Chapter 97 Earth

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Hongse called her sisters back and selected a wide, relatively clear space on the ground.

"Let us perform Discovery." She told them.

"What's that?" Wei Ying asked, excitedly.

"Everything is connected to the Earth. Not only the trees and plants and flowers, but everything that depends on her for nourishment; that is why we call her Mother Earth. Our bodies when they are cremated turn to ash and return to their beginning, and while our souls are immortal, we can still show our gratitude to her for easing our way. She is where what we have borrowed will return. But she holds a secret too." Hongse winked at him.

She drew a large array upon the ground using her spiritual energy. Wei Ying recognised some of the characters and when he looked at Lan Zhan, that same expression was mirrored on his face, though others may not be able to tell.

Dunshi and Xiao Zei were watching from a distance and Master Dashi was singing to himself and performing a little dance.

Hongbaoshi stood at the North Point of the array and Xinghong positioned herself at the west, while Chihong waited at the southern tip. Hongse stood on the Eastern Point. All four Flowers of Venus were alert, awaiting further instructions.

"Mother Earth has an ancient name: Vasundara. There are incantations that awaken our connection to her. In this way, we can access the vibrations within her body, that pass through all things. Bats as you know, send out little clicks to determine where their prey is, or any obstacles in their flight, similarly, we can tune into the vibrations deep within and sense where the most density lies. This makes it possible to determine where there might be mountains. I'm guessing that the Ring of Fire formation of mountains would have quite an impact on the earth, therefore should be easier to locate."

Hongse nodded to her sisters to signal that she was ready.

All four of them held a palm above the other of their hands with a space in between as if they were holding an invisible ball. The array on the ground began to glow red as they connected to it, and a blue energy thread from each one blasted towards the centre of the array.

The mandala array was pierced with their combined energies and turned blue, as all four sisters closed their eyes and concentrated in earnest.

Wei Ying was watching them, but a movement on the side had him glancing towards it; Master Dashi was kneeling on the ground with his backside in the air, and his ear to the earth. He had the most peaceful smile on his face.

Just seeing that made Wei Ying happy.

Master Dashi was quite the character. While he appeared to be quite loopy, his spirits were always high and it was a joy to have him within their group. But Wei Ying always felt a little sorry for him.

How tragic was his story, that in wanting to save his disciple, he had ended up in the Nether world and consequently lost his mind? Nobody was sure how it had happened, but Venator had claimed he was like this when they had first met.

His smile grew as the Earth began to vibrate and the array started to hum with a quiet power. The sisters began sending out energy pulses far and wide.

It was disconcerting to feel each pulse as it went through their bodies, almost like being recharged. Wei Ying could feel his meridians awakening, responding to the outside stimulation, and as he was holding Lan Zhan's hand, the pulsating vibrations were going through both of them at the same time too.

Hongse must have found something because she changed their incantations and the array went back to its original red colour. Beads of sweat from their exertion dotted on their foreheads as each sister slowly disconnected herself from the mandala.

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