58 〤 aim for the devil fruit

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"I thought they were held captive by the Master!"
"Good! Everyone's inside!"
"Now, what should I do with my heart?"
"I'm getting excited!"
"I'm getting... bored."

You looked down at Zoro and the others, who were relieved to be alive but panicked because they had to cut the iron door open in order to get in. You stood there watching as the lowlifes carried out the iron that had been separated from the others in order to avoid being killed by the gas.

They were successful in some way. What a pity; you wanted them to die in some way so you could examine their figures as if they were statues in a museum, but that wasn't possible, was it?

"Oh, it's starting down there!" Luffy exclaimed as you leapt onto the railing and drew your sword from its sheath. "What? You're going to fight?" Luffy asked, clutching his hat and staring at you, who didn't even look at him and had a frown on your face.

"It doesn't matter, they're going to die anyways..." You smirked, letting out a short chuckle before sheathing your sword back on, realizing that they will die in some time later. The vision says so.

"You two, don't stand in my way or in his people's, understood?"
"Everybody here, listen! Including you, Morana-ya, I know you'll just slack off and not obey the plan I will be giving you as well."
"Shut up, Trafalgar, you're such a nuisance."

He sighs before continuing back to his mission, "Now, outside of this laboratory is filled with the poison gas but there is one passage that could lead you directly to the sea bypassing the air outside!"

You closed your eyes and leaned back against the railing, his voice gradually fading. You walked away from the people without thinking because you could hear their footsteps fade away as well.

"Get out of my way... you, navy people, are merely nuisances!" You yelled as they charged at you at full speed, but you vanished into thin air, only to reappeared in the middle, their swords slashed in half.

Although it was not your area of expertise at the time, their expressions were priceless. They came to a halt as they stared at your figure, who said nothing but let out a breath as the sound of your sword sheathed. "Show no mercy, men! She has wreaked havoc on the government, and she still has no title but a bounty of 830 million berry!"

You frowned as you watched the tip of their swords fall to the ground. "How about we make a deal? I'll go this way and you'll go that way, and you'll have lived another day unless you're asking for... death."

You let out an amused chuckle as you stare back at the people who had fallen and slowly turned intoxicated by the gas. "Too bad... I want to take further look at your bodies but... I have to go and catch up."

You calmly walked inside the next gate before it closed, you could hear your crewmates pleadings and they successfully made it as they landed in front of you. "Y/n-sama!" Robin smiled and you could only crack a smile at her before you walked passed them, conversing to one another.

It's too hot to be wearing coats inside the lab, so you gradually removed your own, leaving you with a decent outfit you have chosen.

Halfway there, you came to a halt once you noticed an unfamiliar figure standing at the entrance of the gate. "And... where do you think you're going?" They asked, and you took one step forward which made them fully turn around to face you.

"Get out of my way..." You mumbled, activating your armament haki as well as the marks under your eyes on each sides began to open as now four eyes were to be seen in your face. "What such ugly eyes... are you even a human?" They questioned with a taunting smirk.

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