold it, let's not have anyone upset unnecessarily." She smiled at the growing unrest. "The thing is, going up the mountain, especially the second highest peak, there will be a lot to deal with. There's the high altitude, which, if you don't acclimatise yourselves with first, can prove, at the very least, quite unpleasant, and the very most, can lead up to death. It is something serious, make no mistake. Secondly, it is no place for children. And if it is not absolutely necessary, then I vote for only a few of us to go. Those are my thoughts."

Lan Zhan turned to Wei Ying. He took hold of both Wei Ying's hands.

"Does Wei Ying want to go up that mountain? This is a yes or a no question."

Wei Ying nodded, but he giggled despite the fear in his eyes.

"Why did you add that on?" Wei Ying laughed again.

"If it was asked more often, much time would be saved." Lan Zhan replied, thinking of the many tasks and meetings conducted in Cloud Recesses, which had gone over the required time simply because someone had decided to divulge their entire life story, unnecessarily.

"Then yes, my love. I would love to go."

Lan Zhan kept a hold on his hands but turned his face towards Hongse.

"Then, We are going. Wei Ying will not want to be parted from our children, so this is what is going to happen: Hui Gai and myself will be responsible for Wei Ying, Li XiWang and Rumi. It is advisable that Hongse take responsibility for Master Dashi since his condition is the only reason why we would travel up there, because I believe it was mentioned previously that the cure must be administered "fresh". Have I been understood?"

Up until now, it was only Wei Ying and possibly Hui Gai, who had ever seen Lan Zhan like this. Completely in control, firm but admonishing, and terribly serious. He hadn’t been like this in such a long time, that Wei Ying was fully aware, something in what Hongse had said, had triggered this response.

Wei Ying shivered, because this Lan Zhan was soo hot, but at the same time he knew, Lan Zhan was utterly solemn and grave.

Lan Zhan felt the tremor and returned his intense golden eyes back to his beloved.


Wei Ying shook his head, all thoughts evaporating, burning away under that golden gaze.

"I am sorry if I have offended you. It was not my intention at all." Hongse stood up and bowed.

There was an awkward silence.

"Say something..." Wei Ying urged, under his breath.

Lan Zhan did not want to, but Wei Ying looked as if he might get upset if he didn't, so he inclined his head in her direction and turned all of his attention back to Wei Ying.

"You can do better..." Wei Ying coaxed. He gave Lan Zhan a small smile.

Lan Zhan sighed as if too much was being asked of him, but he looked properly at the Leader of the Flowers Of Venus.


She raised herself up and began stowing away the remnants of their breakfast.

"Sister, Xinghong and I will stay back. We can keep an eye on Xiao Zei and Dunshi as well as his mother. Sometimes outside eyes can see more than familiar ones." Chihong said quietly.

Wei Ying smiled at them.

It was nice to see that when Hongse had bowed, she was respected more for doing what she thought was right than not, and that kind of humbleness was truly a trait of a great leader. And good followers.

He turned back to Lan Zhan, who was still staring at him.

"What if I get tired?" He asked, fear creeping into his voice.

"I can carry Wei Ying. I would love to." Lan Zhan reassured him, also smiling.

Anyone else looking at him would not have been able to tell, but it encouraged Wei Ying to smile even more brightly. Warmth erupted in those golden eyes as they fed off each other's happiness, reflecting it back tenfold.

An unconscious calm settled over everyone in that place as they finally realised what it meant to piss off the Great Hanguang-Jun.

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