39 〤 through the darkness

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You were looking forward to the next island the night before, but you were forced to stay in your room for a few days. You twirled around in front of the mirror to make sure your outfit was perfect for you.

It was a plain black dress with a mid-thigh length. To cover up the exposed skin, you had to wear knee socks, and on top of that, you wore boots. Your hair? You simply left it that way. You didn't mind because you didn't have anyone to impress.

You sighed in irritation when you heard a knock. "What do you want?" you raised your voice as you fixed your cravat in place. Your stern expression staring menacingly in the mirror. They let themselves in with a squeaking sound.

"Get out."

They stared at your body with their arms crossed. "You have to eat breakfast, Robin ordered me to get you, and I had no choice but to come in." you turned around, recognizing the swordsman's voice.

"Then out." Sauntering forward you grabbed his forearm and pushed him out of your room. "What are you—" Slamming the door in front of his face he let out a breath at your mood.

'These brats are so annoying.' You thought as you exited your cave and gazed up at the sunny weather after a few minutes of staring at yourself. "Oh! Y/N!" Luffy exclaimed, waving at you, but you didn't reciprocate.

He muttered to Usopp, who shrugged his shoulders, "What's with her?" "I don't know," he admitted honestly, "But I heard light noises coming from her room late at night." The captain was intrigued.

When you opened the door, you were greeted by Sanji, who smiled. With a blush on his face, he asked, "Good morning, Y/N-swan! What would you like for breakfast?" "Anything will do, but please include a cup of tea." you said calmly as you sat in your chair.

"Of course!!!"

"Y/N-swan!!! Apologies for the delay!" he said as he placed your waffles with blueberries and strawberries in front of you. You quickly mutter a stutter that he interprets as a 'thank you,' and he smiles.

He didn't want to appear creepy by staring at you, so he left you alone to eat your food. He'd never felt so alive before. Butterflies flitted around inside his stomach, and your rosy lips flushed at the thought... He has no idea. But he knew it was an incredible sensation.

It became rainy all of a sudden, which made you smile. You've always preferred the bleak world. It instantly makes you feel better. When you slammed the door open, you noticed that the crew was struggling to maintain their balance.

You, on the other hand, were expertly standing up with no difficulty. You stood out from the crowd. You deadpanned at the sea water splashing on you, and gritting your teeth in rage, you calmed yourself down by strangling the first person you saw, which was sadly Usopp...

Regaining their balance, he continuously tapped your hand to stop you from killing him. "P-p-please don't kill me..." He mumbled, his tongue out of his mouth to which you grossed at.

"Disgusting," you said, as you tossed him over your shoulder, only for him to be hit so hard by the water that he passed out. Nami commanded, "Guys, take in the sails!"

She screamed, "Y/N! Help them!" "Stop being so loud; I could clearly hear you and I refuse to carry out your order..." you stated flatly. Thunder rumbled near the ship, and you dashed towards it.

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