50 〤 promises

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Blinding yourself with a cloth, your mentor stands behind you with a sword in hand. "I know you've mastered your Haki years ago but sometimes, you let your guard down on the smallest things." He started as he stopped walking and raises the weapon high in the air.

"It's not my fault that my eyes always find the interesting things..." You remarked, only to be smacked on the head by the sword's handle. "Ouch!" As you rubbed your bump, you cursed.

"See what I mean?" He sighs as he swings his sword, attempting to sever your head, but you easily avoided it. He managed to cut a strand of your hair in a matter of seconds, making you gasp. "You parasite!—"

"It's just hair, they'll grow back—" You swung your sword at him before he could finish his sentence, but he ducked as you returned the favor by cutting a stray strand of his white hair, causing him to clench his teeth at you.

"You brat!" A vein popped out of his neck as his right eye twitched involuntarily when he saw you with a wide grin. "Oh, master, don't be concerned! They'll grow back in time!" As he hung his head low, you took a step backwards.

At the end of the day, he pursued you with his incredible speed while you cried out several apologies every time he landed a cut on you, which you didn't mind because you could regenerate, and you panted for breath as he stared at the sunset.

You said, leaning against a tree, "You're a devil." As you opened your eyes to stare at his taller figure, his hands intertwined behind his back, his long, white hair tied in a ponytail; he said, "They don't call me the legend for nothing."

You arched your brow and leaned forward to see his attractive, pale face. "I thought you didn't like being referred to as a parasite? You didn't tell me your name for years." He fiddled with his thumb before turning around to meet you.

"Demons like me does not have a name."
"Then, would you like to have a name?" He perked up and pushed back his hair before thinning his lips. "Anything would do."

You let out a small laugh before smiling at him, who stared at you with an unreadable expression before slowly averting your gaze. "Then... Aeolus?" When you didn't get a response, you lifted your head and drew one knee closer to your chest.

As his kimono swayed in the breeze, the beautiful rays of the setting sun fell on both of your figures. "I'd rather be called parasite because you're bad at naming." he said solemnly, making you huff and pout like a child.

"It doesn't matter anyway, you're just a piece of me." You replied as you flipped your hair and stood up. "And you're a part of me, and will always be." He walked towards you and snatched your wrist.

"After all, we're just one person." he said as he slowly sucked himself into your body, beginning with your hand, a smile on his face as your eyes were met by horizon as birds flew pass you.

Finally, the last day has arrived, and you find yourself staring back at your mentor, with silence filling the room. "I want to master my magic." you said confidently, but he didn't respond or move, instead he narrowed his eyes further more.

"You're not ready." He said as you slammed your palm on the ground. "Why?!" your lips trembled as you spoke, clutching his sleeves, and he sighed as his optics stared down at you.

"You're such a crybaby." he says as he creates a portal that causes you to turn around. Your hand is still on his sleeves, but it loosens as he stands up and grabs you by the back of your shirt, pulling you inside the portal with him.

"We only have a week left, and you've grown..."He trailed off as he looked down at you before turning away. "In size." You blinked before looking down; you've grown a little taller, which you're glad about, but let's not go any further.

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