52 〤 fishman island

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Robin quickly used her abilities to push the ship back before the Kraken could collided the ship on a massive rock. "They did great." Luffy said as you and the monster trio looked on. "All right, it's my turn!"

As you watched Luffy from your bubble, you heard him say, "Third Gear!" Your temple began to sweat as he took up a lot of space inside his bubble. "Because of the sea, I'm weak!"

You could only watch him struggle, so he furrowed his brows. "Damn that octopus! Is it trying to stop him?" Sanji enquired, his teeth clenched. "Blue Walk!"

You blinked as he stepped out of his bubble to accompany Luffy. When he landed a hit on the Kraken's tentacle, you clapped your hands together, but this only enraged the octopus, who raised his large tentacle high in the air.

"Three-Sword Technique; Crossing the Six Paths!" His own move cut the octopus' large tentacle into pieces. "The demon who rules the realm of water... So weak! I'm still going to get stronger!" mumbled the swordsman as you leaned back on your bubble, watching the show in front of you.

"Did you say something, No. 7?"
"I'll kill you!"
"Bring it on!"

"Hey, hey, Zoro! Sanji! You can't cut his arms! Y/N, watch me too!" exclaimed your captain, drawing your attention away from the two who had stopped fighting. "Gum-Gum... Elephant Gun!"

As you stare at the shark stuck in the octopus' grip, you let out an awkward chuckle. "A shark?" you wondered, as the monster trio pondered the same question.

"A shark?"
"Isn't that shark wearing something?"
"That's fairly big."

"What?" The shark nodded its head as if he was expressing his gratitude to the three. "Thanking us for helping him?"
"What a polite shark."

And then, it swam away.

As you stare down at the fallen octopus, you replied, "We're being drawn by the current..." "Luffy, let's go back to Sunny!" exclaimed the swordsman, and you agreed with a nod.

"Yeah!" But it was too late; you four were being sucked in while Luffy screamed and clutched onto your bubble. The ship was following you four from behind, and all you could think about was Luffy. "W-wait! Don't hold on to my bubble, Luffy!"

"No! What if you get lost?!"
"As if I'll get lost just like some green-haired idiot!"
"I heard that!"

"Isn't this fun, Y/N?" Luffy inquired as he laughed, and all you could do was try to break free from his grip. You screamed, "How can you say this is fun, you idiot!" before returning your attention to your current situation.

You slowly opened your eyes before rubbing your temples and blinking as you realized you and your other three companions were separated from the others. Your foot was planted on Zoro's face as he tried to fight back, trapping the other two inside your bubble.

"I can finally get a close look at Y/N-swan!" exclaimed Sanji, his eyes turning into hearts as Luffy waved at the crew with his free around your waist. "Hey!"

"Luffy! Y/N! Zoro! Sanji!"
"I'm glad that you're all alive!"
"What were you doing?!"

"Nami-san! Robin-Chan!" yelled Sanji as he pushed you further to the left, forcing you to place both palms on his chest. With his eyes closed, Zoro muttered, "You'll kill her, swirly brow."

Sanji blinked, his cheeks flushed, your gaze avoiding his, but this time he didn't have a massive nosebleed, just a drop of blood flowing down his nose. "You're gorgeous." he says as he embraces you, your cheeks flushed at the unexpected compliment.

"Can't you see she doesn't want you hugging her?!"
"L-let go!"
"Shut up, marimo!"

Zoro sighs and turns his back. "They're so high-maintenance. They got lost!"

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