40 〤 partner

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They were arguing and you were getting a headache because they wouldn't stop talking. You were so close to snapping, but Chopper beat you to it just as you were about to let out your rage. The reindeer began, "I think your logic makes more sense, but Dr. Hogback has abandoned his life of glory to delve into his research."

"Just maybe, miracles of that scale have been happening on this island!"

"Hey, are you serious...?"

"Aren't you putting a bit too much faith in that man?" Nami asked, while you stayed silent. "Dr. Hogback is a truly wonderful man! I respect him! You're the one being rude! Don't accuse the doctor of conspiring with zombies if you can't back up your claim!"

"Even if I can't, everything is pointing in that direction! The doctor is the Zombie King!"

"Knock it off, arguing will get us to nowhere. Get that inside your stupid little heads." You stood in front of them with an unreadable expression on your face. "Anyway, let me talk to the doctor. Is that acceptable, Y/N?"

He didn't wait for your response before turning away from the rest of the crew. "It's true that I'm only going on instinct, but everything about this place is creepy..." She trailed behind the three, while you stayed behind looking at the picture first.

Screams could be heard from afar, but you were lost and couldn't find your way back. This mansion is truly enormous! The three members were on the lookout for you, but they were distracted by the strange things that were chasing them.

The clock was ticking and you had no luck at all. "Well, the clock has struck midnight... Don't count on escaping us, foolish pirates!" A certain woman stated, a parasol on her hand.


You weren't sure where you were, and you were separated from the trio, but that didn't bother you because they could look after themselves. Right? It won't be long before you see them again.

You came across a lively room as you wandered off. It was adorned with a plethora of pink and adorable items... but most importantly, you saw a young woman floating with a parasol in her hand?

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I need some assistance—" You didn't finish because a ghost flew right through you. "Ha! What a foolish pirate! Bow down." She smirked, but when nothing happened, she frowned.

You awkwardly scratched your hair, tilting your head to the side. "Uhm... if you don't mind—"

"Shut up! Now that I think about it, you're kind of cute." The compliment caught you off guard, and you stepped back a little. "Oh? Where do you think you're going? You'll be the perfect partner for me!" she joked as she grabbed your wrist.

"Huh? There's no way I'd marry you." you said as you pushed her away and took a step back. "You have no right to push me like that!" "What do you mean?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

She clenched her fists around her chest and bit her lower lip hard. "D-don't say things like that! How could you forget?" she exclaimed, her cheeks puffing out and her arms crossed like a child.

She laughed and hugged your right side as you stared at the strange stuffed toy in front of you. "Don't worry, I forgive you!" she said as she laughed and hugged your right side. You drew your arm back slowly and walked past her. "I'll leave if you can't help me."

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