Chapter 13 Bubbles

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The sun was warm enough for everyone to take solace in the cool waters. Shui was eager to swim with Wei Ying so he stripped off his outer robes, winking at Lan Zhan, who was glaring at anyone who might have even accidentally looked in his direction.

Wei Ying took off running and soared up into the sky; when he got high enough, he dived into the sea. Everyone stopped what they were doing just to watch the magnificent sight.

Lan Zhan rolled up his trousers to dip his feet, until Li XiWang tossed some water at him, and the fun really began. He shrugged off his outer robes and chased her into deeper waters, much to Wei Ying's delight. Shui was having too much fun, diving into the depths with Wei Ying, showing him his old haunts when he had gone missing and hid inside the abandoned shipwrecks.

The Jiaoren were excited at this extra activity on the surface and swam up to see what was going on. Dolphins and seals swam from far away, wanting to play with the humans in the sea.

Jiang Cheng and XiChen were holding little Li Li's hands and helping her dip her feet in the ocean, while she chortled in wonder of her feet squishing the sand and feeling the texture between her toes.

The Flowers of Venus sat on the shore and watched the fun unfold.

JingYi was content to sit with his babies who were still wary of the waters, not trusting so much of it at once. And of course, Zhitiao was happy wherever he was.

Shen Ling and Shen Qing sat close to a dozing Suanni who was happy lying in the warm sunshine like an oversized cat.

Hui Gai chose that moment to arrive. He chose a place further away from the waters so Rumi would not panic, having already talked to the boy about their return. Oge was holding Klem and then it was another happy reunion as they were welcomed on the beach.

Hui Gai sought out Hongse.

"I need your help."

She stood up immediately.

"What is it?"

"You know those bubbles you made that allows people to absorb oxygen from the air and water? I need to tweak mine, if you can give me a few pointers."

They spoke in low voices, discussing different aspects of each other's designs, until Hui Gai was happy.

Then he returned to Rumi who had not let go of Oge's hand since they arrived. He was anxiously searching for his parents.

"WingAndLaZhan?" He pointed towards the sea, when Hui Gai came near him.

"Yes. But don't worry, my boy. I have a safe way for you to go there too." He reassured him.

But Rumi, only six years old, didn't know what to believe.

Hui Gai closed his eyes and made a bubble appear around the little one. Li XiWang saw them from where she was still trying to escape from Lan Zhan, who had figured out that she was just as ticklish as Wei Ying. She ran out of the ocean and hugged Hui Gai.

"I missed you!!" She shrieked, tossing water at him.

Hui Gai laughed and tossed some back, making sure that Rumi could see how safe it was. And then he had another idea.

"Little rabbit, wanna help your brother?" He asked after whirling her around.

"Yes, of course!" She immediately paid attention.

"Here's what we're going to do." Hui Gai whispered something in her ear and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Look Rumi!!" She yelled.

Hui Gai created another bubble around her. Then he tossed her into the water.

Lan Zhan caught her bubble and pushed her around, while she laughed and bounced around inside the bubble as it bobbled in the shallow waters.

Hui Gai was watching a fascinated Rumi who in turn couldn't take his eyes off his sister. He had already seen Lan Zhan in the water and wanted to go over to him. Hui Gai waited until he pointed animatedly towards the water.

"Okay, you're sure, right?" He made sure Rumi was happy and nodding before he picked him up and tossed him into the waters.

Rumi was having so much fun, bobbing up and down in the water, watching Li XiWang playing with her father. Lan Zhan played with both children equally, happy that Rumi was finally able to enjoy the sea like everyone else.

The little boy was smiling as broad as his mouth allowed, his pointy teeth shining against his red lips. It was a joy to see.

Klem and Oge were paddling in the shallows, and Hui Gai was looking after everyone.

Wei Ying surfaced and saw Lan Zhan playing with their kids, so he swam over. Li XiWang was pointing to the shore so Lan Zhan was helping her bubble navigate in that direction, free to do so because Wei Ying was there with Rumi.

The currents were strong under their feet, and as soon as Lan Zhan came out of the water, he pulled out a towel for both himself and his daughter.

He watched from the shore as the a particularly strong undercurrent dragged Rumi towards the shore and thought nothing of it, especially as Wei Ying was following.

But Klem pulled away from Oge just then, and ran towards the little boy inside the bubble. The moment she touched it, it dissolved and Rumi landed into the sea.

In that split second, Wei Ying was swimming as fast as he could towards his little boy, but as soon as Rumi touched the water, a force stronger than anything reverberated like a Sonic boom, the wave of pulsating energy blasting everything in its vicinity.

Lan Zhan had shielded Li XiWang by instincts alone, but as he turned to look towards the ocean, he saw a wall of water rise up behind Wei Ying as his body slammed into it with violent force.

His wings had curled around his body as a pure survival reaction, but Rumi looked horrified, his arms outstretched towards his father who was already sinking into the sea.



Don't hate me, I had this scene in my head from a long time ago...and besides, Cliffhangers are so much fun...


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