09 〤 parting ways

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"So hot... Water..."

"Thanks, Zoro. This heat is too much for me..."

"Don't be polite. It's suffocating," Zoro said. You looked at Luffy, who had the driest skin you'd ever seen. You looked for your water bottle, which was lying on the side of your backpack. You grabbed it and hurled it in the direction of Luffy.

Luffy perked up and quickly grabbed the jar. He looked at you, perplexed, as he examined it. You smiled as you patted his head. "Please drink, Luffy; I don't want you to get any dryer than you already are," you said as you walked away and began to whistle.

He silently questioned why you are willing to give him your jar as he looked at your form. He didn't know if he wanted to do it yet. Luffy crouched down, holding his stomach, after a strange feeling entered his stomach. The boys noticed something strange about your behavior toward Luffy.

Luffy drank from the bottle quickly, leaving some for you. "Are you okay, Luffy?" Zoro inquired. They looked at you, who was walking ahead of them all, with Yuri close behind. "Yeah. I'm fine." "How far did you go, Nami-san?! That side of you is also wonderful!"

"Tsunami!" Luffy shouted.

"What now?"

"—A tsunami's coming!" He added.

"—What's going on, Luffy?!"


"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all?" Usopp muttered.

"What wasn't a good idea?" Chopper asked.

"I told him not to, but he said he couldn't stand it because he was so thirsty, so he chomped down on some cactus growing back there," he explained. "But... I gave him some of my water, how come he's gone insane? Isn't the water I gave him insufficient?" you asked, standing next to him.

Usopp stumbled backwards, before yelling at you. "D-don't do that!"

"Don't do what?"

"Are you sure you gave him some water? It looks like he's lost it."

"Oh yeah, look over there," he said as you ran towards Luffy in the direction he was pointing. "Luffy, stop!" you yelled, but he continued to pacing back and forth, making you even more nervous.

Chopper explained, making you gasp in terror, "Those are mezcal cacti! They're used to make hallucination drugs!" "What?!"

"Oh no!" Luffy screamed as he visioned a tsunami taking over them. "We're gonna drown!"

"Luffy, hold on!" you yelled as you snatched his wrist. "All right, go for it if you dare!"

"He's gone insane!" you exclaimed as he attempted to hit you with something. You fall backwards, your body slamming into the sand. "Ah! Y/N-san!" Sanji exclaimed as he approached you. He extended his hand to assist you in rising, and you smiled as you graciously accepted his offer.

"Thank you, Sanji."

"Ah! No problem, Y/N-san, anytime!" he shouted, his eyes turning into hearts as he performed his noodle love dance. With his arms crossed, Zoro was having none of it. "Tch, get lost." "Huh?! Marimo, what were you saying?!"

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