03 〤 fire fist

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You came across another restaurant and couldn't help but eavesdrop because you have a very inquisitive mind. "Hey, what's up, everyone?"

"Someone has died in the restaurant!" Exclaimed a person.
"It appears that he has died while having a conversation with the chef of the restaurant!"

While watching the scene in front of them, the individuals murmured to themselves. When you peered inside the restaurant, you noticed a tall muscular young man with curly black hair who is also quite attractive.

You walked into the restaurant and sat down, doing your usual 'observation' before ordering your food from one of the waiters. When you looked at the scene, you weren't particularly impressed, but you were mildly amused. A voice called out as you were observing your surroundings. "Oh, I fell asleep." He yawned before speaking.

"You were asleep?!" They yelled.

"That's ridiculous! You were in the middle of a conversation!" Exclaimed one man, "and now he's eating again!" "What's all this commotion, anyway?" You chuckled quietly, covering your mouth with your right hand as he turned to face the crowded restaurant.

"We were worried about you!"

"Does this restaurant do comedy skits or something?" Your food arrived just as you were starting to eat, and you gave Yuri some water and meat, which he devoured in an instant; he must be hungry.

"No, it's not like that. But it's good you're okay." The chef replied, and you burst out laughing when he fell asleep again, "Hey, now! Don't sleep again!" He snored loudly on his food, reminding you of your brother, Izumi. A brother who always ate like a child who hasn't eaten for days, however, he was one of the people you hated as well. The mortals' faces were etched with astonishment. When it became clear that the man was only sleeping, the crowd dispersed for a few moments.

"Just a false alarm..."
"Aw, so he wasn't dead after all?"

It appears that a certain marine arrived just in time. You've finished your meal, and Ace has as well. He didn't seem to notice you, which isn't a problem. He exclaimed happily, "That hit a spot. Say, Mister." He began, and you were fully engaged in their conversation at this point. "Yeah?!"

He asked, as he displayed a bounty of Monkey D. Luffy, "Has this guy been in town?" You knew who this man was; he was the captain you met. He was surrounded by wonderful crew members. "He wears a straw hat and is a pirate..."

"I'm impressed you're brave enough to eat out in public..." He said, turning around to look at Smoker, who was amused to be on the same land as you. "...Whitebeard Pirates' Second Divisiom Commander...Portgas D. Ace!" He exclaimed as he turned to face you, who was looking at him with an unreadable expression. He continued, "The Lethal Shadow, Morana D. Y/N! A lone-wolf pirate with a 750 million belly bounty!" Ace gazed at your figure and exclaimed, 'What a goddess! I'm surprised I didn't notice earlier!'

"Yo, Smokey." You called out, smiling at his irritated expression. "Wh-whitebeard?! The Whitebeard Pirates?! A-and, The Lethal Shadow?! As in Morana D. Y/N?!" Exclaimed the chef, horrified. The people's attention had shifted to both of you, and the majority of them either gasped in surprise or bolted. Smoker inquired, "What are well-known, big-shot pirates doing in this country?"

Ace set his mug down and replied, "I'm searching... for my little brother!" Before turning around to face Smoker. "FOOD PLACE!!!" Luffy yelled as he dashed towards the restaurant at full speed. "What the heck is that?! There's a strange odor in the way!!"

"Oh! There's one! There's a food place!" He exclaimed with a grin on his face.

The restaurant was deafeningly quiet as Smoker and Ace locked gazes. "Did you guys perhaps fell in love at first sight? That's awful... I didn't realize that you were into males, Smoke-kun." You winked as your fedora covered your other eye. The eye of Smoker twitched in your direction. "Shut up, you stupid mutt pirate!" Exclaims Smoker, clearly uninterested in your nonsense.

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