46 〤 Ace, hang on

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You sat on a snake's head with Luffy beside you. "Luffy, Y/N!" "You guys, thank you for everything! We'll be back with our friends!" He grinned, whilst you always held your usual stoic infamous glare. "Your friends?" She repeated.

"Yes! I'll have Sanji to cook for you. He's a great cook! You'll be surprised! And there's a skeleton who's a musician! His name is Brook and when he sees a girl, he always tries to see her panties!" He laughed.

"And there is a reindeer called Chopper and... Oh, but is it possible? You already met Y/N. My wife!" He laughed once again only to be smacked on the head by you. "Be quiet. I'm not your wife, you dumbass." You grunted, as your captain waved it off.

He laughed before winking at your direction. "Don't worry! I'll make you fall for me!"

"Nami and Robin are okay but men..." You trailed, opening your eyes to stare at the three. "They'll make an exception for your friends."

"Snake Princess seems to favor you." Sweet Pea says, locking eyes with you. "We'll look forward to seeing them!"

"Who put these things here? They're in my way!" She kicked the animals out of the red carpet as you sweat dropped. "Please be careful."

"Hey, sorry to put you on such short notice! Snake lady, we want to leave as soon as possible." Narrowing your eyes at her as Luffy's hold tightened around your waist. 'Don't look at her at the eyes!'

"No, Y/N! It's rude to call her that!" Marguerite yelled.

"Call her Snake Princess!" She added.

"You can call me Hancock." She looked away from you, she didn't mind Luffy's hand around you since he was your friend but if he goes beyond the line, chaos might happen. "Alright, I got you... Ham... -mock."

"It's Hancock." She says, not meeting your eyes.

"S-Snake Princess is smiling!"

"A woman in love! I was once like that..." The granny replies.

"What's wrong, Granny Nyon?! That face is so creepy!"


"We'll see you, Luffy, Y/N!"

Luffy waved to them, but you're facing the opposite direction. "Y/N, Luffy! I hope you can see your friends!" Marguerite's voice made you perk up, and blush crept up your cheeks as your hood covered half of your face.

"Y-yeah..." You mumbled, cracking a small, shy smile.

Luffy was hugging your back while you were hugging Hancock's. I understand how ridiculous it may appear, but we'll just treat it as Hancock's main love interest. "Wishing you the best of luck in battle, Snake Princess!"

"Take care, Y/.."

"I'm going now. I'll leave the country in your hands while I'm gone."


Walking past her Luffy's stomach roared in hunger. "People may fear you as a pirate empress but after all, you're just human. When you are hungry, your stomach growls."

"Silence! As an empress, I have better manners than that..."

"Then, what was that..."

"That was me!"


"He could eat enough at the banquet since we were being chased by all those girls." "I will ask for food later. Be patient for a while!" She commanded your captain. "Alright!"

"And it's getting hard to walk like this. Y/N... can you climb higher?"

"Like this?" You moved a little, causing her to moan a little. You motioned for Luffy to move as well so that he wouldn't drag you down with him, which he did. "Are you flushed? Do you have a fever?"

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