30 〤 not safe any longer

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You heard birds chirping, and Chopper came to you and Wyper once he saw your state. "You're right! Their bodies are crumbling down to the bones; this is terrible!" exclaimed the ship's doctor. "Y/N-swan!!! TREAT HER IMMEDIATELY CHOPPER!" demanded Sanji, the reindeer nodded.

"And as for the guerrillas, we don't owe him anything." The cook added. "Yeah. I don't really know why, but it seemed like they were going all out, so..."

While you cursed bitterly at the pain, Chopper came to your aid. "Chopper!" you yelled, and he shrieked and flinched in response, but he continued to assist you. You overheard the young girl say, "Um... Is he going to be okay, Raccoon-Doggy?" She asked, trying to hold back a laugh.

He yelled, "I'm a reindeer! Look, I have antlers! Don't laugh, Y/N!" "Gomen!" you exclaimed, laughing. "Don't worry, he'll make it," he reassured you as you smiled at the young girl. She flinched as you reached out to pat her on the head.

"You're one brave girl." You smiled, removing your hands from her head.

"Th-thank you..."

"Yoo-hoo!" You heard a certain captain call out, making you perk up. "Luffy!"

When Sanji realized you were watching, he quickly removed the hearts from his eyes. Nami was fully dressed in your jacket, which you noticed. Luffy, too... He was chewing meat. Conis cried out, "Everyone! I'm glad you're all okay!"

"I was worried, but I couldn't do anything." She bowed to you. "I'm glad you're alright hime-sama!" She intertwined her hands with yours, while you sweat dropped.

"Is that food, you guys? Where'd you get it?" Zoro asked, pointing at the big bag. "We found the priests' food storage on our way back through the forest." Nami answered truthfully.

You noticed Conis was frowning at the mention of her father. "Conis-san." Her father appeared behind her. "Conis..."

"Hey, we're talking about you!" The crew yelled except for you and Robin. "I'm sorry I'm still alive!"

You watched their reunion, and when you weren't looking, Robin scooted closer to you, but you were aware of what she was doing. It's late at night, and you've ended up at a party. You tried to flee, but Robin snatched you up and snuggled into the crook of your neck.

While you drank water, Robin chuckled and smiled. They were all laughing and smiling, but you were frowning. You stuttered at the archaeologist, "S-stop crushing me, y-you woman..."

It was late at night, and you could hear Nami and Luffy's voices. They've jolted the whole place awake. With Chopper on your back, you were seated between Sanji and Usopp. What are these idiots doing up late, you yawned?

You were dressed in a new outfit that Robin had given you. "What is this? It's so tight..." you cried out, only to be ignored. A Poneglyph stood in front of you. "Could it be... both of you are able to read those characters?"

The people stared at you both in silence. "Poseidon, the ancient weapon named after a God... it's whereabouts." You were still on the ground trying to remove the hands from your mouth.

"Just as we thought, this was a disappointment." You and her walked away from the Poneglyph since it wasn't the one that she wanted to know. "Hey! Aren't those the same kind of characters' on that engraving next to it?!" A man questioned.

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