Chapter 17 Invitation

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They climbed on top of Suanni, those that didn't want to fly.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were ready to go, one already having mounted Bichen, and carrying Li XiWang this time, while Rumi held on tightly to his other father.

Zhitiao and JingYi were going to ride on the dragon babies, something that JingYi was trembling with, he liked to think excitement, but Zhitiao knew better and had kissed him for his bravery.

Oge and Klem were ready to leave with Hui Gai at any time.

Hongse and her sisters decided to teleport to Gusu, and Jin Ling and SiZhui were left, so they decided to travel back to Cloud Recesses with everyone else.

XiChen and Jiang Cheng were flying solo with Li Li too.

Suanni took off with a mighty roar, and Wei Ying soared into the sky with him, Lan Zhan following close by.

Wei Ying was still worried about Rumi; the boy was holding on to him with a death grip, and not looking anywhere else except at him. Residual fear still lurked in the back of his amber eyes.

Wei Ying still felt bad about that and like any parent, was wondering if it was still such a great idea to have brought him here, by the ocean where he was so rightly scared.

He used his mental connection with Lan Zhan to speak now.

My love, do you think we should try Empathy with Rumi? Maybe we can find out why or how his condition happened? Do you think it's possible to try and diminish the impact?

Mn. We can try. If it does not cause more harm than good. Also, what do you think of the Jins? I do not like their insistence.

Agreed. But maybe we should find out what they want first? We could ask XiChen-Ge... because this looks like a political problem to me.


Personal? How so?

They didn't go through the correct channels of contacting the Sect leader. Wei Ying is part of the Lan Sect now.

The facts, so cleanly put, made Wei Ying feel all sorts of warm inside. It was one thing to be told he was part of his family, and something else entirely to feel it on the inside.

You know that headband they gave me?


I've just thought of another use for it...

Wei Ying chuckled and soared off, still giggling at the look on Lan Zhan's face.


They reached home in record time, flying directly into Cloud Recesses. Suanni found a clearing in the forest and dropped off his passengers.

"Fathers, please may we take the babies to see the bunnies?" Li XiWang asked, hope shining in her eyes.

How could they say no to that beautiful face, still round with a hint of baby fat?

SiZhui brightened at that suggestion, and took Jin Ling by the hand.

"I miss the rabbits too." He said, eagerly.

Li XiWang took little Li Li and held Rumi's hand, telling him calmly where they were going to go, when Hui Gai, Oge and Klem turned up.

Hui Gai opted to stay with his friend, while Klem wanted to follow the other children, so they all left.

"It is time for me to leave as well, Young Master." Suanni bowed. "But, I sense trouble on the horizon for you and yours. It would be wise to exercise caution." He advised in deep voice.

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