Chapter 74 Shelter

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Wei Ying looked at the dark gaping hole dubiously.

"Do you mind if we have a look first? If it suits his needs, is what I meant." He smiled to soothe his words which may have come across as rude.

"Of course. You are all welcome to see." Xiangfa replied, graciously. "There are steps so please be careful."

She set a sandal clad foot upon the bare stone and lights came on along the sides to light their way. Slowly the darkness was pushed back as they descended almost twenty steps.

Lan Zhan had picked up Li Xiwang and Wei Ying was carrying Rumi as it was safer, and they were in front with everyone else following behind. The space opened up as soon as Xiangfa stepped onto the stone floor. This was a huge, cavernous room with straw for bedding and blankets, though no single one would be large enough to fit Dunshi.

Wei Ying looked towards him and he was already smiling.

"Do you think you could sleep here, Dunshi?" He asked the giant.

"Yes. It's nice." He replied, simply. He went to the corner and arranged the straw to his requirements, lying down when he was satisfied.

"I shall have food brought to him." Xiangfa told them. "When you are ready to sleep, just clap your hands and the lights will shut off." She turned to the rest of them. "If you follow me, I shall show you to your accomodation."

"Um...if you don't mind, may I stay here with him?" Xiao Zei spoke up quickly. "He gets scared when he's alone."

Xiangfa let out a melodious laugh. "You must be comfortable here, that is all we require. We have no objections to wherever you wish to sleep. I can imagine you have been travelling for a while now and must be tired. Please rest. When you awake, food and provisions will be brought to your aid."

Xiao Zei bowed to everyone and bid them goodnight. Dunshi was already snoring in the corner.

They climbed out of the bunker and passed by the horses again, some of them snickering at the thought of more sugar lumps from Wei Ying and smiled sadly at them, his supply depleted already.

"Maybe they have more." Li Xiwang whispered to him, seeing him feeling around in his sleeves.

"I'll be sure to ask them." He smiled fondly at her.

They were in the massive courtyard now, and the sun was shining brightly. Everything looked brighter in the fresh morning light, including the vast building they were approaching.

"You may need to shield your eyes soon." Xiangfa warned them. "When the sun is high, and there are no shadows on the ground, it is best to take cover." She led them to an enormous wooden door with bolts across the opening.

Wei Ying put his hand next to one of the sets of hinges and was shocked to see his hand was smaller.

"Wei Ying has beautiful hands." Lan Zhan insisted and proceeded to kiss both of them.

Wei Ying could only blush as a result.

"This is our back door. You may follow them now, if you are tired. When you are hungry, you may ring the bell next to your beds and food shall be delivered." She bowed and left them.

The other six ladies came in front of them.

"Please come with us."

The inside of the keep was built with stone blocks and the inner buildings were from smaller red bricks. Once they had passed through the outer area, they entered the inner temple. Torches mounted along the walls lit their way.

However, once they entered the main building, everything changed.

A rich royal blue carpet lined the floor and lots of little lights floated upon the ceiling following them. The ladies escorted them up a spiralling staircase that led to a second floor, and corridors that had ivory coloured doors branching off the main route.

"This is your room." One of the ladies led Xinghong and Chihong into a room.

"The next one is yours." Another lady told Hongbaoshi and Hongse.

"If you don't mind, I need to sleep in the same room as my master." Hongse said, apologetically. "His mind is not his own and it's for his safety."

"Then, please do not worry yourself." The lady clapped and a young man, also wearing white robes with a gold belt, came running towards them.

"My lady?" He asked.

"You must stay with the wise one. If he needs anything, you must go and fetch it for him. And you are not to do this alone. Go and call your brother."

Hongse smiled broadly at the ladies.

"Thank you so much. My sisters and I take turns every night to watch over him. It would ease my heart to know that every one of us was resting well." She bowed again.

"No need." The lady told her, blushing. "It is part of our directive to accommodate all our guests. No matter what you need, we will try our level best to make sure your requirements are met to the best of our capacity."

"Who runs this place?" Wei Ying asked them, curiously.

"This temple has many benefactors." She came closer and whispered, "although gossip is forbidden, it is said the Heavenly Emperor visited here once and was so impressed, he ventured a token of his gratitude. We think it is still in use even now." She straightened and cleared her throat, smiling awkwardly.

"That's amazing." Wei Ying grinned at her.

He had an affinity with people who enjoyed breaking rules.

Once Master Dashi was settled, with two youngsters to look after him, they continued to move along.

"Here." Another lady in white robes opened the door.

"But if we two are here then that means Raina will be alone." Hongse said, quietly.

Raina had no idea why she was blushing.

"I've slept on my own many a time. How about I get this one and you two can share the next room?" Hongbaoshi suggested.

"Alright. Good idea." Hongse smiled at the solitary woman. "Are you alright with that, or would you prefer sleeping alone?"

"With you ...if you don't mind. I haven't slept alone in twenty years." Raina wished her face would cool down.

"I don't mind at all." Hongse replied.

So they received the next room.

Now there was only one lady left. She handed Wei Ying a key.

"What's this for?" He inquired politely.

"This room is for your children." She opened the door and the four of them went in.

The ceiling was painted in a deep blue with silver dots that looked like stars littering the sky.

The beds were one on top of another and pink.

Everything was pink....

"If you do not like the colours, you can clap your hands and change it." The lady demonstrated. "Blue." She called out, and the bed changed colour.

They went through a few options before Li Xiwang quickly told them she was happy with the pink ones they had originally seen.

"Are you sure, Little rabbit? We don't mind sleeping with both of you." Wei Ying told them.

"But father, it's sooo pretty!" She cooed. "Do you want to sleep on the top or the bottom?" She asked Rumi.

He smiled with all his sharp teeth.

"WingAnLaZhan?" He pointed to the top bunk.

Lan Zhan kissed him and picked him up to place him on the soft bedding. Then it was Li Xiwang's turn.

"Goodnight, children." Wei Ying told them, before they were led through an adjoining door to their room.

"Please rest and recover." The lady left them alone.

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