54 〤 his grave

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Hancock clutched the newspaper in horror as she stared; her sisters blinked, their temples sweating at their sister's silence. "Mari, Sonia!" Screamed Hancock, crushing the newspaper in her hand and clenching her teeth, glaring at her sisters who shrieked.

"Wh-what is it né-sama?"
"Do you realize what this newspaper says?! It says my beloved wife has died in battle! This is absolutely absurd!"

She turned her entire body towards them, raising her voice. She paused for a moment before biting her bottom lip. "I should've stayed with her the whole time!" She quickly turned around and pressed both palms against her cheeks.

"How about we sail out to meet that magma bastard so I can beat his arse?! He had no right to even touch my wife!" As she regained her posture and began to walk out of her bedroom, her softened expression became stoic.

"W-wait, Ne-sama!" Both of her sisters shouted.
"There's no need for that, actually." A voice said, prompting the three to turn around, only to be met by a person dressed in a black coat that flowed with the wind, their fedora covering their eyes as they held a smirk.

"Who are you?!"
Hancock took a quick step forward, furrowing her brows and placing two fingers on her lips. You stood up and tilted your hat so they could see your glowing red and e/c optics. "Yo."

Hancock's cheeks immediately flared up as the three widened their eyes. "Honey!" Mari and Sonia's temples were sweating as they saw Hancock's body fill with hearts as she ran up to you and hugged you.

She quickly realized what she had done and removed herself from you, but her cheeks were flushed. You gave her a puzzled look before waving to the two sisters, who nodded slowly.

"What're you doing here, y/n...?" Hancock mumbled shyly, refusing to meet your eyes and you replied with, "I'm just visiting... how are you? Plus I am looking for someone. Luffy and the others are still on the fishman island."

She made a happy noise and covered half of her face, giving her the appearance of a tomato. "You're visiting... me? I can now die in peace!" She muttered as she fell to her knees, her back turned around as her snake looked at her with concern.

"Well... only for a little while because my captain needs his crew mate after all." You laughed as you exited her bedroom, followed by the three. "Do you have any food?" You inquired, and before Sonia or Mari could respond, Hancock rushed up and said, "We do, but they're not cooked; if you want, I'd do it." She smiled, and you nodded.

"That's fine."
"Do you need help with that, Ne-sama?"
"Keep your hands off my beloved's food! Do you want me to cut off your hands?!"
"Well, she's back to herself now..."

When you slammed the door open, the women on the island perked up and stared at the person, their jaws wide open. "It's y/n-sama! She's returned!" They murmured and nodded as you walked over to the seat where no one was sitting.

You closed your eyes but heard some slight movements and sensed someone sitting beside you; you opened your eyes when they replied, "I saw the newspapers two years ago, and I really thought you were dead, y/n."

"M-Marguerite?!" You stammered, your cheeks showing a slight pink tint as Marguerite leaned forward and asked, "Are you okay? Have you got a fever?" She inquired, placing her hand on your forehead before you slapped her hand away.

"Of course I'm fine!"
"As expected from y/n-sama!"
"Where is Luffy-sama, then?"

"Luffy's on the fishman island, I just came here to pay a visit." You said as you drank from a cup and women began to encircle you. "I see, may I hold your katana?" "I want to touch them first!" Someone inquired before being interrupted by another.

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