37 〤 the chaotic couple

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You were supposed to return to the room after the party. "What's the deal, when the Franky Family went on such a rampage?" Zoro inquired, while Luffy ate as usual and the others sat practically listening while you sat beside your rubber captain.

"Perhaps your grandfather twisted the information by saying they were ordinary people who got dragged into the incident?" There was silence for a moment before the five of you waved your hands. "Well, I don't think he'd even consider it."

"I don't think he would, either." You narrowed your eyes as a picture of Aokiji flashed your mind. 'I bet it's Aokiji who did it. He's really difficult to figure out.'

"Looks like our bounties will go up again." Grinned Zoro.

"Whoa! D-do you think I'll get a bounty, too?" Chopper exclaimed happily as you whistled with your arms behind your head. "I bet it'll be 50 or something," you said, your gaze drawn to the reindeer out of the corner of your eye.

"Huh?! What?!" Shouted Luffy.

"Franky's building a ship for us?!"

"Oh, that's right. You were sleeping." Sanji answered.

"All right! I'm glad to hear that! Oi Y/N!!! We can finally set sail!" he exclaimed, raising his arms in the air. "Well... I'm not really looking forward to seeing the new ship," you shrugged, despite saying the opposite.

"Well, then, why don't we go shopping while we wait?" Nami grabbed your hands, and your right eye twitched as you realized there was no way out. When she opened the vault, she discovered that she only had a small amount of money left.

When she moved her hips to the side, you tried to be polite, but it got the best of you. "That's a strange dance." Luffy said next to Chopper. "Is that what you call a dance?"

She grabbed the remaining money and stormed at Luffy after a few seconds. She gave the captain a genuine smile. "Where did the 100 million Berries we had in here go?" she inquired as you approached the corner. "Oh, that. I gave it to them to buy meat and booze and other party supplies." the idiot captain replied quickly.

"Gave it to them? It was our money!"

"It was our party, wasn't it?"

She smacked her head against the iron vault, and you stopped her by grabbing her shoulder. "There's no turning back; what's done is done," you said as you crossed your arms. "But Y/N!" she exclaims as she spins around to face Luffy. "Hey! We don't have much left!"

"Yeah! I can imagine! In the end, everyone in town showed up! It was a real blast!" He laughed briefly before being punched, and you could see how badly his face was messed up.

"Well... we got a good deal with the ship, so there's no problem, right?" You knelt down in front of Nami, and let me tell you... You were terrible at comforting others. "I wanted to get gorgeous furniture for the ship..." She hugged you, your brow furrowed in embarrassment.

Robin knelt down as well, slowly pushing her back away from you. "Let's go look for a bargain..." She smiled at the navigator and jealously hugged your arm. "Oh, Nami! I'm going out to have some fun, so give me some spending money."

"@#$%&!!!" You couldn't even understand what she was saying... at all. "You're not getting anything!!!" She then punched your idiot captain. "Yes, ma'am!"

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